
2022.02.18| Learning Record 147| Excessive possession can cause people to suffer

author:Firry SciPsy Bird Quail

Welcome to Firry's learning log. This is the _147th day of my record.


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➽Today's Note➽

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2022.02.18| Learning Record 147| Excessive possession can cause people to suffer

▏ Daily excerpts

‖ classic short story reading group

▶ "The unattainable goal is my goal, and moving back to the twists and turns is the way I want to go." —Hesse

▏ Learn today


✍ Record the table

▏ English accumulation

‖ the oral shredder | excerpt ➕ expanded

➽ One sentence

Those guys have earned the right to walk into that stadium and wave their nation's flag. That's the single greatest honor an athlete can ever have. That's what the Olympics are all about. They have won the right to walk into the stadium and wave their own national flag. That's the only highest honor an athlete can get. That's what the Olympics are all about. —Cool Runnings on Ice

➽ Expand (word flexibility)

❶earn earn(sb.) a place to win a place corresponding to the Chinese "stand firm" "win a place" earn the bread bread bread-earner earn money to support the family Perfect crack in Chinese "top pillar"

❷wave a wave of/ in waves A strand / wavy Perfect cracking of "a strand" and "a burst" in Chinese Perfect cracking of "perm" in Chinese

➽ American notes

"Cancel", "Stop": cal1off is used to "say" when telling a story: go is used to answer "no", "no", "no" nope in colloquial language

▏ Read aloud today

  • Yang Shuai has three sentences a day

▶ Theme: dream

❶I don't_believe that dreams_mean anything_significant. Signif icant is important and meaningful

❷I think they are simply a manifestation of our subconscious thoughts, worries, fears, and desires. manifestation n.表现、显示

❸For example, if I'm worried about my job, I might have a nightmare about it.

  • Albert Yingwen

▶ None

  • Jessica Kaka Classroom


Even the slang that is used to describe cool and awesome sick also means "particularly cool person or thing" in colloquial language.

Sick said he was "uncomfortable and sick" when he said he was "sick." Although it also means "I'm uncomfortable", here "sick" specifically refers to "feeling sick and wanting to throw up.".

Sick leave:Sick leave To ask for... leave: Apply... Fake Sick day: Sick of something: Fed up...

  • other

▶ Unit 10 For the Sake of Other Men Lesson 10 Living for Others

Many times a day I realize how much my own outer and inner life is built upon the labors of my fellow men, both living and dead, and how earnestly I must exert myself in order to give in return as much as I have received. Many times in a day I realize that my external and inner life depends mostly on the labor of my countrymen, whether they are alive or deceased, and how hard I have to work to get what I have gained equally. My peace of mind is often troubled by the depressing sense that I have borrowed too heavily from the work of other men. I owe too much to others for their efforts, and this frustration often plagues my peace of mind.

▏ Today's word

‖ memorize word records

▶ Do not memorize words: 160

▶ Time_21 min

▏ Other

❶ Lonely City by Olivia Lane

➽ 20220214 start

▶ Hopper

▶ Progress_38___ /258

▶ Time_ 7 min

❷ Super Inquisitive Jimmy & Marianne

➽ 20220217 start

▶ Introduction

▶ Progress__012__

▶ Time_9 min

❸ "Be Yourself" Nietzsche

➽ 20220202 Start ▶ Rights Consciousness 丨 Things ▶ people call love Progress __086__ /336 ▶ Time_ 8 min

❹ The I Ching was jointly published in Beijing

➽ 20220204 start

▶ Chapter 16 Qian [卦 fifteen] Di Shan Qian Chapter 17 Yu [卦 XVI] Thunder Di Yu

▶ Time_ 15 min

❺ Prose

▶ Eat 丨 Eat this craft work 丨 Qian Zhong Shu's reading notes

❻ 原版书《The Old Man and the Sea》

☛20220131 Start ▶ Progress_ 18/52

❼ With sound recording

▶ Medium: Liang, He Wf, Zhang M, Other

▶ English: News, Winston. Laowhy. Anna