
Buy an iPhone 13 or wait for an iPhone 14? After reading this, make a decision

author:Geek repair

At the beginning of the new year, Vientiane is renewed.

At this time, many people will choose to buy new machines, and various manufacturers will also use "all their strength" to shout, which can be described as "divine machine fight".

However, for small partners who need to get started with an iPhone, this point in time is very embarrassing.

Buy an iPhone 13 or wait for an iPhone 14? After reading this, make a decision

More than 5 months after the release of the iPhone 13, it is not a new machine, and the iPhone 14 is still in the "swaddling", at least need to wait for 7 months, although the iPhone SE3 is about to be released next month, but its aspects can not be compared with the flagship machine.

Buy an iPhone 13 or wait for an iPhone 14? After reading this, make a decision

The reason is that some fruit fans are worried that the iPhone 14 series surpasses the iPhone 13 series too much, after all, no one wants to love the machine for a long time to become a thing of the past.

Is it to buy 13 or wait for 14? After reading the following three points of analysis, I believe you will know how to choose!


Pursue a new look, such as the iPhone 14

If you are tired of a layer of unchanging bangs, then you don't have to tangle at all, just wait for the iPhone 14. Because of all indications, the iPhone 14 series will usher in an unprecedented update, and the ancestral bangs screen will be replaced by the digging screen, which is expected.

Buy an iPhone 13 or wait for an iPhone 14? After reading this, make a decision
Buy an iPhone 13 or wait for an iPhone 14? After reading this, make a decision

However, according to the latest revelations, only the high-end version of the iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 14 Pro Max have a cut-out screen design. The ordinary version of the iPhone 14 is still the same bangs of the iPhone 13, this bangs are 20% smaller than the previous generation, but for the "squeeze ointment" type of change, some fruit powder is not bought, which also makes the iPhone 14 pay close attention.


Budget less than 8,000 yuan, directly win the iPhone 13

If you don't have a lot of money, starting with the iPhone 13 today will be the best choice. Last year, Apple was quite sincere, under the strategy of "increasing the amount and reducing the price", the iPhone 13 was first launched from 5199 yuan, and in the past few months, the subsidies of major e-commerce platforms are various, and the price is also falling again and again, which can be bought early and enjoyed early.

Buy an iPhone 13 or wait for an iPhone 14? After reading this, make a decision

Due to the change in the appearance of the iPhone 14, it is expected to have a $100 increase per gear. If the budget is below 8,000 yuan, there is no need to pursue the appearance, because only the iPhone 14 Pro will have a digging screen, and the iPhone 13 Pro starting price needs to be 7999 yuan, for reference, the iPhone 14 Pro will only be more expensive. And the regular version of the iPhone 14 is not much different from the iPhone 13.


Just need the party, you can buy it first and then replace it

If it is just the party, when it is time to buy a machine, but prefer the iPhone 14, how to choose?

Jijie gives you a trick, you can buy the iPhone 13 first, wait for the iPhone 14 to be released and then replace with the iPhone 13, although the cost of purchasing the machine has increased 2 times, but as long as it is well preserved, flawless, and replaced with the difference within a thousand yuan, it is not a problem at all.

Buy an iPhone 13 or wait for an iPhone 14? After reading this, make a decision
Buy an iPhone 13 or wait for an iPhone 14? After reading this, make a decision

If you just want to replace the new machine, iPhone 11 or less, you can start with the iPhone 13, you will feel the silky smoothness brought by the A15 chip. But if it is more than the iPhone 11, it is recommended to wait, even if the appearance of the iPhone 14 has not changed much, the A16 chip is enough to hang the A13 chip.


Extreme sister intimate tips, the purchase of new machines must be combined with their own needs and daily use habits to choose, only the most suitable for their own is the best, blindly following the trend will only bring regrets ~

Would you consider buying 13 or waiting for 14? Leave a message to say what you think!