
Pre-war signals? Famous Russian military journalists have arrived in Uzbekistan: they are always one step ahead of the Russian army

author:Peak Military Watch

Due to successive miscalculations of war in Eastern Europe, the United States and NATO had to push the "wolf coming" time to between February 20 and the end of the month. However, as NATO's pre-set protagonist of war, Russia is currently diverting evacuees and equipment from military exercises on the western border.

Pre-war signals? Famous Russian military journalists have arrived in Uzbekistan: they are always one step ahead of the Russian army

In the language of Russian diplomacy, NATO's war lies are self-defeating. Still, the U.S. and NATO have their own reasons for sophistry, saying that the Russians may have withdrawn some of their forces, but they still have 150,000 troops on the Western Front, which is enough to support a large-scale military operation. So how will the situation in Donbass develop next? NATO has just reported an off-the-beaten-path signal.

Pre-war signals? Famous Russian military journalists have arrived in Uzbekistan: they are always one step ahead of the Russian army


NATO intelligence shows that the Russian ANNA News military press corps has arrived in Donbass and begun war reporting in this dangerous area. These ANNA war correspondents include, such as the famous Russian military journalists Alexander Harchenko, Vagunzo, Vladren, Dmitry Astrakhan and many others, as well as many other faces that are not familiar to the outside world. To NATO, this seems to be the most convincing "pre-war signal" at the moment. Based on the experience of the two wars in which the Russian army intervened in the Syrian war and the Nagorno-Karabakh war, the Russian ANNA military press corps is always one step ahead of the Russian military operations. And the ANNA military press corps arrived at the time of the heavy shelling of Donbass by Ukrainian troops.

Pre-war signals? Famous Russian military journalists have arrived in Uzbekistan: they are always one step ahead of the Russian army

(U.S. troops are deploying to Eastern Europe)

What makes the outside world wonder is that if NATO wants to avoid an uncontrollable war, it should persuade the countries concerned to calm down the situation in unison, rather than adding fuel to the fire and escalating the danger. At 10:30 a.m. on February 17, the Russian Satellite News Agency reported that the Ukrainian armed forces fired mortar shells and grenades at four settlements in the Luhansk region. The Zelenskiy government said on the same day that it refused to accept the Minsk agreement and refused to engage in any form of negotiations with the eastern Donbass parties. The exchange of fire + diplomatic failure means that the civil war in Ukraine may restart at any time, and the full support and assistance that NATO is carrying out against Ukraine is likely to cause more dangerous "miscalculation" between Russia and Ukraine.

Pre-war signals? Famous Russian military journalists have arrived in Uzbekistan: they are always one step ahead of the Russian army

Senior Kiev officials revealed that (in response to the threat of war) Ukrainian authorities are preparing to withdraw the Office of the President of Ukraine and the Dok rada (parliament) to Lviv. The selection of Lviv as the wartime capital shows that Ukrainians are pessimistic about the early direction of the war. Ukrainian military experts said that the Eastern European plains where Ukraine is located are suitable for large corps ground offensive operations, and it is difficult for the backward Ukrainian army to make effective defenses, let alone effective counterattacks. Of course, there are also optimistic statements, Ukrainian media articles said that the tension in the east has allowed Ukraine to obtain unprecedented military support and equipment assistance from the United States, Europe and NATO, thus greatly improving the strength of the Ukrainian army.

Pre-war signals? Famous Russian military journalists have arrived in Uzbekistan: they are always one step ahead of the Russian army

(Areas where crossfire is currently taking place in Donbass)

No one can predict the short-term direction of the situation in eastern Ukraine, which is the most dangerous thing. As an important influential country on the Ukraine issue, Russia's "camera moving" policy is more pragmatic. Putin just said in an interview with the media that Russia has its own plans, and the plans will be adjusted at any time as the situation changes. From this point of view, the large-scale exchange of fire is taking place in eastern Ukraine, which will affect the determination and progress of the withdrawal of Russian troops from the border areas. Russian presidential press secretary Peskov said that the Russian side took note of the information on the exchange of fire on the contact line, and it was the Ukrainian side that first opened fire. Russia hopes that Western countries will use their influence to warn the Kiev authorities not to escalate the situation.

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