
#What kind of signal does the official release send to the catering market #Since the new crown epidemic, the most affected is definitely the catering market. Fearing the spread of the epidemic, people choose to eat together as little as possible. This also makes


#What kind of signal does the official release send to the catering market # Since the new crown epidemic, the most affected is definitely the catering market. Fearing the spread of the epidemic, people choose to eat together as little as possible. This has also caused the performance of catering enterprises to decline, and some catering enterprises have even closed their doors.

In 2021, the revenue of the catering industry increased by 18.6% over the previous year, down 1.1% from 2019, and down an average of 0.5% in two years. The scale of catering consumption has not yet recovered to the pre-epidemic level, but the total market value of 4.7 trillion yuan is close to the scale of 2019.

The 14 departments issued a document emphasizing the guidance of takeaway platforms to lower the service fee standards of merchants in the catering industry, reduce the operating costs of catering enterprises, and give preferential service fees to merchants for catering enterprises in high-risk areas of the epidemic. The state also strictly restricts local governments from shutting down catering enterprises without authorization due to the epidemic, which is a reassuring pill for the operation of catering enterprises. Headlines hit list

#What kind of signal does the official release send to the catering market #Since the new crown epidemic, the most affected is definitely the catering market. Fearing the spread of the epidemic, people choose to eat together as little as possible. This also makes
#What kind of signal does the official release send to the catering market #Since the new crown epidemic, the most affected is definitely the catering market. Fearing the spread of the epidemic, people choose to eat together as little as possible. This also makes
#What kind of signal does the official release send to the catering market #Since the new crown epidemic, the most affected is definitely the catering market. Fearing the spread of the epidemic, people choose to eat together as little as possible. This also makes