
Autumn is coming, and you have to chase this and this drama

author:Watch movie magazines

One of the signs of people getting older is that they prefer reminiscence and retro.

Recently, A watched an American drama in the retro 70s New York rock circle.

Titled "The Age of Vinyl," director Martin Scorsese directed the first episode.

Autumn is coming, and you have to chase this and this drama

Everything in the play is shock, sensory, rock' and roll. Punk wildfires burn with indulgence, and desire dances psychedelic steps.

Then I feel that looking back at the 70s in the present, there is a sense of loneliness in recalling the vanished landscape.

After all, this generation of young people is no longer rebellious.

Freud said that the drive for love and the drive for aggression are the two main internal drives that trigger human behavior.

Chasing dramas, especially cool dramas, has become an outlet for escaping reality.

Autumn is coming, and you have to chase this and this drama

So we love Game of Thrones.

The world of "Game of Thrones" is not a utopia of truth, goodness and beauty. On the contrary, it is naked and cold about the lives of adults who have drawn camps for power and desire.

Autumn is coming, and you have to chase this and this drama

It is cool drama, and it is so "anti-cool drama".

After all, it likes to kill the protagonist by surprise.

On this point, the original author George Martin said:

"I want the reader to be scared, nervous, and excited, so that to achieve the goal, you must kill your protagonist on the spot and unexpectedly."

So, chase the drama.

Just see the male protagonist of the first season, the loyal, determined, upright and brave Ned has been beheaded in the power struggle.

Autumn is coming, and you have to chase this and this drama

Originally, life was too difficult, and people were difficult to dismantle.

But this drama really teaches another lesson to adults who are already difficult: no one really has the aura of a protagonist!!!

After watching "Game of Thrones", I silently praised the "Top Theater".

(Top Theater: A channel that brings together HBO's fine American dramas)

Life needs a little sweetness in the bitterness, and it also needs a little sobriety in the sugar.

And when you're in a frenzy, you can always believe in the top theater.

For example, "True Detective".

Rust and Marty, two detectives, come back together because of a murder that happened in the past.

Autumn is coming, and you have to chase this and this drama

True Detective's plot is certainly fascinating, but it is more successful in creating an emotion and atmosphere.

Rust said that our world is a flat circle in the eyes of higher beings, and we repeat, repeat mistakes, repeat violence, repeat death.

The ridiculous repetition turns the sublime into a joke, which also makes "True Detective" ironic from the inside out.

Bad marriages, incompetent police detectives, the arrogance of murderers, and the collapse of order all make people feel the spiritual plight of ordinary people.

Perhaps, we should get used to the fact that standing at the crossroads of life but not having traffic lights.

In "Westworld", artificial intelligence can't even find the intersection of his life.

Autumn is coming, and you have to chase this and this drama

The subject matter covered in the series is not novel, but the themes discussed have been raised to new heights.

It is titled after Shakespeare's classic quote, "These cruel pleasures will end in brutality."

Telling the story of endless suffering that inspires the intelligent robot's sense of self, the indulgent eventually gets the revenge.

Autumn is coming, and you have to chase this and this drama

Westworld is an amusement park and an adult fantasy zone.

Visitors in the play, when they come to the park, can experience the joy of imagination without paying a price.

The robots, on the other hand, suffer the same shooting, torture, loss, forget, and come back to zero day after day.

Under this setting, the taboos in people's hearts are often released.

But in addition to sensory stimulation, its poetry and philosophy are the real sexiness.

The heroine Dolores, as a representative of the awakening of artificial intelligence, will go out of what kind of road.

Autumn is coming, and you have to chase this and this drama

From the violent field in the park to the algorithmic monitoring outside the park, is there really a good life inside and outside the so-called park?

As the season three poster says: free will is not free.

Can humans really have free will?

Watching the "anti-cool drama" style American drama of the top theater, charging the brain and taking a bath, can be described as a way of life that contemporary young people like to hear.

Autumn is coming, and you have to chase this and this drama

Produced by a top-level theater, it must be a fine product.

Adults like episodes that break taboos and confront desires, but shoddy can't be a god.

The "behind" of the fine works of the top theater department is the "burning money" that looks very expensive.

Take Game of Thrones, for example.

The opening scene is of cities and pools on the continent of Westeros rising from the ground.

