
These "unpopular" projects, we have achieved a historic breakthrough

author:Yangcheng faction

Text/Yangcheng Evening News all-media reporter Wei Chaoran

The Beijing Winter Olympics will close tomorrow, and the Chinese delegation will achieve the best results in history, achieving bumper harvests and historic breakthroughs in many projects. Compared with popular events such as short track speed skating, figure skating, freestyle skiing aerial skills, and stars such as Gu Ailing and Su Yiming, who won gold and silver, in many unpopular events, our players have also created many surprises, and they have become the "tinder" for the further development of these projects in the future.

These "unpopular" projects, we have achieved a historic breakthrough

Achieve a historic breakthrough in all aspects

"Ice strong and snow weak" has been a long-term pattern of Ice and Snow Sports in China, but in this Winter Olympic cycle, China's snow sports have caught up and achieved leapfrog development in just a few years.

At the Beijing Winter Olympics, China not only made a historic breakthrough in the participation of snow sports - cross-country skiing and alpine skiing achieved full-event participation for the first time, Nordic biathlon qualified for the first time, the number of ski jumpers was record high - and the multi-event results also improved significantly.

In addition to the historic breakthroughs of Gu Ailing and Su Yiming, who are already well known, respectively, in China's freestyle skiing and snowboarding, Yan Wengang won the bronze medal in the men's steel frame snowmobile competition, which is also worthy of our praise.

There is also Yin Zheng's fifth place, and the two have worked together to greatly push forward Geng Wenqiang's all-time best record of 13th place at the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics. For women's steel frame snowmobiles, China's Zhao Dan and Li Yuxi won the ninth and 14th places respectively, which also created a new history of China's women's steel frame snowmobiles.

In the bobsleigh race, Guangdong's Peng Junyue and partner Huang Yebo made history together, and for the first time, Chinese athletes appeared in the final of the double bobsleigh event at the Winter Olympics. IOC President Bach personally attended the game and took the initiative to "touch the fist" with the Chinese group to express his affirmation of their performance, which is also an affirmation of the development of China's bobsleigh project. In this Winter Olympics, the Chinese bobsleigh team achieved full participation in four individual events, which is also a historic breakthrough.

In alpine skiing, China's Xu Mingfu completed the "debut" of the Winter Olympics with a result of 36th place, taking the first step in the men's downhill event for the Chinese alpine ski team.

These "unpopular" projects, we have achieved a historic breakthrough

Subsequently, 25-year-old Chinese alpine skier Kong Fanying also made her debut in the giant slalom event, and the 40th place was 15 places higher than her at the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics... The Chinese Alpine Ski Team achieved the goal of participating in 11 sub-events and filled the historical gap of 5 sub-events.

In the previously undeveloped downhill, super big slalom and other projects, the Chinese team has achieved a leap forward in just a few years, although the gap with Europe is still relatively large, but the gap with Japan and South Korea and other Asian strong teams is narrowing day by day.

The Chinese ski jumping team at the Beijing Winter Olympics is a new army without compromise. In 2019, the team was formed after cross-border cross-discipline selection, affected by the epidemic, the team only participated in international competitions for the first time in the 2021 season, and finally Song Qiwu, Dong Bing, and Peng Qingyue stood out to qualify for the Olympic Games, and the Chinese team surprisingly set a historical record in the number of participants and the number of projects.

Although they encountered unprecedented pressure after the competition and failed to achieve too good results, they also secretly resolved to surpass themselves by stepping on the field of the Winter Olympics again in four years.

In addition to the snow event, the Chinese team in the ice event also brought many surprises. In particular, in the men's ice hockey event, the Chinese team participated for the first time and was scored by Fu Shuai to score the first goal in the main event of the Winter Olympics, creating history.

Cross-border cross-item selection into a booster

Behind the many historic breakthroughs made by the Chinese delegation, the cross-border and cross-project selection program is indispensable. In addition, the participation of 300 million people in ice and snow sports also gives us the opportunity to discover and reserve more reserve talents.

Peng Junyue and Huang Yebo are known as the strongest cross-border sports combinations in Chinese bobsleigh, Peng Junyue was a basketball player before, and Huang Yebo was a track and field athlete. Before becoming a bobsleigh player, Guangdong teenager Peng Junyue had never even seen snow and knew nothing about bobsleigh sports.

These "unpopular" projects, we have achieved a historic breakthrough

In the women's single snowmobile final, two players of the Chinese Snow Racing Team, Huai Mingming and Ying Qing, successfully finished the race in 6th and 9th places, and also wrote a new record for The Chinese snowmobile. Both of them came from athletics, among which Ying Qing had previously studied under Liu Xiang's coach Sun Haiping, who mainly attacked the 100-meter hurdles, and was considered Liu Xiang's sister. Ski jumper Song Qiwu is from Sichuan and was also a good track and field hurdler before.

In March 2017, the State General Administration of Sport officially began to implement the cross-border cross-border selection of materials for the 2022 Winter Olympics, and by September 2018, the State General Administration of Sport officially announced the "Implementation Outline for the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games", which clearly put forward the goal of "comprehensive participation, comprehensive breakthrough and comprehensive driving".

Through cross-border and cross-item selection of materials, the advantages between projects complement each other, which provides great assistance for the development of the whole project of Ice and Snow in China. According to Ni Huizhong, secretary general of the Chinese delegation to the Beijing Winter Olympics, about 1/5 of the 177 athletes participating in the competition engaged in professional training in ice and snow projects through cross-border cross-border interdisciplinary material selection, and nearly half of the snow sports were cross-border cross-sports athletes, which completely changed the situation that ice and snow projects only rely on individual provinces to transport talents.

Ni Huizhong said that these athletes are the "tinder", they will become the basic force for provinces, autonomous regions and cities to participate in the National Games, become future coaches, managers, and drive more people to participate in ice and snow sports.

In addition, with the prosperity of the country and the prosperity of the people's lives, many cities have ice rinks, and there are many simulated snow fields in the south, so that more people have the opportunity to try ice and snow sports.

Su Yiming, who made a historical breakthrough in snowboarding for China, is said to have trained in the simulated snow field in Chengdu in the summer, which also helped him improve his performance. The participation of 300 million people in ice and snow sports is not a slogan, but has laid a good foundation for the development of ice and snow sports in the mainland. (For more news, please pay attention to Yangcheng Pie

Source | Yangcheng Evening News Yangcheng Pie

Caption | Visual China

Editor-in-charge | Ge Wanli