
"Grandpa is a Cherry Tree": Grandpa, there I am

Actually cried!

This is the common sentiment of many people who have read this book.

Some people have tears more than once when they read it.

"Grandpa is a Cherry Tree": Grandpa, there I am

If you try to read children's literature, you will inadvertently be hit by the bland fireworks that hit the softness of the heart and resonate with the heart, because they are really the pure land that can wash the soul.

Unlike "Grandma on the Apple Tree", the little boy Andy's grandparents and grandparents are long gone, fortunately, Andy has an imaginary grandmother and a neighbor new grandmother as a substitute, and the apple tree is a secret base belonging to Andy.

In "Grandpa is a Cherry Tree", the grandparents and grandparents of the little boy Tonino are still there, and the cherry tree is the core of symbolizing the continuation of family and life, which is of extraordinary significance.

"Grandpa is a Cherry Tree": Grandpa, there I am

Tonino's grandparents lived in the city and grandparents lived in the countryside;

Grandparents are veteran colonels, grandparents have been raising chickens and ducks, planting vegetables and planting trees.

Tonino's mom and dad grew up in families with completely different values and worldviews.

Mom and Dad lived in the same house in town with Tonino and grandparents.

However, Tonino seems to love his grandparents more.

Tonino said that grandparents see each other at least four times a day and ask almost all the questions they ask each day:

...... Are we going to school?

...... Ready to go to school, baby?

...... Is school out? Very good!

...... Isn't it fun in school, baby?

Tonino hated kindergarten the most, and he hated the "ugly dog" that his grandparents walked four times a day.

Grandpa and Grandma were different, living forty kilometers away, seeing each other only once every two weeks, and they raised chickens and geese, did not have dogs, and did not need to walk poultry.

For Tonino,

"Grandpa is a Cherry Tree": Grandpa, there I am

When Tonino was five years old, his grandmother left.

Tonino roared to see Grandma, and Grandpa told him that Grandma could not be seen, but she did not leave. She said that she let Ah Feng replace her and hoped that we would take good care of Ah Feng, just like taking care of herself.

At the funeral, Grandpa hugged Ah Feng, bowed his head and talked to Ah Feng as he walked, and Ah Feng nodded from time to time.

Tonino believed that Grandpa was actually talking to Grandma at the time.

Grandpa often talked about his grandmother, but did not look sad, he said: Tonino, your grandmother is not dead! If someone loves you, you'll never die, remember that.

After thinking about it, Tonino was convinced that if someone was deeply in love with someone, that person would never die, but he could not be seen, because he had changed, but in any case, he would want to return to the person he loved.

Therefore, Grandma became the Ah Feng she liked, the elegant, well-behaved and sensible goose, staying by Grandpa's side.

Grandpa told Tonino that he had the same idea, and asked Tonino what he thought Grandpa wanted to become.

Tonino said without hesitation: Cherry Tree!

Phyllis, the cherry tree, was planted by Grandpa Tonino himself to celebrate the birth of his only daughter.

"Grandpa is a Cherry Tree": Grandpa, there I am

When it was planted, the seedling was only three years old.

Phyllis accompanied her mother's toddlers, childhood, and youth until she grew up and started a family in the city, and was an indispensable member of the happy life of her grandparents and mother.

Once, Grandpa was found almost frozen in the morning, almost dead, but in order to protect the new shoots of the cherry tree, he sat under the tree and built a fire for one night.

At Christmas, Grandpa actually spent a lot of money and bought expensive lamps to decorate Phyllis to prepare a surprise for Tonino.

Bad news ensued, and Grandpa had an extra thorn in his heart—Grandpa's vegetable garden was to be taken away to widen the road.

"Grandpa is a Cherry Tree": Grandpa, there I am

One day when Tony was almost seven years old, Grandpa was found sitting on the branches of a tree in a park not far from home, holding Ah Feng, dangling his feet, and Grandpa said that he would come down unless he promised not to take his land or cut down his tree.

Later, Grandpa was tricked into coming down to eat, and then, was sent to the white house where everything was white for treatment.

Grandpa had Alzheimer's disease, grew paler every day in the white house, and by the fall of Tonino's seven-year-old, Grandpa had died.

Mom took Tonino back to the countryside and continued to guard Grandpa's land and Phyllis.

When the foreman instructed the excavator workers to cut down the tree first, Tonino suddenly felt a thorn in his heart.

Before he could react himself, he had already rushed over.

I don't know how to climb to the top of the tree so quickly, only to see that my hands are scarred and bloodstained.

One, two, three, four hours passed, and no matter how much persuasion and effort the people under the trees tried, Tonino was cold and hungry, his teeth were trembling, his legs were numb, and he was tired, but he was determined not to come down.

"Grandpa is a Cherry Tree": Grandpa, there I am

Tonino remembered his grandfather, and for the sake of Phyllis's new shoots, he built a fire all night to keep Phyllis warm;

He remembered his grandfather, sitting on the branch of the tree in the park, holding Ah Feng and not coming down, just to ask for a letter of guarantee.

He remembered Grandpa and said, "What do you think I want to become," Tonino blurted out: the cherry tree.


Grandparents said, what's wrong, boy, is it good to come down.

Mom said, come on, it's just a cherry tree, and we can plant another one later.

Tonino didn't have a soft heart either.

"Grandpa is a Cherry Tree": Grandpa, there I am

For Tonino, Phyllis was no ordinary cherry tree, Phyllis represented Grandpa.

Just like, after grandma died, Ah Feng represented grandma to accompany grandpa.

After her grandfather's death, Phyllis represented her grandfather's company.

Because, Tonino is convinced, if someone is deeply in love with someone, that person will never die, but he will want to return to the person he loved before he died, just change into another person.

Phyllis was Grandpa.

"Grandpa is a Cherry Tree": Grandpa, there I am

The cherry tree, under the meticulous care of my grandparents, accompanied my mother to grow up and accompanied Tonino throughout her childhood.

There is no alternative to the cherry tree.

Tonino guarded Phyllis, just as Grandpa guarded Phyllis, her mother and Tonino's growth.

This time, Grandpa, I'll guard you.

"Grandpa is a Cherry Tree": Grandpa, there I am