
About England captain Kane, there's a lot you don't know

author:Xinmin Evening News

There has probably never been a sport that, like football, has been able to dominate the mood of england. Victory is ecstasy, defeat is decadence, but England in the big game is fragile most of the time, and the "gentleness" of the Three Lions is often ridiculed - "let's learn cat calling together, meow and meow together", even if they are the birthplace of modern football, just like many other sports.

About England captain Kane, there's a lot you don't know

Pictured: England captain Kane Tu IC

  So, Harry Kane, as captain, is clearly one of the most famous stars in all of England. But what doesn't match this label is actually the degree to which Kane is dissected. According to the style of the British media, and the world-famous means, Kane in the spotlight seems so pale, football, or football, but give us some flowers and grass. Regarding Captain Kane, in fact, what you know is very limited.

A bit stubborn

  Kane scored, the first in this European Championship, a key goal to eliminate old rivals Germany. When he slid to the ground and fell to the ground to celebrate, he probably had some sense of raising his eyebrows - finally, he scored.

About England captain Kane, there's a lot you don't know

Pictured: At this European Championship, Kane scored against Germany

  Kane shoots well, opens his bow left and right, kicks overhead, breaks efficiently, and is the Golden Boot of the World Cup. Right now, the 27-year-old is seventh in the list of goalscorers in Premier League history, and by this time next year, it is predicted that he will be in the top three. Catching up with the shooter King Alain Shearer is estimated to only need to wait until he is 30 years old. At this European Championship, people are full of expectations for Kane, but it was not until the knockout round that Kane began to destroy the city. He didn't mention himself, "At this point, there should be a lot of people who will see us as a dangerous team." Thanks to the support of the fans, without them, England would not have been where it is today. ”

  Kane is stubborn, even though he has become the first ace of the England team, he still looks for the possibility of his own progress. At Norwich, Chris Hughton recalled that Kane was always the last player to finish training, and other teammates, including the goalkeeper, had long since left, but he always "added food" to himself. At Millwall, he asked his coach for advice on how to improve his aerial capabilities. Unable to play, Kane also had to practice penalties and free kicks. Even now, with such a busy schedule, Kane says he's obsessed with "how to make your data better." Yes, Kane always likes to study data and compete with himself. "When I first started in the Premier League, I wasn't as physically and physically as the other players. I spend a lot of time in the gym and want my speed and strength to be top-notch. Since then, I've been somewhat addicted to data. ”

About England captain Kane, there's a lot you don't know

Picture said: Kane's goal breaking is very efficient Xinhua News Agency

  Kane's "tendons" are also manifested in other aspects of life. His fame can light up celebrities for him, but he has set a rule for himself, "Don't fall into the situation where someone else shoots you to go to a nightclub." He also has strict guidelines for commercial advertising. In the 48 hours before the competition, he refused to participate in any commercial activities, even if there was not much interaction, just to take hard photos, "it always takes hours to take those photos, which is actually very energy-consuming." For me, the game is the most important. "Kane's sponsors are actually not many compared to his status, and his brother Charlie is his agent, pushing out all the activities that can be pushed for him." Kane always remembers where he came from, and has not lost the life creed that has always pushed him forward, which is probably the best "sedative" for him in the face of hardship and fame and fortune.

A bit naïve

  Kane adored Beckham. Many people say the two of them are a lot like each other – both motivated, ambitious and hard-working players. He may not be the most talented footballer, but he uses this quality to take his abilities to the extreme. When Beckham had a Mohican haircut, Kane immediately followed suit. However, Kane is still Kane himself, and he says that When it comes to dress, Beckham is not his idol. "Those funky stuff, it was never a part of my upbringing. I hope, and I only want to be a footballer, I don't care much about how I dress in the eyes of the public. ”

About England captain Kane, there's a lot you don't know

Pictured: Teen Kane (second from right) and Beckham (center).

  After Kane's first season at Tottenham, he flew to Australia with his teammates for a short trip. That year was Kane's breakthrough year, he scored 21 goals in 34 Premier League games. Almost overnight, he went from being penniless, a fringe player who was always loaned to a concession, to a star of hope. But Kane is somewhat hindsighted, or he doesn't have much of a concept of the word "star." When he was in Sydney, he wanted to go out for a walk, so he went to a nearby mall by himself and felt that he could spend a few hours of leisure time. But a few minutes later, Kane found himself surrounded by hundreds of fans and struggling to break through, and he had to call the club for help. This memory has always been left, "I think, in the beginning, I was a little naïve about anything I could do and what I couldn't do after I became famous. "Kane is very objective in his evaluation of the life of a star,

  "I'm grateful for the fame and enjoying the part that comes with it, and I think I'll have to wait until after I retire to tell you if I miss it or not." Of course, this fame also comes with rules and regulations. ”

About England captain Kane, there's a lot you don't know

Pictured: Kane (center) in the game Figure IC

A bit ambitious

  Most likely, Kane is leaving Tottenham this summer. Although he has been a Tottenham fan since he was a child, although he has hoped to play for Tottenham Hotspur since he was a child, the Captain of England is going to chase a farther and higher dream. Careers are limited, and the best years are only those years. Kane has become a premier league striker a few years ago, and there have been many teams that want to get Kane, but Kane has always chosen to stick to Tottenham, refused the invitation of many teams, and renewed his contract with Tottenham. After the renewal, Kane's weekly salary is only 200,000 pounds, which seems to be a high price, but looking at other players in the same position, some players are not as capable as Kane, but the weekly salary is more than Kane. Kane said: "Fame and money have changed my life, but they have not changed me as a person. With fame and fortune, I can take care of my wife and family. But I can guarantee that if football were just amateur activities and we didn't get paid, I would still be a player. No job can bring me so much satisfaction as football, I just happen to live in a time when top players can make a lot of money. I want to be a top player and win more championships in my career. ”

About England captain Kane, there's a lot you don't know

Pictured: Kane is likely to leave Tottenham Hotspur

  Kane loves rugby, and it's American football, and getting on the NFL Super Bowl is another fantasy for him. Kane's favorite football players are Tom Brady of the New England Patriots and Russell Wilson of the Seattle Seahawks — his two dogs are named after Brady and Wilson, both of whom are the best quarterbacks on the job. But the position Kane wants to try is the kicker, "I even downloaded an NFL game on my phone, can I be the best in the world?" If you went to the NFL after playing in the Premier League and the World Cup, would anyone call you the greatest athlete of all time? In a training session at the New York Jets in 2017, Kane kicked the ball 50 yards away.

  Captain Kane's ambitions, on the football field, off the football field. (Chief reporter of Xinmin Evening News Hua Xinyi)