
Internet celebrities live-streamed drinking pesticides to commit suicide, and there is another reason behind the blame to the audience

author:Legal Counsel

Internet celebrities live-streamed suicide by drinking medicine

In a live broadcast on October 14, 2021, she looked very tired, always optimistic, and she forced a smile to tell her fans that this may be the last dynamic, thank you for your company along the way. Then she took out the prepared pesticide, and the subtitles that kept appearing on the bullet screen in front of her read, "How can I not die?" Hurry up and drink! "Drink fast, drink fast!" Finally, she lifted her head and drank it all.

In October 2021, in Zhuzhou, Hunan Province, a small Internet celebrity with more than 500,000 fans entered the vision of countless people in an extreme way - drinking pesticides to commit suicide in a live broadcast. To this day, the incident continues to ferment, and she never has a chance to speak again. Her death not only came from the pain and emotional repression in her heart, but also from the urging of those netizens who destroyed humanity and were ruthless and cold-blooded. It is true that she did have the idea of dying, but this was not a reason for anyone to urge her to die.

Internet celebrities live-streamed drinking pesticides to commit suicide, and there is another reason behind the blame to the audience

Who is responsible for "suicide" live streaming?

After the incident, some people criticized Luo Xiaocat's irresponsible behavior towards her own life, and some people condemned those unscrupulous netizens who urged her to drink pesticides in the live broadcast room, in addition, this live broadcast platform that provides the connection between the anchor and the fans seems to have been forgotten by everyone, is this live broadcast platform without any responsibility in this accident? In recent years, the development of online live broadcasting can be described as changing with each passing day, every day there are new events happening, every day there are new developments, in order to seize the market, anchors have come up with a variety of "surprising win" methods.

Some people played the edge ball in the live broadcast, using pornography to attract traffic, some people raced in the live broadcast, resulting in serious car accidents, and even some people put their mother's funeral on the live broadcast. In order to be able to be rewarded, anchors use a variety of means, in order to attract traffic, to meet the public's curiosity, and even use a "suicide" live broadcast method, in 2017, extreme challenge enthusiast Wu Yongning fell down a 100-meter-tall building due to physical strength when recording; The 29-year-old anchor Dafei poured liquor and salad oil for more than three consecutive months at the instigation of fans, and his life ended in this year; A man in Hefei was drinking and eating a centipede while live broadcasting, suddenly lost consciousness, and when the police arrived at the broadcaster, there were no vital signs, and the computer was still in the live broadcast interface...

These events are bloody examples, and behind every event there is a living person who pays the price of his life. But these examples do not seem to warn people, the relevant platforms still ignore the development of such live broadcast activities, live broadcasters are still "brain holes", come up with more vicious ways to attract the public's attention, challenge the public bottom line, and the social atmosphere can be imagined under the continuous influence of such an environment.

Internet celebrities live-streamed drinking pesticides to commit suicide, and there is another reason behind the blame to the audience

The law has long been stipulated

As a method of dissemination with an extremely wide audience, online live broadcasting has a very wide impact, and more importantly, any bad behavior of network anchors will not only damage the network anchors themselves, but also cause viewers to follow suit and have a great impact on society. Even some anchors in order to attract traffic, but also make "fake suicide" and "fake death" things to attract attention, when "suicide" has become a means of attracting attention, in people's hearts, the awe and cherishing of life and how much is left, over time, it will make the public indifferent and numb to this "wolf coming" phenomenon, when the real accident occurs, it will only think that it is another gimmick to increase traffic, in this context, how can the responsibility for the accident be attributed to the audience watching the liveliness.

For the restrictions on online live broadcasting, there are already provisions in China's laws, and in the "Provisions on the Administration of Internet Live Broadcasting Services" issued by the state, such provisions have delineated the bottom line for the relevant activities of online live broadcasting, and stipulated in the "Detailed Rules for the Review of Online Short Video Content Standards" and so on.

But in fact, because the cost of non-compliance in the live broadcasting industry is too low, and the cost of supervision is too high, it is often difficult for the government to effectively manage live broadcast activities. The online live broadcasting platform, as the platform provider of the live broadcast service, could have managed and reviewed the relevant content in a timely manner to minimize the impact of the transmission, but in real life, the live broadcast platform often throws the pot as only the provider of the platform, which is a very irresponsible behavior.

Internet celebrities live-streamed drinking pesticides to commit suicide, and there is another reason behind the blame to the audience

Live streaming platforms should be held accountable

In this case, the platform could detect the danger when the broadcaster took out the pesticide and mentioned suicide, but did not take any measures to allow it to happen, and finally tragedy occurred, and a life ended. Network live broadcasting, which should have been a flower of convenience brought about by the development of science and technology, allows us to communicate with more people faster and more conveniently, but now because of various bad live broadcast behaviors, this flower has borne bad results, and the live broadcast platform is responsible for this.

As the first door of live broadcasting, the live broadcast platform is the most direct communication channel between anchors and fans, and it should first assume the responsibility of supervision, establish a precautionary mechanism, and timely stop the bad live broadcast behavior of anchors to avoid the widespread spread of acts that violate social and public order. In the future, online live broadcasting will gradually develop more and more extensively, and only live broadcast platforms can assume the responsibility of supervision, reduce the spread of bad live broadcasts from the source, punish and prohibit them, so as to promote the benign interaction between the platform and society, promote the benign development of live broadcasting and society, and reduce the occurrence of tragedies.