
【Voice of Education】Happy housework, glorious labor

【Voice of Education】Happy housework, glorious labor

This winter break is a special holiday, and the superiors have asked for the postponement of the start of the spring semester of 2022, and the children do not go out at home, do not party, do not hold and participate in centralized activities. So, after the postponement of the start of school, how to guide parents and young children to spend a warm and meaningful Spring Festival holiday at home? To this end, Zhao Jiawa Kindergarten responded to the call of the superior, actively practiced the concept of "strengthening the heart and health, Lide tree people", and issued the "Very Holiday Happy Together" initiative to parents for the first time, guiding children to spend parent-child time with their parents while striving to be "housework small experts"!

"I love my family, I am a member of the family, I want to contribute to the small family!" This unusually quiet Spring Festival has just become a good time for children to show their skills, they insist on "doing their own things" every day at the same time, but also to help parents do some housework within their capabilities - some fold clothes, fold quilts, some wash socks, brush shoes, and mop the floor, wipe the table, do a hot job, look decent!

【Voice of Education】Happy housework, glorious labor
【Voice of Education】Happy housework, glorious labor

These labors not only allow children to obtain direct life experience and master basic housework skills, but also for their individual development, whether it is muscular, whether it is feeling, whether it is experience, it is enriched and improved through "doing", so that they can develop a good habit of loving labor.

【Voice of Education】Happy housework, glorious labor

Piaget also stressed that children enhance their experience through interaction with their environment. Therefore, we should encourage parents to provide a good role model for their children, "evaluate things" with their children, and promote the healthy growth of children's physical and mental health in the process of continuous trial and error, thinking and summarizing experience. Children gain not only knowledge and skills, but also the good qualities of self-confidence, persistence, respect and love!

Contributed by: Zhao Jiawa Kindergarten Hu Juanjuan

Edit: Yu Xuan

Review: Yi Ling Ya Nan

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