
06 Supergirl Tang Xiao: Why did you angrily scold the armed police and kick the crotch in 2007? The livestream responded to the beating 13 years ago

author:The front line of the entertainment circle

Speaking of the originator of the talent show, there must be a memory of the post-90s and post-95s, and the supergirls and fast men who stayed up late to watch themselves, right? Shang Wenjie, who is now liked by many people, is the supergirl origin at that time, you must know that in the supergirl era, in fact, there was a person who was also very popular, but because of his arrogance and rudeness, he was banned before he became famous.

There was once a contestant named Tang Xiao, because she had been interested in singing since she was a child, and her parents found a teacher to teach her a lesson. Slowly learn skills from an early age to participate in various internal and external competitions, become the ninth in the country when participating in Supergirl, the strength of the online sweet looks, such a person will have a good development in the entertainment industry, Tang Xiao is also gradually famous under the pursuit of the company.

06 Supergirl Tang Xiao: Why did you angrily scold the armed police and kick the crotch in 2007? The livestream responded to the beating 13 years ago

However, because the slap incident allowed herself to be successfully banned by the entertainment industry, when she was invited to participate in a show, because she needed to carry a certificate to enter, and she went out to accept gifts from fans after she went in, she was stopped outside the door by the armed police, and tang smiled in the face of the armed police's obstruction, saying that she did not have a certificate. So there was a dispute with the armed police at the door, Tang Xiao wanted to break in while also insulting the armed police as a watchdog, and also kicked the crotch of the armed police, and later the armed police gave Tang Xiao two slaps, and called the relevant personnel, the matter made a big tang Xiao's reputation is gone, but many people do not understand, why Tang Xiao was beaten or banned?

Until one day, the armed police posted an article on the Internet, why did I beat Supergirl Tang Xiao? Unknown netizens only learned the truth of the matter, and many people supported the practice of the armed police, because the armed police are only certified pieces and do not recognize people, Tang Xiao not only did not cooperate but also repeatedly insulted and even shot at the armed police, which is also a sense of "attacking the police", right? After this incident, Tang Xiao basically disappeared in front of the public's eyes, just imagine a newcomer who just came out of Supergirl and has a bit of a reputation. If she had become famous later, wouldn't there have been more excesses? Do you know about Supergirl Don Laugh?

06 Supergirl Tang Xiao: Why did you angrily scold the armed police and kick the crotch in 2007? The livestream responded to the beating 13 years ago

The career has not yet begun to end, and it is emotionally satisfactory. Why doesn't the man come forward after the relationship is exposed? After many years, the man disappeared, but the woman joined the "giants"? In 2006, the supergirl Tang Xiao, when she was just famous, was accused by the whole network for beating and cursing the armed police, and gradually disappeared from the public eye. What many people don't know is that at that time, she was spreading a scandal with Zhu Zixiao, because Tang Xiao released an intimate photo of Zhu Zixiao, so it triggered discussion and speculation on the Internet, whether the love between the two was true or false?

06 Supergirl Tang Xiao: Why did you angrily scold the armed police and kick the crotch in 2007? The livestream responded to the beating 13 years ago

But with Tang Xiao's feelings Zhu Zixiao has not come forward to respond, compared with Zhu Zixiao, many people will remember that the four teenagers who often messed around in the Alliston Business School, Zhu Zixiao was also very popular because of that drama, but later because of the old Chinese medicine doctor on the spot diagnosed with fissure on a show, for a time was pushed to the cusp of the storm, about the ambiguous relationship between him and his boss Guo Jingming, it was even more exposing. There are also many articles that Zhu Zixiao is gay and has been widely circulated on the Internet, and there have also been so-called ex-boyfriends, although the appeal court later tried to prove his innocence, but the relationship between him and Guo Jingming has been widely spread by netizens.

Some say that Zhu Zixiao often goes in and out of Guo Jingming's office, and then there is an unspeakable voice, and some say that Zhu Zixiao's acting skills are not good, but the director will tolerate him, because behind him is Guo Jingming. Many netizens joked that Zhu Zixiao's "chrysanthemums were full of wounds", and Guo Jingming could not get rid of the relationship and then he disappeared in the entertainment circle, compared to Tang Xiao's life is very good, Tang Xiao was exposed by netizens to be married, the groom is the company owner's superior family has become a "rich and broad wife". Is this a career frustration?

06 Supergirl Tang Xiao: Why did you angrily scold the armed police and kick the crotch in 2007? The livestream responded to the beating 13 years ago

The warm scene should have spilled tears on the whole scene, why did it become a persecution scene? A hand of emotional cards is beaten to pieces, why? Love to watch variety shows should also have seen "Ace to Ace", for a period of time the purpose of this show is to recall the past "Dream of the Red Chamber", "Journey to the West", "Huan Zhuge Ge", etc., a series of classic TV series they have done, invited the actors at that time to relive the original beauty after many years, and then the program team put their eyes on the talent show, invited several singers of the supergirl including Shang Wenjie Xu Fei and Tang Xiao, Tang Xiao changed his name before Tang Ziqing tried to make a comeback, but was found by netizens and began to accuse Tang Xiao had to say that he changed his name just to start again.

In 2020, with the original few contestants on the same stage on the stage of the variety show, the original intention of the program group was to meet and hate the night, warm and full of memories to kill but overturned, the three people gave the program group a surprise as soon as they met, Xu Fei even asked Shang Wenjie, why she never contacted herself after becoming famous, and said that she should not lose the once precious things, the scene once began to become embarrassing, and the host came forward to save the scene to let the program go smoothly. What is interesting is that Xu Fei also posted on the Internet afterwards, saying that the feelings between them are not good, but the relationship between the program clips seems to be quite good, and in the face of these Tang laughs has always been neutral, and Shang Wenjie does not respond to this, just silently hits her new song list, maybe she wants to use strength to punch her face, right?

06 Supergirl Tang Xiao: Why did you angrily scold the armed police and kick the crotch in 2007? The livestream responded to the beating 13 years ago

However, I have to mention tang Xiao's current life, not only successfully turned to the ranks of live streaming with goods, but also achieved quite good achievements, sold airplanes online, her platform has no shortage of high-end bags, the number of fans on the whole network is as high as 2.8 million, and often auctions airplanes online. A proper female anchor with goods, there are more single sales in the live broadcast room, breaking through 13 million good results, the annual sales with goods exceeded 100 million, only one year into the ranks of live broadcasting, her current achievements are also obvious to all, and now life is also a proper rich woman's life. Do you have anything to say about Don Laugh?

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