
It has not been reviewed by the general himself

author:The Three Musketeers

Swordsman Jun Three Musketeers

It has not been reviewed by the general himself


It is clear that this article has not been reviewed by the general himself.

However, today, the swordsman Jun still decided to send some capricious thoughts to pay tribute to the general. It also pays tribute to the countless fighters who, like generals, have stood at the forefront of fighting the internet era and the forefront of political work innovation.

"Come, XX, let's take a picture." Five years ago, in the hall of the Military History Museum, a general called my name.

At that time, the company commander of Gao Cheng (Zhang Guoqiang) of "Soldier Assault", Zhang Dabiao (Zhan Weihua) of "Bright Sword", and many bigwigs and actors who were active on the screen gathered together to "talk and laugh".

It has not been reviewed by the general himself

After the general took them on a tour, he saw me standing on the side and was stunned, and he hurriedly greeted me to take a group photo.

I was surprised that the general was able to notice me because I was low-ranking and unremarkable. But after a few words, I found that the general had already paid attention to me. He had seen my work and told people around him to "ask me for advice." Of course, in fact, I know in my heart that I am less than half a pound of water.

But the sudden praise of the "major general to the major" flattered the swordsman Jun.

The major to the major general, in the traditional concept of many people in the army, is more of awe, and this reverence brings with it. This subconscious "physical isolation" creates a gap between communication and identity. A friend once expressed his concern about this estrangement in an oil poem: "It is difficult to draw fresh springs from Jinsong, and Aoki is not straightened."

Apparently, the general tried to break this barrier through his actions — the general pulled out his mobile phone, scanned the code and added my WeChat.

This simple weChat action has impressed me so far. Later, I met many network masters of local government affairs departments, and they couldn't imagine that a general could take the initiative to add the WeChat of an ordinary low-ranking officer.

In fact, the general not only took the initiative to add WeChat, but also in his circle of friends, from senior generals to ordinary soldiers, full of popularity.

Soon, I discovered that the general's move was not only a network veteran's affirmation and encouragement of enthusiastic recruits, but also a worry and vision of whether the army could seize the opportunity in "network war".

"What made Columbus discover the New World was not expertise, but vision..." Later, when I read this philosophy in the book, I felt strongly and precisely that this sentence could be given to the general.

As early as the last century, when the Internet began to rise in the West, a scholar named Toffler made an excited assertion in his book The Third Wave: "Whoever has the information and controls the Internet has the world."

This astonishing assertion is taken as a guideline by Western rulers. Some Western forces have even openly shouted: "You don't need to make every effort, just rely on the Internet to mess up a country!"

Yes, they say and do so: they use the Internet to incite "color revolutions," construct "value traps," cultivate "fifth columns," and spread historical nihilism.

They regard the Internet as a "leased land" for Western ideology, and find ways to smear the history of other countries, denigrate heroes, and mock the system... In this fierce struggle in the field of online ideology, many countries that were once independent and autonomous have fallen, and many of the original peaceful and tranquil lives have become wars and chaos, and the people are not happy. How many people have left their homes, how many families have been destroyed, how many children have only suffered a painful childhood...

"To compete with China for a new generation of Internet users, we hope to bring about change by influencing them to bring about change and thus bring down China." This is the open arrogance of a former Western ambassador to China in his domestic debates.

Obviously, a "war" without smoke has begun, we have been pushed to the forefront of the ideological struggle on the Internet, and the task of maintaining the security of the Internet ideology is very arduous.

It was also 5 years ago that who could have imagined that the network struggle at that time had reached a precarious point.

"Burning without moving violates physiology" "Blocking the gun hole is inconsistent with common sense"... With the help of some Western external forces, a few people, under the guise of science and common sense, wantonly slander heroes and nihilistic history, and then launch a crazy attack on our beliefs and values. Many young post-95s and post-00s were "shot" by these toxic posts and suffered greatly.

The intensity of this ideological struggle is as fierce as described in "The 38th Line" as the coldest winter, and the volunteer soldiers who sang the battle song of "Majestic, Exuberant, and Crossing the Yalu River" confronted the U.S. troops armed to the teeth with captured anti-war equipment and thin cotton clothes in Shangganling, Longyuanli, Songkufeng, and Datong River.

Marx said: "If we look at it from the conceptual point of view, then the disintegration of a certain ideology is enough to bring about the collapse of the whole era." The bloody lesson tells us that the Internet has become the main front of the ideological struggle, and whoever controls the network has seized the commanding heights of the ideological struggle battlefield.

Yes, after so many years of network front struggle, it is not difficult to understand the above truth, and the difficulty lies in how to implement strategy and tactics and what big tricks to win.

However, we have to face up to a generation gap -

When the "post-90s" and "post-00s" touched the Internet at the local level, the military's Internet thinking concept was gradually transforming; the "post-95s" and "post-00s" began to run on the Internet, and when they "stormed" at various frontiers, some people still stayed at the primary level of touching the network.

This difference in the "body" of the network causes the difference in the "position" of the network.

Many units even "one size fits all", and even the use of mobile phones cannot be guaranteed!

Network marching, innovation, catching up, and continuous progress can go far, and clumsiness, wandering, and even pulling back are easy to overturn.

The trend of the times is mighty, and any act of being an ostrich will inevitably suffer the dimensionality reduction blow of the times.

Over the years, the general led the team to bring fire to a series of high-level network struggles and public opinion propaganda brands: "Our Sky", "Our Space", and the rising "Central Horn".

It has not been reviewed by the general himself

I think there must be a lot of people asking the general for the secret. There is an endless stream of people who have visited and learned about the "production plants" of the above brands, and I have the honor of being one of them. Some people conclude that this is the charm of the concept of "red and blue integration"; some people say: This is the fruit of innovative ideological and political work...

I agree with this summary, but I also like to explain it in one sentence: "The deepest root of the great power of war lies in the people." ”

At that time, under a dim oil lamp, Mao Zedong, who commanded thousands of troops and horses in the Yan'an cave, was wearing old cotton clothes full of patches. The staff advised him not to be too shabby, saying: "It doesn't matter, I save a piece of clothing, and the soldiers in front will have a few more bullets in their hands." ”

This leader, who always kept the masses and soldiers in his heart, wrote the famous "On Protracted War" with a stroke of his pen, and he ignited the fire hidden in the heart of the Chinese nation with a shocking sentence: "The deepest root of the great power of war exists among the people." ”

In the sky of history, there are always similar stars shining together. The masses are the real heroes, and the interests of the people are the fundamental starting point and foothold of all our work.

At the end, let me say a few more words: Some time ago, the general's appointment to a new post has excited countless "passers-by" who are fighting on the front line of the network, on the front line of innovation in political work, and on the front line of ideological struggle!

With the erosion of the enemy, there can be no lack of resistance from the fighters.

Be a fighter, don't be a gentleman, this is the call of the battle situation!