
"Good News" Warm congratulations on Zhongji Tea Industry won the "Guangdong Province Key Agricultural Leading Enterprise"

author:Nakayoshi Tea Academy

On February 18, the Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of Guangdong Province issued the "Notice on Announcing the List of Key Agricultural Leading Enterprises in Guangdong Province in 2021" (click on the blue characters to view the complete list) that after the approval and assessment of the Guangdong Provincial Government and relevant departments, Zhongji Tea Industry was finally selected as "Guangdong Province Key Agricultural Leading Enterprises" and was listed as a member of the 89 listed enterprises in Shenzhen.

"Good News" Warm congratulations on Zhongji Tea Industry won the "Guangdong Province Key Agricultural Leading Enterprise"
"Good News" Warm congratulations on Zhongji Tea Industry won the "Guangdong Province Key Agricultural Leading Enterprise"

Shenzhen is a well-known "capital of entrepreneurship", where as many as 1.15 million enterprises have been born, private enterprises have mushroomed year by year, the entrepreneurial density is the first in the country, and the total number of companies in Guangdong Province is more than 15 million. In such a fierce competitive market, Zhongji uses Yunnan Pu'er tea to highlight the siege, following the provincial key leading enterprises of agricultural industrialization in Yunnan Province and the key agricultural leading enterprises of Shenzhen, it has become a key agricultural leading enterprise in Guangdong Province that integrates tea production, sales, promotion and tea culture dissemination in one of the complete industrial chain of Pu'er tea.

"Good News" Warm congratulations on Zhongji Tea Industry won the "Guangdong Province Key Agricultural Leading Enterprise"

Zhongji's modern factory in Menghai, Yunnan

Since its establishment, Zhongji has been 15 years old, and has established more than 2,700 acres of ecological ancient tea garden bases in core production areas such as Yiwu, Brown Mountain, Lincang Mengku, Bangdong Xigui, etc., ensuring the high quality of raw materials. It has a modern factory covering an area of more than 50,000 square meters, and has established a dust-free and clean "cloud workshop" and a storage center for thousands of tons of raw materials. In terms of production scale, the product quality is guaranteed from the source, and the pure hemp black as a benchmark work has won many honors such as "Collection of China Tea Museum" and "Permanent Collection of Physical Archives of Pu'er Tea of Yunnan Provincial Archives".

"Good News" Warm congratulations on Zhongji Tea Industry won the "Guangdong Province Key Agricultural Leading Enterprise"
"Good News" Warm congratulations on Zhongji Tea Industry won the "Guangdong Province Key Agricultural Leading Enterprise"

Under the leadership of Mr. Yang Shihua, the founder and "National Tea Craftsman and Tea Master", he pursues the ultimate spirit of craftsmanship, and on the basis of the "two rests and two harvests" in the tea garden, the 5321 tea making method and the cloud fermentation process, carefully polish and produce each product in limited quantities, and quickly promote the brand to become a well-known leading brand in the Pu'er tea industry.

"Good News" Warm congratulations on Zhongji Tea Industry won the "Guangdong Province Key Agricultural Leading Enterprise"

Mr. Yang Shihua (left) personally led a team of tea makers to make tea

The "Guangdong Province Key Agricultural Leading Enterprise" is not only the result of Zhongji Tea Industry's continuous deepening of the industry, the courage to undertake corporate missions, and the fulfillment of corporate responsibilities, but also the result of the care, help and support of people from all walks of life for the brand, this honor not only belongs to Zhongji, but also belongs to every Ji family member who is mutual help and friendship, enthusiastic and diligent, unity and cooperation, and belongs to every Zhongji tea friend.

In the future, Zhongji will continue to carry forward the spirit of craftsman tea making, take the product as the guide, and continue to bring the famous mountain ancient tree Pu'er from the core origin of Yunnan to the tea table of every ordinary person, contributing inexhaustible strength to social progress and industrial development.

In the past fifteen years in the Zhongji tea industry, every step has been steadily moving forward and accumulating thick and thin. Look forward to the future to join hands with more people with lofty ideals, create a new brilliant cause together, advocate the "old with the new, with the old to promote the new, drinkable, tibetan and circulating" Pu'er tea consumption concept, to do the world's first-class tea brand!