
Trend | the fourth season of Stranger Things; DONDA 2 was released exclusively on Stem Player

author:Tide bank

The fourth season of Netflix's high-scoring series "Stranger Things" has been announced, and Kanye has announced that the new album "DONDA 2" will be released exclusively by its own Stem Player.


01 The fourth season of Stranger Things is finalized

Trend | the fourth season of Stranger Things; DONDA 2 was released exclusively on Stem Player


The fourth season of Netflix's high-scoring series "Stranger Things" is finally finalized. It is reported that the official announcement that the fourth season will bring twice as many episodes as in the past, and will be divided into two parts, the first part will be launched on May 27, and the second part will be launched on July 1.

The original team of "Stranger Things" has all returned, and everyone may wish to keep looking forward to it.

02 DONDA 2 will be released exclusively in Stem Player

Trend | the fourth season of Stranger Things; DONDA 2 was released exclusively on Stem Player

Recently, Kanye announced that the new album "DONDA 2" will be released exclusively by its own Stem Player, and will not put the source on Apple, Spotify, Amazon and any other platforms.

He claimed that singers could only get 12% of their income from their own musical works, and he wanted to completely change the form and take control of his own copyright income. Friends who want to listen to the new album need to buy a Stem Player player for $200.

Trend | the fourth season of Stranger Things; DONDA 2 was released exclusively on Stem Player

03 The Last of Us failed to go live this year

Trend | the fourth season of Stranger Things; DONDA 2 was released exclusively on Stem Player

According to the latest report from The Hollywood Reporter, HBO's new "The Last of Us" live-action series failed to go live this year.

HBO Program President Casey Bloys revealed that the crew is still filming non-stop in Calgary, Canada, and has not yet been able to set an online date.

The series was created by Chernobyl creator Craig Mazin and creative director Neil Druckmann as the series writer.

04 Ryan Reynolds denies participating in Doctor Strange 2

Trend | the fourth season of Stranger Things; DONDA 2 was released exclusively on Stem Player

via: Network

Recently, Ryan Reynolds was asked in an interview to promote the Adam Project whether he was involved in Doctor Strange 2: Crazy Multiverse, and he simply denied the news that "I'm promising, I'm not in the movie."

After the trailer and poster of "Doctor Strange 2: Crazy Multiverse" were released, some netizens said that they saw a figure like "Deadpool" in the poster. When asked about the details of Deadpool 3, he said it would be a long time away. Everyone can only wait patiently.

Trend | the fourth season of Stranger Things; DONDA 2 was released exclusively on Stem Player