
They brought the Beijing Winter Olympics to the world

author:Yawatari Fusions

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, 17 Feb (Xinhua) -- They have brought the Beijing Winter Olympics to the world

Xinhua News Agency reporters He Leijing and Li Dian

Friends come from afar and are happy!

After full planning and careful preparation, more than ten days ago, the Beijing Winter Olympics was held as scheduled under the expectations of all people, attracting thousands of Winter Olympic athletes from 91 countries and regions to come to the appointment.

Under the banner of the five rings, they break through themselves, pick gold and silver, create history, and promote the passion and glory of ice and snow sports to the world. Inside and outside the arena, click on their "circle of friends", what kind of Winter Olympic journey do they share with the world?

This Winter Olympics, "That's cool! ”

Under the cooling tower, volley flip.

"It's one of the coolest views I've ever seen." Every time American freestyle skier Nicholas Goper jumps from the Shougang Ski Jump, he has a "surreal" illusion.

U.S. Player Nicholas Goper in the men's steeplechase final in freestyle skiing on Feb. 16. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Wu Zhuang

His teammate Alexander Hall empathized: "Those 'crazy' chimneys behind them are so cool! Blue skies, mountains, cities and abandoned steel mills make them "feel like they're in a virtual online game."

It's not just "snow flying" that makes people amazing. Experiencing "Fast and Furious" on a dragon-like track, Austrian bobsleigh athlete Wolfgang Kindle won the silver medal with excitement: "I enjoy the race here so much, it feels like home!" I hope to come back again. ”

The Chinese romance of "dancing in the air" also intoxicated them. "There's no better place to play, and every time I step into this incredible building, I'm so amazed that I can't speak." German speed skater Felix Rigigen liked the "ice ribbon" on social media.

Germany's Felix Rigigen in the men's 5,000m final of speed skating at the Beijing Winter Olympics on February 6. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Lan Hongguang

"The participating athletes have a very high opinion of the venues. In the face of the challenge of the epidemic, it is remarkable to have many of the world's top players gathered here. IOC spokesman Mark Adams said that from the experience of the stadium to the atmosphere of the Winter Olympic Village, the athletes frequently sighed "impressively".

Just 200 meters from the finish line, the ice accidentally slipped and the Japanese speed skating women's team lost a gold medal. "Although there are no Japanese audiences, the Chinese audience keeps applauding and cheering for us, making people warm and empowering!" Japan's Miho Takagi was "healed" by the enthusiasm of the spectators.

"China's ability to host big events has made a really good first impression on me." Sarah Escobar, Ecuador's first female athlete to compete in the Winter Olympics, said she was already looking forward to coming to China again.

Here's the epidemic prevention, "Very safe! ”

With the epidemic raging overseas, what will happen to the closed loop of the Beijing Winter Olympics? This is the anxiety of many ice and snow athletes when they come.

This is especially true for Claudia Peschstein, a German speed skater who will be 50 years old. "Only by adopting strict epidemic prevention can we ensure that everyone is healthy and safe and participates smoothly." She successfully made history at the Beijing Winter Olympics, becoming the first female athlete in history to participate in the eight Winter Olympics.

The picture shows the national speed skating hall media workshop epidemic prevention measures warning board taken on January 28. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Ding Xu

"Very safe and secure!" When it comes to the feelings of epidemic prevention, overseas athletes often blurt out this. "Every day to do nucleic acid, you go to breakfast and do it by the way, less than 10 seconds to finish, all this is reassuring, epidemic prevention is particularly in place." Janice Spitery, a snowboarder from Malta, said.

Building a safe harbor to minimize the disruption of the epidemic to the competition has become the consensus of the participants. "Strict disinfection in the Winter Olympic Village, everyone wears a mask, which allows us to focus our energy on the game and play a wonderful game." Australian Jekara Anthony, who won the gold medal in women's snow skills, said.

Intelligent temperature measurement, rapid nucleic acid detection, disinfection equipment everywhere... American freestyle skier Darian Stevens can't help but lament that "this is a safe Olympic event", and China's outstanding epidemic prevention and control performance reflects its tenacity and ability to unite the wisdom of all parties.

"If there is a country that can host this Winter Olympics as scheduled, I think it must be China." Dutch speed skater Thomas Kroll has long been confident in China's epidemic prevention, and he is very fortunate to have made his Olympic debut in China. "If we look at the epidemic situation in the past few years, China undoubtedly has the best epidemic prevention results in the world."

These moments, "Super touched! ”

"What a great gift!" Jamaican skier Benjamin Alexander opened the Winter Olympic gift bag and was touched by the paintings of Chinese children. He wrote a letter thanking the Chinese children for their elaborate paintings.

7,500 paintings created by teenagers from all over the country were selected as Winter Olympic gifts for athletes. "It's really heartwarming, and I hang the painting on the wall to make sure I can see it all the time." Australian athlete Britney Cox said.

Volunteers display made lanterns and birthday cards at the Beijing Olympic Park Public Area Volunteer Home on Feb. 15. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Chen Zhonghao

It coincides with the athlete's birthday, making cakes by hand, carefully designing greeting cards, sending warm wishes... Such touching moments are numerous in the Winter Olympic Games. Nearly 19,000 volunteers have forged friendships with overseas athletes with sincere service.

"What moves me is the warmth of people." On the day of the arrival of Lebanese athlete Manon Uais in Beijing, his luggage was accidentally lost at the airport, and Chinese staff searched for it overnight, returning the belongings to their original owners in less than 24 hours. German ski jumper Katarina Alterhaus won the silver medal, but accidentally soiled the medal box on the way home, and the Beijing Winter Olympic Organizing Committee immediately prepared a new box to send after learning about it.

"I'm a happy girl to come home!" American Nina O'Brien fell during an alpine skiing race, and the doctor quickly treated her, and the operation was successfully completed. She posted thanking the Chinese medical team: "Thank you to those who rushed to me, the care I felt in just a few days is unforgettable!" ”

American snowboarder Tessa Maud has only been home for a few days and is already missing China. At the opening ceremony, the volunteer's sentence "Welcome to China" moved her to tears. Before taking off, she sent a video to choke up again: "Thank you for the love and support you have given me in the past two weeks, and when the epidemic is over, I will come back and meet my new friends!" ”

"I can't wait to go back to [China]." Maud posted.

Source/Xinhua Net

Editor/Ma Xiaoyan