
20 beautiful spring rain poems, full of poetry!

author:Read Time Magazine

The rain came, nourishing all things, and reviving the earth.

Poets loved spring rain, and they praised it and brought moisture to the earth. They sing about the spring rains and bring hope to the world.

Today, the poet Jun recommends 20 spring rain verses, do not read them, you do not know how beautiful the spring rain really is.

20 beautiful spring rain poems, full of poetry!


Xiao Lou listened to the spring rain one night, and the deep alleys sold apricot blossoms in the Ming Dynasty.

——Lu You, "Lin'an Spring Rain First Rain"

I lived in the small building and listened to the spring rain overnight, and early tomorrow morning, someone in the deep alley will sell apricot blossoms.


Good rain knows the season, when spring is happening.

Dive into the night with the wind, and the moisturizer is silent.

——Du Fu, "Happy Rain on Spring Night"

Good rain knows the season of rain, which is when the plants grow in the spring. As the spring breeze quietly falls in the night, silently moisturizing everything in the world.

20 beautiful spring rain poems, full of poetry!


The imperial city of Yunli is double phoenix, and the spring trees in the rain are thousands of homes.

——Wang Wei, "The Work of Fenghe Sacred System from Penglai to Xingqing Pavilion Road to Stay in the Spring Rain"

The clouds were thick, everything seemed ethereal, and the unique imperial city had a pair of phoenixes towering and abrupt. The spring rain is gentle and the trees are lush, covering thousands of households.


The spring rain is as fine as dust, and the willows outside the building are yellow and wet.

The wind is about the embroidery curtain slanting away, and the window screen is cold and blue.

——Zhu Dunru, "Good Things Near"

The spring rain was like tiny dust particles, wetting the golden willows outside the building. The curtain is blown obliquely by the wind, and you can feel a slight chill through the green screen window.

20 beautiful spring rain poems, full of poetry!


Spring rain is enough to dye a stream of new green.

Willow flew out of the double feather jade, and the qing qing bathed.

- Wei Zhuang, "Gurudwara Golden Gate"

Spring water is shining, filling the creek, dying new willows on the green creek. The willows flew, and suddenly a pair of gull birds, wings like jade, double gulls flapped on the surface of the water in the warm sunshine, chirping and playing.


Last night it rained, providence su group.

What is the most prophetic, the void grass to fight out.

——Mengjiao, "After the Spring Rain"

Last night, I heard the sound of light rain falling, was it heaven that wanted to awaken these things that were still sleeping? What first knew spring was coming? The grass in the courtyard has been scrambling to emerge from its tender green sprouts.


The willow silk is long, the spring rain is fine, and the sound of flowers leaking out is rounded.

Frightened geese, up the city of Wu, painting screen golden partridge.

- Wen Tingjun, "More Leaky"

The willow silk is soft and the rain is shining, and there is a continuous sound of leakage outside the flowers. The sound startled the geese outside the city, and the crows sleeping at the head of the city also woke up, and even the golden partridge that painted the screen seemed to be awakened.


Chengjiang river flat less shore, ghost trees late flowers.

Drizzle fish out, breeze swallow oblique.

——Du Fu's "Two Songs of Water Sills Sending Hearts"

The water of the Bicheng River almost flooded both sides of the river; the trees were verdant, and flowers bloomed at dusk. The drizzle is misty, and the fish leap out of the water cheerfully; the breeze is breezy, and the swallows tilt across the sky.

20 beautiful spring rain poems, full of poetry!


Report Mr. Guiye, apricot blossom spring rain Jiangnan.

——Yu Ji "Wind into Song , Send Ke Jingzhong "

In the spring of Jiangnan, apricot blossoms are in full bloom, smoke and rain, picturesque, intoxicating and fascinating.


Outside the forest, the doves are resting in the spring rain, and the apricot blossoms are blooming on the first day of the house.

—— Ouyang Xiu, "Tian Jia"

The sound of partridges outside the forest called for the light rain to gradually stop, and the red sun at the head of the house sent spring warm apricot blossoms fresh.