Autumn is coming, and you have to chase this and this drama

Depending on the main events of each season, each city changes. And sometimes when a major event occurs in an episode, the opening of the film will also change, such as making lindong city smoke white.

The opening scene of "Westworld" is two instruments that delicately shape the human body and the bones, muscles and skin of living creatures.

The title of "Dark Matter" is different "parallel worlds" on the screen, crossed, folded, and it is very handy at a glance.

Autumn is coming, and you have to chase this and this drama

Although the opening of the film is only a part, you can open the first three seconds of the episode and you can see that the funds are burning.

Can you not get into the pit quickly?

It is well known that the best drama series of the top theater is excellent, and they have pioneered the cinematization of the series.

I have seen a meme that even if fans see a big scene in the movie theater, it is difficult to exclaim with others!

After all, they had already seen a lot in front of the computer screen.

Like the "Game of Thrones" world, the big scene of the exploding cool film is no worse than the movie, and the minutes can make people's adrenaline soar, and the scalp is numb.

Autumn is coming, and you have to chase this and this drama

Of course, it's expensive. The first season cost $6 million per episode, climbing to $8 million by the fifth season;

The sixth season reached $10 million, and 10 episodes meant $100 million.

There are countless behind-the-scenes personnel who have paid their own efforts.

The acclaimed scene of the seventh season of the Burning Lion Dart Team was filmed simultaneously with several cameras of different models.

Autumn is coming, and you have to chase this and this drama

There are also 20 stuntmen, and for this reason, the fire is really lit (completed under the premise of safety measures).

The prop designer used grass and wood ash to decorate the entire shooting scene, from the car to the armor to the fake corpse, all of which made a calcination effect, which was quite painstaking.

In fact, as early as many years ago, there was such a drama as "Company of Brothers".

Autumn is coming, and you have to chase this and this drama

Company of Brothers cost almost twice as much as the movie "Saving Private Ryan."

There are also famous actors Tom Hanks and big director Spielberg, who served as the show's executive producer.

Since then, it seems that movie coffee has invaded the American drama circle, and it seems that it is no longer rare.

For example, Martin Scorsese directed "The Vinyl Age", and film emperor Matthew McConaughey starred in "True Detective".

The soul of "Westworld" as a director, screenwriter and producer is Jonathan Nolan.

Autumn is coming, and you have to chase this and this drama

He and his brother, Christopher Nolan, wrote the screenplay together to complete a series of divine works such as "Interstellar" and "Deadly Magic".

In addition, the main creator of the show also includes the producer J. J. Abrams (director of Star Trek and Mission Impossible 3);

Actors Anthony Hopkins, Evan Rachel Wood, etc.

The production cost was as high as $100 million, and the entire film was shot on 35mm film.

Autumn is coming, and you have to chase this and this drama

Not only did the series make a perfect "sense of cinema", but it was even more retro and exquisite than ordinary movies!

In "True Detective", in order to shoot a 6-minute long shot, the whole crew began to practice walking from a month ago, and it took 9 shooting times on the same day to complete.

Filming "Roma", the drama side spent a huge amount of money to rebuild the entire ancient Colosseum in a 2:3 ratio.

Autumn is coming, and you have to chase this and this drama

It is precisely because of the exquisiteness and grandeur that fans dare to say:

We're not watching TV, it's a theater.

Autumn is coming, and you have to chase this and this drama

If you list a list of must-see episodes in a top theater, Ah Kan will probably recommend:

"Game of Thrones", which integrates the opening of the dragon, family ethics, court power plots, and all kinds of horse-catching cool points;

Retro game theme, new era science fiction benchmark "Westworld";

Fantasy big IP adaptation, big investment, the drama side is ambitious to create a drama version of "Lord of the Rings" of "Dark Matter";

Autumn is coming, and you have to chase this and this drama

The suspense story is filmed into a stylized detective drama with a sense of philosophical art, "True Detective";

Based on the Chernobyl nuclear accident, the Chernobyl is extremely elaborate and presents the real "Chernobyl";

and feminist dramas, "Big Little Lies" and "Inaction", which made Oscar actress Nicole Kidman shine in the television industry;

And focus on the past of the rock circle in the 70s, just listen to the ost is worth the ticket price of the unpopular masterpiece "Vinyl Era".

Where to look?

Don't look anywhere.

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Autumn is coming, and you have to chase this and this drama