
Japanese officials clamored that the mainland must be prevented from "closing the stage" and shouted that the Group of Seven was pressuring China

author:Tayanagi Talk

During this time, the situation between Russia and Ukraine was highly tense, and when the lies of the war on the 16th were completely exposed, US President Biden released a new timetable, saying that in the next few days or a week, Russia will launch an attack, but as last time, he still did not provide any evidence. However, although the world knows that Washington is deliberately rhythmic and wants to create an atmosphere of panic, the Wudong area is indeed like a huge powder keg now, and a single spark can trigger a big explosion.

At present, Russian President Putin has issued an order to recruit reservists for military training, and he also plans to personally command the strategic deterrent exercise, during which a number of ballistic missiles and cruise missiles will be launched.

Japanese officials clamored that the mainland must be prevented from "closing the stage" and shouted that the Group of Seven was pressuring China

At this time, Japan, which was on the sidelines, jumped out, and according to media reports on February 19, Masahisa Sato, president of the Foreign Affairs Association of Japan's Liberal Democratic Party, when attending a meeting, advocated that the situation in Taiwan tomorrow should not be allowed to appear in today's Ukraine, and the Japanese government must participate in future diplomatic intervention with the above attitude.

At the same time, he said that the Essence of the Taiwan Strait issue and the Ukraine issue are "exactly the same problem", and there are powerful external forces that try to use force to "change the status quo", so it is necessary for the G7 countries to fully realize this point in order to jointly exert pressure on China. In fact, this argument is not unusual, and the United States and other Western countries have hyped it many times recently, but Sato Masahisa has said it more explicitly.

Japanese officials clamored that the mainland must be prevented from "closing the stage" and shouted that the Group of Seven was pressuring China

Their approach is nothing more than a goal, to forcibly conflate two very different and irrelevant issues, to use the situation in Ukraine to exacerbate tensions in the Taiwan Strait, and then to gain political benefits. However, the Wudong crisis is a diplomatic and military contradiction between the two sovereign states of Russia and Ukraine, and the Taiwan-related issue has always been China's internal affair.

The Deliberate provocation of western governments, including Masahisa Sato, is to create a discursive trap and equate the Taiwan region with a "state." This is absolutely wrong. Look at Masahisa Sato himself, a typical Japanese right-wing politician who has long had close contacts with the Taiwan authorities and "Taiwan independence" elements, and has repeatedly made erroneous remarks on Taiwan-related issues.

Japanese officials clamored that the mainland must be prevented from "closing the stage" and shouted that the Group of Seven was pressuring China

As everyone knows, during World War II, Japanese imperialism committed countless crimes against China and colonized Taiwan for 50 years, so we are most unacceptable to Japan's meddling in the Taiwan Strait issue. Combined with the recent speech made by Japanese Defense Minister Nobuo Kishi, he threatened that if necessary, the Japanese Self-Defense Forces would send planes to bomb the territory of the enemy country; in other words, it would not only have the ambition to send troops to block our reunification, but would not even rule out launching a pre-emptive strike against China while taking advantage of the escalation of the situation in Russia and Ukraine.

However, as the foreign ministry spokesman said, no one should underestimate the determination and will of the Chinese people to defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity, and anyone who dares to challenge the bottom line of the Chinese people will surely run into a bloody hemorrhage.

Japanese officials clamored that the mainland must be prevented from "closing the stage" and shouted that the Group of Seven was pressuring China

What is surprising is that the Western forces are provoking externally, while the Taiwan authorities are committing death internally. According to media reports on the 19th, the Taiwan authorities recently passed amendments to the "National Security Law" and the "Regulations on Relations Between the People on Both Sides of the Strait," in which "economic espionage" is added, and those who violate the law can be sentenced to up to 12 years and fined NT$100 million.

However, no matter how the "Taiwan independence" elements jump up and down, their fate of being reunified will not change; on the contrary, the more rampant they are now, the more miserable they will cry when the PLA lands in the future, and they will not be able to be proud for too long. The days of recovering Taiwan Island will not be long, but it will be achieved in the hands of our generation, and everyone can wait for the good news.