
The first calligraphy lecturer certification class of Guangxi Zhonggui Calligraphy and Painting Institute

author:Stone heaven calligraphy
The first calligraphy lecturer certification class of Guangxi Zhonggui Calligraphy and Painting Institute

In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the "Opinions on the Implementation of the Project for the Inheritance and Development of Chinese Excellent Traditional Culture", the "Opinions on Comprehensively Strengthening and Improving the Aesthetic Education Work of Schools in the New Era", the "Opinions on Further Reducing the Homework Burden and The Burden of Off-campus Training of Students in the Compulsory Education Stage" and the "Opinions of the Ministry of Education on Deepening the Reform of Education and Teaching and Comprehensively Improving the Quality of Compulsory Education" and other documents, to solve the current problems such as the number of calligraphy teachers and the teaching level, and to train qualified calligraphy lecturers for the "Zhonggui Teaching Garden", Guangxi Zhonggui Academy of Calligraphy and Painting specially held the first calligraphy lecturer certification class, the specific matters are as follows:

1. Organization of activities

Organizer: Guangxi Zhonggui Calligraphy and Painting Institute

Organizer: Guangxi Miaobi Shenghua Cultural Development Co., Ltd. Training Center

2. Training time

The training session lasts for three mornings (10:00-12:00 a.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays every week).

3. Training location

On the third floor of Shangri-La Plaza, Avenue of Stars, Jiangnan District, Nanning City

4. Training content

The main learning content of the certification class:

1. Interpretation of relevant documents issued by the Ministry of Education.

2. Explanation of hard pen and soft pen calligraphy teaching techniques.

3. How to be a qualified teacher of hard pen calligraphy and soft pen calligraphy.

5. Training objects

1. Calligraphy educators engaged in running schools by social forces.

2. Calligraphy enthusiasts who are ready to engage in calligraphy education.

6. Assessment and certification

Guangxi Zhonggui Calligraphy and Painting Institute will issue the "Guangxi Zhonggui Calligraphy and Painting Institute Calligraphy lecturer certificate" to each trainee who has passed the training. Those who have not passed the examination can apply for a make-up examination and only charge a training fee.

7. Related expenses

1. The training fee for three mornings of hard pen calligraphy is 680 yuan, and the training fee of three mornings of soft pen calligraphy is 880 yuan.

2. The calligraphy lecturer certificate is as follows:

Elementary hard pen calligraphy lecturer, examination of strokes, side, single character explanation and demonstration.

Intermediate hard pen calligraphy lecturer, taking different structures and works to explain and demonstrate.

Senior hard pen calligraphy lecturer, taking comprehensive writing ability and teaching ability.

Elementary soft pen calligraphy lecturer, entrance examination of Ou Kai and Yan Kai.

Intermediate soft pen calligraphy lecturer, Kao Ou Kai, Yan Kai Linti.

Senior soft pen calligraphy lecturer, taking the comprehensive level of posting and decoral.

VIII. Registration Time

Students from outside the country can learn online and mail homework to participate in the assessment.

Guangxi Zhonggui Calligraphy and Painting Institute

Guangxi Miaobi Shenghua Cultural Development Co., Ltd. Training Center

October 19, 2021