
What should I do if I can't sleep? Experts tell you what to do

author:Cloud Medicine Health

Sleep deprivation should be based on different causes of medication, psychotherapy, foot soaking, acupressure, exercise and diet to promote sleep. Keep your surroundings quiet and comfortable and try to reduce stress as much as possible.

What should I do if I can't sleep? Experts tell you what to do

First, the cause of sleep can not sleep is more, if the frequent difficulty in falling asleep and the quality of sleep is relatively poor, there are more dreams, the process of sleep is relatively easy to wake up or can not fall asleep again after waking up early symptoms, may be related to the cause of neurasthenia. Drugs that have a neuromodulating effect, such as B vitamins and oryzanol, can be taken under the guidance of a doctor. It can also be used with drugs that have a calming, calming, calming effect, Wuling capsules, tranquilizing brain fluid or incense sand anshen pills for a period of time.

Second, if you are often irritable, excessive tension, anxiety or mood swings greatly affect the fall asleep, which may be related to the cause of anxiety and depression. Medications such as paroxetine can be taken, or they can be combined with psychotherapy.

What should I do if I can't sleep? Experts tell you what to do

Third, in the case of difficulty falling asleep, you can massage the spring acupoints on the soles of the feet and the temples of the head after soaking the feet, because it can relax the muscles and promote falling asleep as soon as possible.

Fourth, during the day, moderate participation in cycling, walking, swimming and other sports or doing yoga, tai chi and other soothing exercises before going to bed also have the effect of promoting falling asleep as soon as possible.

What should I do if I can't sleep? Experts tell you what to do

Fifth, you can usually eat milk, millet and other tryptophan-rich foods in moderation, and you can also eat walnuts, oats, bananas, sesame and other foods, because they all have the effect of promoting sleep.

Sixth, the surrounding environment should be as quiet as possible, to avoid excessive noise, to control the temperature and humidity of the room, because the temperature is too high, too low or the room is too dry, it may affect sleep. Usually, we should try to reduce the pressure in life, slow down the pace of life, maintain an optimistic and positive attitude, and avoid wild thoughts.

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