20 beautiful spring rain poems, full of poetry!


Spring rain dark balcony, sprinkled with song building wet powder cheeks.

A gust of east wind swept the ground, blew back, and fell halfway through the river sky.

- Su Shi, "Nanxiangzi Spring Love"

The spring rain on the balcony hill suddenly arrived, sprinkling indiscriminately on the song building to wet the beauty's pink cheeks. Suddenly, a gust of east wind swept up the ground, blowing away the clouds and rain, and the sunset afterglow shot out obliquely from the gaps in the dark clouds, staining half of the sky red.


Spring rain is full, Yangxin Valley.

Idle day forever, sleep yellow calf.

Look at the clouds and wheat ridges, snow piles of silkworm clusters.

——Xin Renjie, "Manjiang Hong, Mountain Residence"

In the spring, the rain is abundant, and the newly sown grain seeds grow turquoise seedlings; in the idle season, the calves doze off lazily. The wheat in the field was ripe, like a continuous yellow cloud; the new cocoons of white flowers in the silkworm house were clustered, just like piles of snow.

20 beautiful spring rain poems, full of poetry!


Outside the oblique sun, the spring rain is enough, and the wind blows a pool of cold jade.

——Li Jerry, "Falling Plum Wind, Outside the Slanting Sun"

It is the dusk under the residual sun, the pond full of spring rain, and the evening breeze gently blows the waves of the water like a cold jade.


Spring comes to the street, and the spring rain is as fine as silk.

The spring field is full of red apricots, and the spring swallow dances with the wind.

—— Ouyang Jiong, "Qing Ping Le"

Spring is full of earth, and spring rain is as fine as silk. Red apricot blossoms bloom all over the ground, and flocks of swallows flutter with the wind.

20 beautiful spring rain poems, full of poetry!


Spring is not old, and the wind is fine and the willows are oblique.

Try to watch on the transcendent stage, half a trench spring water a city of flowers.

Smoke and rain darken a thousand homes.

—— Su Shi, "Wangjiangnan Chaoran Taizuo"

Spring has not yet passed, the breeze is thin, and the willow branches dance obliquely. Try to climb the transcendent platform and look at it from a distance, the half-full spring water in the moat Hanoi is slightly flashing, the spring flowers are bright everywhere in the city, and the misty drizzle is scattered in the city, and thousands of families can't really see it.


Cultivators support the forest hill, and a gull falls outside the flowers from time to time.

To test how much rain comes in the spring, the wild pond floods the water to return to the boat.

INTERVIEWER Kunihiko Shu, Vermicelli

The farmer in the mountain forest whispered with the plough, and a white gull fell from time to time outside the flower bush. If you want to test the amount of rain in the spring rain, just look at the spring water in the wild pond, you can freely turn around a small boat.

20 beautiful spring rain poems, full of poetry!


Heavy spring day oblique rain, lonely idle door chaotic moss.

——Zhuang Tang, "Si Jia Ke Spring Rain"

Long drizzles fly obliquely during the spring day, and raindrops dotted in front of the silent door are dotted with moss.


Lotus out of the forest spring rain fine, reed pipe lying blowing sedge green.

- Li Shi, "Shepherd's Words"

The spring rain is pouring out of the woods, wearing a coat, lying in the sedge bushes and blowing a reed flute, blowing a lush green on both sides of the river.

20 beautiful spring rain poems, full of poetry!


Spring wind and spring rain flowers through the eyes, Jiangbei Jiangnan water shoots the sky.

- Huang Tingjian, "The Origin of the Ming Rhymes sending sons"

It was the spring wind again, the spring rain again, and the spring flowers passing through my eyes; I looked at Jiangnan and looked at Jiangbei, only to see the waves lapping in the sky.


The chai gate is lonely and the rice is sweet, and the mountain family fireworks are sunny in spring and rain.

——Guan Xiu", "Spring Festival Gala Book Mountain Home"

The wood gate is silent, the rice in the house is fragrant, the farmhouse cooking smoke is thick, and the day is clear after the spring rains.

Source: WeChat public account: "Sanwei Poetry House"

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