
The "unsolved case" on the Olympic field killed Munich


The film "Breaking Bad Munich" is based on one of the most controversial events in the world sports world to date. It is a real historical event, in the 1972 Basketball Finals of the Olympic Games in Munich, Germany, the Soviet team smashed the record of thirty-six years of total victory of the Us team, and won the gold medal in the final three seconds of the legendary story.

The film is based on the memories of the Russian legendary basketball player Sergei Belov, and realistically recreates the former Soviet basketball coach Garland Ren during the 1972 US-Soviet hegemony. He issued a speech to the media that he could defeat the American team, announced to the world today that he wanted to defeat the strong opponent of the United States men's basketball team, and led the Soviet team to overcome difficulties and obstacles, and finally stood on the finals court to face the story of the United States men's basketball team.

The "unsolved case" on the Olympic field killed Munich

Stills above

The former Soviet Men's Basketball Team in the film is clearly at great risk, so this event is no longer a simple event. In other words, it is more like a political and cultural battle, and they must not lose on their own land.

The entire field of vision was focused on that basketball, and Soviet center Sasha, who had just made a fatal mistake in the previous round, overcame the super blockade of two American players and jumped up to get the basketball. Time seemed to stop in an instant and pass quickly in normal time, and Sasha landed on the ground. In a flawless pitching fake, two defensive basketball players flew together to the outfield, jumped, pitched, rubbed the board into the basket, and the Soviet Union won the championship.

However, a controversial scene appeared in the middle, 10 seconds before the final game, the U.S. men's basketball team still fell behind 48-49, and the ball was in the hands of the opponent. At this point, Kevin Joyce blocked the pass from the former Soviet Union, and Doug Collins took the ball and counterattacked, which was fouled by Alexander Bellof. In the last 3 seconds, the former hit two free throws to overtake the score, and the Americans have begun to celebrate in advance. This historic moment happened at this very moment. The former Soviet team finally made a hasty attack without success. But just when the final whistle sounded when the Americans thought the gold medal had arrived, the referee proposed to return to the table 3 seconds before the finale and restart the game. The grounds were quickly cleared, and the Americans fell from heaven to hell in an instant. Former Soviet player Ivan Edescu found Alexander, who had previously lost a key foul, with a long pass from the back line, who used a fake move to shake off two American players under the basket, and the ball hit the basket. Pressure Mountain completes the slaying.

The "unsolved case" on the Olympic field killed Munich

The kill takes effect. The Americans immediately filed a complaint, but it was dismissed by 2 votes in favor of 3 against. The game was recorded as the greatest moment in the history of Later Russian Basketball. After the match, the United States refused to receive the silver medal. To this day, the silver medal remains quietly unclaimed in the Olympic Museum in Germany and Switzerland. He also warned his children and grandchildren not to receive the silver medal.

Whether the second 3 seconds should be there is still an open case, but it is an indisputable fact that the former Soviets hit the kill in the effective time.

The inability to turn this pressure into the energy of the event in the midst of a dilemma and the final victory is the most perfect embodiment of the belief of the fighting nation. In this regard, the embodiment of humanistic values is also reasonably subordinate to the Olympic sports spirit.

The main plot of the film is based on the protagonist's career success, focusing on the men's basketball coach Condrasin and the players he personally recruited.

The "unsolved case" on the Olympic field killed Munich

The picture above is a real photo

The game was full of ups and downs, with the Soviets starting with a substitution to catch the United States off guard, keeping the lead until one minute before the finale. However, the battle on the field is changing rapidly, and the mistakes of the former Soviet Union in dangerous moments help the United States to surpass the score, and the former Soviet Union fails to kill. But that time it was replayed because of a timer problem, and only this blink of an eye passed three seconds, completely changed the history of basketball worldwide.

As a film that integrates the theme of sports culture and inspiration and biography, "Breaking Bad Munich" is not only a competition between two teams, but also a competition between two countries.

The killing has always been exciting, and the reason why this film can be brilliant is that in addition to the perfect reproduction of that game, there is also the perseverance of the Soviet players. Some people say that the Soviet Union is overly lucky, but it is important to know that not everyone can make the most of these 3 seconds. Opportunities are always given to those who are prepared, and behind the lucky people is actually everyone who has done their best.