
In the May Day file in 2022, Bai Baihe, Ma Li and other 6 new films will be released, which one are you most looking forward to?

author:Foolish and funny

There is very little left in February 2022, and the long tail effect of the Spring Festival stall in 2022 has not improved at all, let alone played an opening effect. The Spring Festival file in 2022 is really a "tiger's tail", only a few days before the third day of the Chinese New Year, the box office was hot for a few days, and then it was stagnant and plummeted into the Spring Festival stall spurned by the audience.

In addition to the phenomenon of "tiger head and snake tail" in the Spring Festival file, the 2022 Valentine's Day file shows the "tiger head and snake tail" perfectly. On February 14, three romance films were released, and the box office performance was extremely fierce. One of the films, adapted from a popular novel on the Internet, broke through 100 million at the box office in less than 10 hours of release, and successfully topped the japanese box office. However, the good times were short-lived and short-lived, and the three movies on the next day of Valentine's Day were ruthlessly beaten back to their original form by word of mouth, and the box office showed a cliff-like decline, and they were about to fall out of the mobile phone screen.

In the May Day file in 2022, Bai Baihe, Ma Li and other 6 new films will be released, which one are you most looking forward to?

With the failure of the Spring Festival file and the Valentine's Day file, the audience has no desire to watch the movie, and is looking forward to the release of several conscience blockbusters and conscience ticket prices in the May Day file. It is understood that this year's May Day has 6 new films fixed, of which 3 are live-action films and 3 are animation films, I don't know if it suits your appetite?

Today, I will share with you a few new films to be released in the May Day show in 2022, and see which one are you most looking forward to?

In the May Day file in 2022, Bai Baihe, Ma Li and other 6 new films will be released, which one are you most looking forward to?

"Procuratorial Storm"

Subject: Crime

Director: Mak Siu-fai

Starring: Huang Jingyu, Bai Baihe, Wang Likun, Wang Qianyuan, Bao Bell, Su Ke, etc

Highlights: No matter who directs and who stars, the film of the crime trial plot story is really difficult to make, either because of the lack of professional knowledge that leads to loopholes in the film, or it is difficult to pass the review, so in recent years it is difficult to produce a domestic crime trial film that is acclaimed and popular. I don't know if the film can break the bottleneck, it is worth looking forward to.

Release date: April 30

In the May Day file in 2022, Bai Baihe, Ma Li and other 6 new films will be released, which one are you most looking forward to?

"Hello Brother"

Subject: Comedy

Director: Zhang Luan

Starring: Ma Li, Chang Yuan, Wei Xiang, Jia Bing, Huang Yuntong, Han Yanbo, Zhang Yiming, etc

Highlights: Similar to "Hello, Li Huanying" and like "Charlotte Troubles", there is a feeling of imitation and tribute to the "old altar new wine", but this time it is a journey back to the daily life of the parents' youth. If you feel that "This Killer Is Not Too Calm" Ma Li and Wei Xiang are very good partners, if you think Chang Yuan's acting skills are not bad, if you think that the happy twist movie with zero "tentenity" is also worth watching, then the film is your dish.

In the May Day file in 2022, Bai Baihe, Ma Li and other 6 new films will be released, which one are you most looking forward to?

"Hello, Beijing"

Theme: Real Family

Director: Cao Xixi

Starring: An Zehao, Cao Xixi, Zhang Xilin, Liu Ben, Li Feiran, Hai Yiyi, Guo Jinglin, etc

Highlights: Films that have won many awards at the 13th Macao International Film Festival and the 9th New Zealand Asia-Pacific Film Festival before they were released; the cast is all actors from "drama", which has a feeling that people can't say and want to express. If the film does well at the box office after its release, it is a domineering oath, and vice versa, you know. Because film and television dramas only choose actors with suitable roles, not who choose which academic school, because there are many excellent actors who are not academic.

In the May Day file in 2022, Bai Baihe, Ma Li and other 6 new films will be released, which one are you most looking forward to?

In addition, there are three animation films, such as the first domestic T-Rex realistic CG animation movie "I Am a Tyrannosaurus Rex", the pig and pig man series big movie "Pig Man Movie Ocean Diary" that children are particularly familiar with, and the first big movie adapted from the "Mini World" game " "Mini World Awakening", which will also land on the national big screen on April 30. Finally, the above 6 movies, which one do you think will become the big winner of the May Day file?

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