
What system will be adopted after cross-strait reunification? Experts: The unification that comes out must be "one country, one system"

author:Jiang Ping Jiang theory

Biden released his first Indo-Pacific strategy report since taking office, in which he mentioned interference in Taiwan. However, there is nothing new in the contents of this report, and it is far from meeting the expectations of the Taiwan authorities. Judging from the content of the report, the United States has not even explicitly stressed the need to adhere to the current "status quo of partition" in the Taiwan Strait, implying that the United States may not oppose the realization of cross-strait reunification. Then, after the reunification of the two sides of the strait, what kind of political system will the Taiwan region adopt? Recently, Zhang Ronggong, an expert on the island, gave his own answer: If it is harmony, it is "one country, two systems," and if it is "military reunification," it is "one country, one system."

What system will be adopted after cross-strait reunification? Experts: The unification that comes out must be "one country, one system"

China is destined to achieve cross-strait reunification

To tell the truth, Zhang Ronggong's answer is not unexpected, many politicians on the island are very clear, but not many people dare to say it. If the DPP, which has long pursued the "Taiwan independence" stand, continues to confront the mainland, then the mainland will not rule out the use of force to settle the Taiwan issue. Once the People's Liberation Army lands in Taiwan, the DPP authorities will have no room for bargaining, and everything will have to be arranged by the mainland.

What system will be adopted after cross-strait reunification? Experts: The unification that comes out must be "one country, one system"

Of course, the DPP authorities are not without other options, and if they choose to hold peaceful negotiations with the mainland and promote the peaceful reunification of the two sides of the strait, then the outcome will certainly be much better than "armed reunification." This is also a great thing for the people of the island. After reunification, the central authorities are bound to give Taiwan a lot of preferential policies, and the people will be able to enjoy many benefits from them. For China, cross-strait reunification is a matter of determination, and the United States will most likely not send troops to intervene. Moreover, with China's strength, even if the United States intervenes, it is fully capable of recovering Taiwan. Therefore, for the DPP authorities, since their fate is already predestined, why not choose a better ending?

The five-star red flag was raised on the island of Taiwan

What system will be adopted after cross-strait reunification? Experts: The unification that comes out must be "one country, one system"

It is worth mentioning that there are still many people on the island of Taiwan who hope that the two sides of the strait can realize reunification. According to relevant media reports, many places in the Taiwan region raised the five-star red flag during the Spring Festival, and even the people sang the "March of the Volunteer Army," all of which were organized by pro-unification figures. This phenomenon has made the "Taiwan independence" elements on the island angry, and many DPP politicians have demanded that the local government dismantle the relevant facilities. However, the pro-unification faction is not at all afraid of the suppression of the DPP authorities and says that they will fight against "Taiwan independence" to the end. There is really not much time left for the DPP authorities, and the two sides of the strait are destined to achieve reunification, but there are only differences in the way of reunification, and as to whether it is "one country, one system" or "one country, two systems," it depends on how the DPP authorities choose.