
Snapdragon 845 Android phone modified into a "game handheld", how many points do you score for this shape?

For handheld enthusiasts, they must have heard the big name of GBA, NDS, PSP, PSV, and now any Android phone with the simulator can perfectly simulate these handheld masterpieces, so there is a big god to transform an Android phone into a "game handheld".

Snapdragon 845 Android phone modified into a "game handheld", how many points do you score for this shape?
Snapdragon 845 Android phone modified into a "game handheld", how many points do you score for this shape?

The above seemingly normal "handheld" is actually modified with an antique Android phone from four years ago, as if the processor is a Snapdragon 845. In addition, the machine did not use the screen that came with the mobile phone, but used a separate 4:3 screen, because the handheld games of that year were all in this ratio.

Snapdragon 845 Android phone modified into a "game handheld", how many points do you score for this shape?
Snapdragon 845 Android phone modified into a "game handheld", how many points do you score for this shape?

In terms of performance, this modified handheld can easily emulate traditional handhelds such as PSP, and even play games with antique home consoles such as PS2 and NGC, at least from the 3D screen looks no less than the current top Android games. The above game, I believe many people have played, but unfortunately the stand-alone game can not be networked, can not enjoy the "solo music is not as good as the crowd music" fast.

Snapdragon 845 Android phone modified into a "game handheld", how many points do you score for this shape?

In fact, this handheld is used to play GBA games is the most comfortable, this 2D screen does not look "outdated", and the playability of many games in the GBA is now part of the garbage game, the above Zelda is the high score of the year. But the question is, how many points do you score for the appearance of this modified handheld?

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