
【Epidemic prevention and control】School is starting, take the "first lesson of health protection"!

author:Republican popularization of law

When the school starts, xinxin students rush to the qingqing campus!

The current epidemic prevention and control cannot be relaxed,

Specially sent to the "first lesson of health protection",

Let's do a good job of personal protection,

Pen and stone blind date, healthy companionship!

【Epidemic prevention and control】School is starting, take the "first lesson of health protection"!

(Image from Photoshop)

【Epidemic prevention and control】School is starting, take the "first lesson of health protection"!

Wearing a mask, are you doing it right?

Knock on the blackboard: protection first, comfort second!

✔ Choose a regular medical mask or medical surgical mask;

✔ Distinguish between positive and negative, pay attention to covering the mouth and nose when wearing, and compact the nose clip;

✔ Do not touch the outer contaminated surface with your hands, and pay attention to storing or hanging in a ventilated place with a breathable paper bag;

✔ When there is dirt, deformation, damage and odor, it needs to be replaced in time, and the continuous wearing time does not exceed 8 hours;

✔ On the way to and from school, take public transportation or in crowded areas, be sure to wear a mask at all times.

【Epidemic prevention and control】School is starting, take the "first lesson of health protection"!

Wash your hands frequently, are you doing it right?

Knock on the blackboard: Seven steps to wash your hands, healthy trends!

✔ Wash your hands when you return from outing, after going to the toilet before eating, after touching public objects, sneezing and coughing;

✔ Wash your hands with running water with soap or hand sanitizer, and rub your hands for more than 20 seconds under the "seven-step handwashing method";

✔ Wearing gloves is not a substitute for hand hygiene.

【Epidemic prevention and control】School is starting, take the "first lesson of health protection"!

Keep your distance, did you do it?

Knock on the blackboard: socialize one meter, love your distance!

✔ Avoid laughing, hugging and playing, and keeping an appropriate distance;

✔ Try not to talk during lunch to avoid droplet transmission;

✔ Do not organize and participate in gatherings such as classmate gatherings.

【Epidemic prevention and control】School is starting, take the "first lesson of health protection"!

Should be reported, did you do it?

Knock on the blackboard: health monitoring, standardized implementation!

✔ Self-check body temperature before leaving home, confirm that body temperature is normal and then go out; if there is fever, dry cough and other symptoms, report it in time;

✔ Teachers and students returning to Shanghai should standardize the implementation of prevention and control measures in accordance with the requirements of school management.

【Epidemic prevention and control】School is starting, take the "first lesson of health protection"!

Good habits, have you maintained?

Knock on the blackboard: three meals a day should be regular, and the regular schedule should not stay up late!

✔ Eat a balanced diet, ensure nutrition, drink more water, drink less sugary drinks;

✔ Exercise in moderation, strengthen exercise, enhance immunity;

✔ Regular work and rest, ensure adequate sleep, and keep your mood comfortable.

【Epidemic prevention and control】School is starting, take the "first lesson of health protection"!

New semester, new goals,

Learning is important, and health is indispensable!

Let us do a good job of scientific protection,

Hand over a beautiful "health report card" together!

【Epidemic prevention and control】School is starting, take the "first lesson of health protection"!
【Epidemic prevention and control】School is starting, take the "first lesson of health protection"!

The source | Qinghai Health and Wellness