
4nm process blessing! Snapdragon 8 Gen1+ or next month release, can ROG grab the start again

Since its release in December last year, Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen1 has become the first choice for the flagship products of the current Android camp with a significant improvement in performance, and has won the favor of many consumers. However, unlike previous years, the number of new machines equipped with Snapdragon 8 processors is less than 10 models, and the news of the next generation of upgraded products Snapdragon 8 Gen1 Plus has already appeared. According to the well-known digital blogger @mobile phone crystal master, Qualcomm will accelerate the launch of an upgraded version of the Snapdragon 8 Gen1, which is expected to be delivered early in April.

4nm process blessing! Snapdragon 8 Gen1+ or next month release, can ROG grab the start again

According to the information currently exposed, snapdragon 8 Gen1 Plus will be based on TSMC's 4nm process, although it will also be composed of Cortex-X2 super core, Cortex-A710 large core, and Cortex-A510 small core, and equipped with a new generation of Adreno GPU, but in the CPU frequency, chip energy efficiency, etc. are expected to be further improved, compared with The Snapdragon 8 there is no small difference. And because of the replacement of foundries, process improvements are expected to bring better performance and lower power consumption, which is good news for users who value the performance experience.

4nm process blessing! Snapdragon 8 Gen1+ or next month release, can ROG grab the start again

So the question is, if the Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 Plus is launched next month, which manufacturer can launch this new flagship core for the first time? According to the past practice, in addition to mainstream manufacturers such as OPPO and Xiaomi, ROG is also an important manufacturer to seize the first launch of the Plus version of Snapdragon's flagship processor. Previously, there have been a number of ROG game mobile phones equipped with Snapdragon 8 flagship series Plus chips, and each generation of ROG game phones will basically be equipped with the most powerful configuration at that time, reaching the top level in terms of performance and game experience, so the next generation of ROG game mobile phones 6 is expected to continue to be equipped with Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 Plus for the first time, and get greater upgrades in performance to meet the ultimate needs of gamers.

4nm process blessing! Snapdragon 8 Gen1+ or next month release, can ROG grab the start again

At the same time, in terms of hardware configuration such as screen and battery life, the ROG game phone 6 series will not be ambiguous. After all, the performance of the ROG game mobile phone 5s series on sale is already quite powerful, equipped with a 144Hz Samsung AMOLED e-sports screen, which has a very good performance in terms of clarity, color and fluency, and can get a more delicate visual experience and a silky smooth touch experience during the game. Perhaps in the ROG game mobile phone 6 series, ROG will upgrade this screen, starting from the resolution, touch response, etc., so that users can get a more immersive visual experience, while the 6000mAh battery will not be absent, bringing a more durable game experience.

4nm process blessing! Snapdragon 8 Gen1+ or next month release, can ROG grab the start again

In addition, in recent years, ROG game mobile phones are equipped with multi-finger control system, of which ROG game mobile phone 5s is equipped with AirTrigger5 control system, which can achieve six-finger operation and enhance the user's control experience, which has been recognized and liked by many players. For example, in "Peace Elite", players can set the opening button and shooting key of the gun on the shoulder button and the physical button respectively, and the buttons on the screen are used as running and quickly changing the perspective, so as to achieve a series of difficult operations such as shooting while moving, "worshiping the Buddha gun" and so on. It is believed that the ROG game mobile phone 6 series will also continue this feature, bringing an upgraded version of AirtTrigger ultrasonic shoulder buttons to help users unlock more creative control experiences.

4nm process blessing! Snapdragon 8 Gen1+ or next month release, can ROG grab the start again

Of course, the official did not release the exact news, the above content is speculated through the news of the media, as to whether the Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 Plus will be listed in April, ROG game mobile phone 6 series of new products will be upgraded in what direction, still need to be further official news announcement. However, from the perspective of the tone of ROG's previous works, the new products will surely achieve hardcore performance improvements at the same time, and constantly optimize the game experience, bringing players a more comfortable immersive game experience, and interested partners can continue to pay attention to a wave of official dynamics.

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