
The owner of the "Moon Lake Studio", it turned out to be him!

author:Shanghai Changning
"This line is slightly thicker to make the picture appear three-dimensional..." In an unremarkable studio on Maotai Road, Zhang Yuecheng, an oil painter born with a physical disability, is instructing students to practice sketching. This small Moon Lake studio became the starting point of his entrepreneurial dream.
The owner of the "Moon Lake Studio", it turned out to be him!

In order to learn to paint, Zhang Yuecheng insisted on the college entrance examination for three years, and finally was admitted to the Jiangxi Jingdezhen Ceramics Institute. The three-year persistence was due to his teacher, Professor Wang Xinxu, a famous painter and the China Artists Association, "Professor Wang, who works at Shanghai University of Engineering Science, taught me to draw very patiently and has always encouraged me to do what I want to do and like to do." Zhang Yuecheng said.

After graduating from university, Zhang Yuecheng began to work as the main designer of landscape painting, and for 10 years he was responsible for participating in hundreds of large-scale landscape design projects such as Shanghai Andersen Fairy Tale Paradise, Yangzhou CR Oak Bay, Shenyang CR Oak Bay and Ningbo South Railway Station Design, due to physical reasons, he could not fully exert his ability in the design company.

In 2017, Zhang Yuecheng, whose career was hindered, picked up the paintbrush again under the encouragement of Professor Wang Xinxu, and with the foundation of the past, coupled with a serious and down-to-earth momentum, he reopened the road of art and was praised by his teachers. As a result, Zhang Yuecheng came up with the idea of running his own studio, and also opened the first step of establishing Yuehu Studio.

The owner of the "Moon Lake Studio", it turned out to be him!

Zhang Yuecheng is an elderly student known in the public welfare course

"When I lived in Xianxia Street, because there were many elderly people and children in the community who liked oil painting, I would do a lot of public welfare courses to let them participate, not only to play their oil painting skills, but also to go out and meet more people." Zhang Yuecheng introduced that he had also taken public welfare classes in Tianshan Star City, Xianyi Community and Shuixia Community, and had opened more than 220 public welfare courses so far, nearly 700 hours, and began to gain popularity in the community.

With the rise of popularity, many parents are willing to give their children to Zhang Yuecheng to learn to draw. So last year, Zhang Yuecheng chose to open the Moon Lake Studio. In order to get greater social support, Zhang Yuecheng participated in the 2021 Changning District Disabled Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition with the Yuehu Studio Entrepreneurship Project, which was promoted by the public welfare studio, and finally won the best social benefit award.

The owner of the "Moon Lake Studio", it turned out to be him!

Zhang Yuecheng opened the Moon Lake Studio

"Today's studio has more than two dozen students, and the studio also has a certain revenue. This is just the beginning, I want to participate in more public welfare activities, to create their own ID for the disabled, to inspire more people, so that more people love to paint, love their lives. Zhang Yuecheng said. In 2020, Zhang Yuecheng became the promotion ambassador and experience officer of Shanghai Proud Bionic Prosthesis, allowing everyone with a physical disability to have their own prosthesis. At the same time, we also began to contact some packaging design projects. In the future, Zhang Yuecheng is ready to let more people know himself and dock some more excellent entrepreneurial projects through his own public welfare actions.

The owner of the "Moon Lake Studio", it turned out to be him!

Zhang Yuecheng (second from right) joins the first batch of intelligent prosthetic experience officers of Shanghai Aoyi Company

The owner of the "Moon Lake Studio", it turned out to be him!

Zhang Yuecheng WeChat business card

"I feel no different now from people with sound limbs, and since I have my own prosthetic golden hands, others have a better feeling for me." Zhang Yuecheng's WeChat nickname, Jin Hand Guo'er, explains his confidence, tenacity and fighting spirit in work and life.

Images courtesy of respondents

Text: Gao Yufeng

Edit: Gao Qin

*Please indicate the source of "Shanghai Changning"

The owner of the "Moon Lake Studio", it turned out to be him!
The owner of the "Moon Lake Studio", it turned out to be him!

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