
The Manuscript of Zhang Yi was published

Recently, the "Manuscript of Zhang Yi" (I), compiled by the Wudi County Archives, was published to commemorate and commemorate Master Zhang, carry forward his patriotic spirit, and better protect and inherit precious archives.

The Manuscript of Zhang Yi was published

Zhang Bi (1911-1999), a well-known patriot without party affiliation, a native of Duanjia Village, Chewang Town, Wudi County, an outstanding representative of the mainland's 20th century architects, ranked first in the list of top ten design masters issued by the state in 1989, known as "Chinese architectural giants" and "national design masters", he presided over the design of hundreds of architectural design works such as the Great Hall of the People, the National Cultural Palace, the Friendship Hotel, the East Building of the Beijing Hotel, and the National Library. At the end of 1990, Zhang Bao, who was concerned about his hometown, finally embarked on the haunted hometown of Wudi and carefully designed the blueprints for the reconstruction of Haifeng Pagoda. On July 1, 1999, Zhang Died of Illness in Beijing. According to his last wishes, Zhang Bao's ashes were buried next to the tomb of the mother of the Zhang clan in Duanjia Village, Wudi County. In 2002, the Wudi County CPC Committee and the Wudi County People's Government established the "Zhang Di Memorial Hall" in order to feel zhang's love for the party, the country, and the hometown, and opened it to the public as part of the patriotic education base.

The Manuscript of Zhang Yi was published

Master Zhang Bi in his lifelong study, work has formed a large number of precious manuscripts and materials, the existence of Wudi County Archives is Zhang Bi's "Zhang Bi: My Architectural Creation Road" book original manuscript, Zhang Bi's "Memoirs" manuscript, etc., these original manuscripts, manuscripts condensed the master's painstaking efforts, and are orphaned, due to the poor quality of manuscripts and ink, is not conducive to long-term preservation, more suitable for use, Wudi County Archives then photocopied these manuscripts into hardcover, in a certain range of reading and use, The original manuscript will no longer be open to the public.

The Manuscript of Zhang Yi was published

"Zhang Bao: My Road to Architectural Entrepreneurship" describes the path Zhang Bi has traveled in architectural design for more than 60 years since he was admitted to the architecture department of Northeastern University in 1930, and Zhang Bi modestly wrote in the book "Writing in front": "If there is a little insight, it is also the party and the people who have paid a heavy price for me in the process of eating and learning. Whether or not I have gained, whether I have true insight or not, I am willing to return the foolishness of what I have gained to the people who have raised me and taught me. In this recollection I wrote, there is no element of bragging about myself. ”

The Manuscript of Zhang Yi was published

The book is divided into ten chapters, including "The Failed and Undevened Family", "Tortuous Academic Qualifications", "Experience in the Engineering Department of Kitai", "Practice in the Early Liberation Period", "Design and Criticism of friendship hotels", "Design and Conception of the Palace of National Culture", "The Beginning and End of the Construction of the Great Hall of the People", "The Confusion of the East Building of the Beijing Hotel", "The New Library Plan of the Beijing Library", "Thoughts on Residential Architecture", and "Visiting the United States". Zhang Bao: My Road to Architectural Creation was written by Zhang Bi in 1993 and has three editions: the first edition published by China Architecture and Building Press in 1994, the revised edition published by China Architecture and Building Press in 1997, and the updated edition published by Tianjin University Press in 2011.

In addition to the original manuscript (photocopy) of Zhang Bao's book "Zhang Bao: My Road to Architectural Creation", "Zhang Bao's Manuscript" (1) is accompanied by 28 precious material photos of Zhang Bi himself, his family and some architectural design works, living necessities, as well as "Zhang Bao's Resume", "Resume of The Main Members of the Zhang Yi Family", "The Main Works of Zhang Bao's Participation in Design after The New China", etc.

In 2021, Yang Baoheng, the former chairman of the Wudi County CPPCC Committee at the age of 89, wrote a preface and inscribed the title of the book for "Zhang Baoheng's Manuscript", and Mr. Yang Baoheng wrote affectionately in the "Preface" of "Zhang Bao's Manuscript": "... I met Mr. Zhang Bi during the reconstruction of Haifeng Pagoda from 1990 to 1992. Sir is the designer, I am responsible for the specific construction, get along with each other, deep feelings. In 1999, when Mr. Zhang Was seriously ill, I went to the hospital with the group to visit him. After his death, he participated in his memorial service and burial ceremony. Later, he went to his tomb several times to pay homage. When his "Return to Hometown - Memoirs of The Architect Zhang Wei" was published, I took this book with my friends to his tomb and burned it for sacrifice. Because of his deep respect for Mr. Zhang, looking at this manuscript is like seeing Mr. Zhang, surprise and sadness. For the county archives to sort out and print this batch of materials, I sincerely praise, so it is the preface. ”

The Manuscript of Zhang Yi was published

According to Liu Yong, editor-in-chief of the Compilation Committee of the Manuscript of Zhang Bi, the Manuscript of Zhang Bi was photocopied in three volumes, and the published Manuscript of Zhang Bi (I) was the original manuscript of the book "Zhang Bi: My Road to Architectural Creation" by Zhang Bi, and the manuscript of Zhang Bi (II), which was reviewing and collecting pictures, was the first draft of the book "Memoirs" by Zhang Bao, and the manuscript of Zhang Bi (III) was a copy of Zhang Bi's "Specific Guidance on Recalling the Beloved Premier Zhou's Planning and Design of the Great Hall of the People" and "The Spirit of the Times and the National Form" by Zhang Bao , Local Style" prints and some scattered handwriting. Editor-in-charge: Yang Mengzi