
Introduction and analysis of the Stader (SD) project

author:Moriki Yeah

Hello everyone! I'm Yeah Moriki, and today I'm going to introduce you to what Stader is and how it's going to be trending in the future. In addition, I will occasionally sort out the high-quality shares in the primary market to everyone, if you feel that the secondary market is risky, you may wish to try the next primary market At present, the good primary market projects in our community are NYM, IVS, GAL, SD, pstake, these first-level quality projects.

Introduction and analysis of the Stader (SD) project

1, birth background

It is impossible for one application to serve multiple segments with different wagering needs and expectations. As a result, Ystad will turn LEGO bricks into the middle layer of infrastructure so that anyone can make LEGO bricks and related products.

Stader's founding team has been working in the crypto space for many years and has extensive experience in locking and building mining optimizers. They've seen firsthand how difficult and laborious it can be to choose a mining pool, and Stader has seen the same thing happen in a bet. They aspire to place bets with ease and innovate in betting at the same time. As Stader begins building cross-chain lock lego bricks, it is crucial to first demonstrate the success of the platform. Stader began his journey with Terra and Solana.

2, market demand

Over the next five years, bet trading is expected to increase further. The cryptocurrency space will have hundreds of blockchain networks across L1, L2, NFT, gaming, and Metavalse. PoS and piles will be the foundation layers of these networks. Innovative betting solutions built on top of PoS chains will explode.

On the demand side, we've seen multiple segments emerge in the crypto space:

1. Retail (crypto local users and exchange users).

2. Institutions and venture funds with long-term holding periods.

3. Hedge funds

Introduction and analysis of the Stader (SD) project

The size of the opportunity for different customer groups

3. Main highlights

(1) Stader is creating a modular smart contract infrastructure for staking across PoS chains.

(2) Stader launched two pledge products on Terra– Stader Pools and Lunax.

(3) Since their launch on November 23, 2021, these solutions have gained tremendous traction in Terra's DeFi ecosystem.

Introduction and analysis of the Stader (SD) project

Stader can only contract module designs

4. Token information

Stader's token name is SD. Stader's token name is SD, the total is 150 million, reward + agriculture: 36%; public sale: 4%; team and advisors: 17%; ecosystem fund: 11% ;D AO fund: 15%; private sales: 17%.

Introduction and analysis of the Stader (SD) project

SD token distribution

5. Token utility

(1) Preferential entrustment and insurance: The verifier will pledge the minimum number of SD tokens, and the proportion of the entrustment in the pool will be distributed proportionally according to the pledged SD tokens. Validators will provide deintencing insurance through the pledged SD tokens

(2) Rewards and discounts

Liquidity Pool Rewards: If elected by a governance pledger, the SD token reward for liquidity pool providers on the DEX.

Discount Tokens: If selected by the governance pledgee, the SD token sledgelist may receive a discount on the fees charged by the Sadr solution.

(3) Governance: The governance pledgee can propose and G-vote policies related to Sadr protocol policies, extensions, validator selection, method changes, etc.

(4) Development access to Sader infrastructure: Third parties, including developers, need to pledge SD tokens to access Sader smart contracts and product functions, such as customized pledge smart contracts, verifier smart tools, etc.

6. Team introduction

Introduction and analysis of the Stader (SD) project

7. Investment investors

Introduction and analysis of the Stader (SD) project

This article is just a personal opinion, there is more knowledge in this area to discuss together! Thanks for watching thanks!