
Girls, pay attention! You may also get this disease without sex

author:Dr. Li Le
Girls, pay attention! You may also get this disease without sex

Image source: Web | Editor-in-Charge: Le Li

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"Doctor, I have a hard question to ask..."

"Don't be afraid, just say it, I'll help you answer!"

"It's just... I'm there... A little itchy and wanted to go for a gynecological examination, but I felt so horrible that I didn't dare to go... What's the point? ”

In fact, gynecological diseases are not the "patent" of married women, and women without sex will also get gynecological diseases, but the reasons for the two are different.

Every time you see the science of gynecological diseases, you may sneak in to look at them twice and test whether you have these problems. Seeing articles about women's health can't help but look at it, because from abnormal vaginal discharge, vaginal itching, to cervical cancer, ovarian cancer, every gynecological-related disease is a "nightmare" that fairies worry about.

But it is strange that no matter how terrible the nightmare is, there are still many women who are reluctant to take the initiative to go to the hospital for gynecological examinations, and even the free physical examinations in the unit will be deliberately avoided.

Gynecological examination has become the last thing many women want to touch, is it "avoiding medical treatment", "shyness" or another "other cause"?

Today we are going to talk about those things about gynecological examinations.

Girls, pay attention! You may also get this disease without sex


Don't have sex and don't get gynecological diseases?

First of all, there are many causes of gynecological inflammation. Infection through sexual life is only one aspect of it, and even women who have not had sex are at risk of developing gynecological inflammation. If you usually do not pay attention to hygiene habits, such as not changing underwear in time, often wearing wet underwear, etc., it is easy to breed mold and fungus, so that moldy vaginitis will come to the door.

Girls, pay attention! You may also get this disease without sex

Secondly, because the gynecological inflammation caused by some pathogenic bacteria is contagious, women who have not had sex may also be infected with gynecological inflammation through indirect contact. For example, if someone in the family suffers from gynecological inflammation, and then shares a towel, toilet, bathtub, and wash clothes in the same washing machine, it is likely that gynecological inflammation will be indirectly transmitted through these vectors, such as trichomoniasis vaginitis, HPV infection, genital warts, etc.

Girls, pay attention! You may also get this disease without sex

Finally, for women who have not had sex, even if symptoms similar to gynecological inflammation appear, don't worry too much. Because many women have symptoms such as vaginal itching and abnormal vaginal discharge, they do not really have gynecological inflammation, but may just be a false inflammation. For example, excessive exercise, frequent staying up late, or excessive study pressure may cause this false inflammation.


Why are you afraid of gynecological examinations?

In addition to the psychological factors of many women who are afraid of being snooped on private parts, another important reason is the fear of pain.

First of all, most of the sites of gynecological examination are delicate mucosal tissues, and excessive strength can easily cause pain or injury to sensitive areas, resulting in many people being afraid of gynecological examinations.

Secondly, during the gynecological examination, doctors often use a cotton swab through a speculum to extract secretions from the vagina. This is more painful for women who have had fewer intercourse and have experienced a caesarean section.

In addition to the speculum, the gentleness and precision of the doctor's manual force makes the patient feel different pain. If the first physical examination experience is unpleasant, it will greatly increase the patient's disgust for the gynecological physical examination.


How often do Gynaecological Examinations be done?

Gynecological examinations can be done once a year. However, when there are abnormalities such as vaginal discharge abnormalities, pubic itching, lower abdominal pain, and irregular vaginal bleeding, you should go to a regular hospital in time!

Girls, pay attention! You may also get this disease without sex


What tests are done?

1. Gynecological routine examination: including examination of the size, shape, location, fallopian tubes and ovaries of the vulva, vagina, cervix and uterus.

2. Routine examination of vaginal discharge: including mold, trichomoniasis, vaginal cleanliness and bacterial vaginosis examination. The examination takes the form of a duck-billed vaginal dilator and, if there has been no sexual activity, a cotton swab dipped in the vaginal discharge.

3. Gynecological B ultrasound examination: The new technology of gynecological examination is mainly used for the diagnosis of endometrial diseases, cervical diseases, uterine fibroids, ovarian tumors and the examination of embryonic development in early pregnancy. Usually gynecological B ultrasound has: transabdominal, transvaginal, transctal three ways, to choose according to different situations.

4. TCT and HPV: both are HPV screening. The examination takes the form of a duck-billed vaginal dilator, just like checking for vaginal discharge.

5. Six items of gonadism: If you consider diseases caused by endocrine problems, such as irregular menstruation, irregular vaginal bleeding, etc., you need to check the six items of gonads, check the hormone level, and the form of examination is blood draw.


What to expect before the exam?

The duration of the examination should be avoided during menstruation. If you are afraid of pain, you can inform the doctor in advance, use a small speculum, and the examination intensity is appropriately lighter. The night before the gynecological examination should be avoided.

Before going to the hospital, simply rinse the vulva to keep it clean and hygienic. However, the inside of the vagina cannot be washed within 24 hours before the examination, which will wash away abnormal secretions and some potential cancer cells that may be detected through the slice, affecting the doctor's diagnosis. It is recommended to wear loose clothing before the examination.

Girls, pay attention! You may also get this disease without sex


How do I choose the inspection time?

Menarche days 2-5: Sex hormone test

For people with menstrual disorders and infertility, sex hormone tests should be performed during this period to understand the basic state of the ovaries.

If prolactin (PRL) is included in the sex hormone program, it is recommended to avoid a high-protein diet and strenuous exercise the day before the blood draw, and to draw blood after 10-30 minutes of meditation at 9-10 a.m. the next day.

3-7 days after clean menstruation: suitable for most gynecological examinations

This is a relatively safe period of time for the purpose of physical examination, review of ovarian and endometrial-related diseases, salpingogram, colposcopy, hysteroscopy, and gynecological surgeries.

Mid-menstruation: ovulation tested

This period is critical for patients who need to monitor ovulation. In general, the dominant follicle begins to develop on day 9 of menstruation. Therefore, the development of follicles and the thickening of the endometrium are usually monitored by ultrasound from the 10th day of menstruation.

One week before menstruation: check the function of the corpus luteum

People who want to know whether the luteal body is functioning or whether they have ovulation should have their progesterone checked one week before menstruation.

Special circumstances: See a doctor according to symptoms

When there are obvious symptoms, such as vulvar itching, abnormal discharge, abnormal uterine bleeding, lower abdominal pain, etc., you should go to the hospital in time to avoid delaying the condition.


Many women think that as long as there is no sex life, they will not get gynecological diseases, which is actually a misunderstanding. Women who do not have sex may also get gynecological diseases. There are many reasons for this, with exposure to unhygienic clothing, decreased autoimmunity and imbalance of vaginal flora being three important factors. When you find that you have symptoms, don't be afraid, don't be embarrassed to go to the hospital, be sure to treat scientifically to prevent the aggravation of the disease.

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