
Fake! WeChat, Alipay emergency reminder

author:Jilin Traffic Radio

The end of last year

The "godfather of micro-business" collects money by using personal WeChat

Not only do you pay 45% of your personal tax

He was also fined to bankruptcy

After the news broke

Arouse the attention of the whole society

Near March 1, the new regulations on the use of personal collection barcodes are about to be implemented, and there are online news that from March 1, 2022, weChat and Alipay personal collection codes cannot be used for operational collections. The data of the past 4 years will be traced, and once the amount is large, it will be taxed at 4.5%, and late fees and fines will be paid.

February 15

WeChat and Alipay responded

The above statement is a rumor

Gong Wenxiang, who recently called himself the "godfather of micro-business", explained within his community that the reason for dissolving the community 'electrocution club' and withdrawing from the micro-business industry was to be audited.

The reporter found on the social network that Gong Wenxiang's "last letter to all the old members of the electrocution club" Screenshot shows that he has recently "received a joint investigation and punishment from the industrial and commercial tax public security court and other special case teams, the company has gone bankrupt, the high penalty has led to debt, selling houses and cars, ruining the family, and being penniless." Therefore, the personal micro-business community he founded for 8 years will be electrocuted at the time of "death".

The letter said that after paying for its new community, it must be publicly accounted for. "Whether you have received payments from WeChat in the past 4 years or now, being detected by big data must be based on 45% of the total amount of your WeChat collections in the future."

Fake! WeChat, Alipay emergency reminder

Since then, there have been frequent rumors on the Internet that personal collection codes will be traced for nearly 4 years of data, and once the amount is large, it will be taxed at 45%, and late fees and fines will be paid.

In response to the news of tracking down personal collection code data for nearly 4 years and making up taxes, WeChat and Alipay both said that the above statement is a rumor.

WeChat Pay said that according to the communication between Tenpay (that is, the main company of WeChat Pay) and the regulatory authorities and the understanding of the new regulations, after March 1, the personal collection QR code can still be used, and some users with obvious business behavior need to upgrade to the operating collection code in accordance with the regulations, and the platform will retain a period of time as a transition period before the user upgrade.

The above-mentioned person in charge also said that the regulatory authorities will publish standards for obvious business behavior in the near future. If it meets the upgrade criteria, weChat Collection Assistant will issue a message notification, and users who do not receive the notification will not be affected.

In October 2021, the People's Bank of China issued the Notice of the People's Bank of Chinese China on Strengthening the Management of Payment Acceptance Terminals and Related Businesses (hereinafter referred to as the "Notice"), which put forward a series of management requirements for the payment of receipt barcodes.

At the same time, bar code payments have also been included in the supervision, and specific provisions have been made for the use of personal collection bar codes, which will be implemented from March 1, 2022.

Fake! WeChat, Alipay emergency reminder

At that time, it was reported that "WeChat and Alipay collection codes cannot be used for business collections." This news also once rushed to the Weibo hot search.

Fake! WeChat, Alipay emergency reminder

On November 27 last year, a relevant person from the central bank said in an interview with reporters that the statement was a misreading.

Fake! WeChat, Alipay emergency reminder

Industry insiders said that mainly due to the frequent occurrence of illegal acts such as "running points", "gambling" and "telecommunications fraud" in recent years, at the same time, personal accounts are not included in the operating funds of merchants, and there may be suspicions of "tax evasion and tax evasion" in taxation. After the personal collection code restricts the remote collection function, it may become a dynamic collection code and no longer have the printing function. If you need to scan the code to collect money, you can apply for a special merchant collection code.

Nowadays, WeChat and Alipay are debunking rumors at the same time

Everyone also understands the causes and consequences

You should be able to rest assured

Again, that sentence:

Don't believe in rumors, don't spread rumors!

Fake! WeChat, Alipay emergency reminder

Source: China Fund News WeChat, New Evening News WeChat