
Suffered from depression and obsessive-compulsive disorder for more than ten years! Thanks to these 2 methods, I have been recovering for more than a year

author:Psychological counselor Liu Xing
Suffered from depression and obsessive-compulsive disorder for more than ten years! Thanks to these 2 methods, I have been recovering for more than a year

Speaking of my depression and obsessive-compulsive disorder, it was like having a nightmare, waking up from the dream, and I was born again! The experience of purgatory is vivid, and I still vividly remember the scene where I trapped my hands on the head of the bed and curled up and cried until I couldn't get up.

My obsessive-compulsive disorder is mainly manifested in thoughts, very anxious, such as seeing the news on TV, afraid that I will learn the bad guys' practices and hurt my family; when I see a knife, I am afraid of cutting my family with a knife; I am afraid of losing control and hitting people; I never dare to go to the street alone. Anything can be linked to the bad, and the worst can always be thought of. I am particularly afraid of the extreme thoughts that suddenly arise, and now I am afraid of association, afraid of becoming mentally ill.

As soon as that fear and that kind of strength came up, it would drown me out at once, and my whole being would go crazy. As Li Hongfu's book "Overcoming Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder" said, compulsive people can have compulsions on all things and all things they pay attention to.

Suffered from depression and obsessive-compulsive disorder for more than ten years! Thanks to these 2 methods, I have been recovering for more than a year

My family has always been unable to understand, thinking that I am idle at home, it is a problem of idleness, and it is good to go out and earn money. I can't screw them, can only go out, find a laundry room job, once saw a colleague put the mobile phone next to the dirty clothes, I was afraid that the mobile phone was contaminated, he took the mobile phone, and then talked to me, the brain "buzzed" in an instant, felt that he was also contaminated, the bacteria on the dirty clothes ran to themselves, and they did not dare to go home, afraid of passing it on to their families. A person washed in the bathhouse outside for several hours, his skin was blistered and white, wrinkled, and then he went home with a hard scalp.

Never dare to go out again.

Others say that they don't hit the south wall and don't turn back, but for obsessive-compulsive disorder, they don't dare to go back when they hit their heads and break their blood, and they keep running forward. Looking back now, this is running forward, being forced to chase and fight! After staying for a long time, the consciousness of forced confrontation was almost consumed, and just when I wanted to give up, I saw Morita Therapy, that feeling, like a good friend I hadn't seen for many years, he said it all, he said it, I knew it, it was very kind, and I felt that I was going to get better completely!

That's how it goes against the grain. I followed Morita's therapy and went with the flow, and when I saved myself a little bit, I forced myself to focus on it, and I fell into a "dead end" that I didn't know what was going with the flow, and whether I had gone with the flow. I knew I was probably going to lose again.

The best part is this: I didn't give up!

Suffered from depression and obsessive-compulsive disorder for more than ten years! Thanks to these 2 methods, I have been recovering for more than a year

Just when I was confused and confused, I saw an article about depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder treatment, the author himself used to be major depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, the feeling of fear he described deeply stung me, he was like another me, the text said that obsessive-compulsive disorder, depression (neurosis) stems from unhealthy way of thinking, which I agree with, because I am deeply sensitive, suspicious, inferior personality suffers, know the importance of changing thoughts, changing thinking.

Since he can get rid of it completely, so can I. I bought two books, "Overcoming Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder" and "Emotional Self-Help", and in my practice, I found that the Method of Stopping and Seeing The Law of Breathing coincided with Morita's natural path. I mainly practice "the same thing" during the day, and this exercise teaches me to get rid of what gets my attention, to do marker training, and then to improve my mind's concentration on the present moment, especially when forced thoughts arise. After more than a month, I felt my compulsion much lighter.

I mainly do it at night, this method is particularly magical, it seems that nothing is done, it feels like breathing, but it is invisibly solving the problem. At first, the practice was always headaches, itching, farts, all of which felt, as the book says, "is a healing process." "If there is no explanation in the book, I am afraid it will be difficult for me to insist!"

Suffered from depression and obsessive-compulsive disorder for more than ten years! Thanks to these 2 methods, I have been recovering for more than a year

After more than four months of practice, I finally got out of obsessive-compulsive disorder and depression, which was a taste: ups and downs, doubts, and even wanted to give up, fortunately I persevered! Here are two suggestions for patients who are still in pain:

First, keep using force. One moment can not do it naturally, a moment to do a good job of the stop method, the method of observation, it does not matter, continue to work hard, no one has superpowers, you are still suffering, may be the degree of effort is low, it is not the turn to fight talent.

Second, be good at training your own mind. Physical and mental nourishment, working the body, is actually the process of nourishing the heart and correcting the heart.

The cure for obsessive-compulsive disorder and depression is actually a character grind and a self-cultivation. I can beat obsessive-compulsive disorder, and so can you! Come on!