
【Headline】To help enterprises press the "fast forward button" and run out of "acceleration", the secretary of Sanlian went to the high-tech zone to investigate and asked to do so!

author:Look at Dean
【Headline】To help enterprises press the "fast forward button" and run out of "acceleration", the secretary of Sanlian went to the high-tech zone to investigate and asked to do so!

On the afternoon of February 16, the secretary of the county party committee went to the high-tech zone on Wednesday to investigate the construction of key projects, infrastructure construction, economic indicator operation and non-public party building, and successively went to the "five unification" project of Fenglin Industrial New Area, Jiujiang Deyu Textile Technology Co., Ltd., Tongming Avenue Phase II, Jiangxi Fuhuang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. (Phase II) project site research and held a symposium in the management committee of the high-tech zone. Ke Jianfeng, deputy secretary of the county party committee, and Gan Shu, director of the standing committee of the county people's congress, accompanied the dispatch or participated in the dispatch at the project site.

【Headline】To help enterprises press the "fast forward button" and run out of "acceleration", the secretary of Sanlian went to the high-tech zone to investigate and asked to do so!

During the survey, Wednesday Lian thanked the enterprises for their contributions to the economic and social development of our county, she said that the plan of the year lies in the spring, the new year and new atmosphere, and hopes that the enterprises will seize new opportunities, cope with new challenges, give full play to the advantages of resource synergy, and under the premise of ensuring safety, quality and environmental protection, make every effort to accelerate the speed of project advancement, and add new growth points to the county's economic development as soon as possible.

Wednesday lian demanded that all relevant departments should firmly establish the concept of "service projects are service development", further improve work initiative and service accuracy, help enterprises solve practical difficulties and problems in a timely manner, and help enterprises press the "fast forward button" and run out of "acceleration" with better service levels and quality to ensure that the first quarter achieves a "good start".

【Headline】To help enterprises press the "fast forward button" and run out of "acceleration", the secretary of Sanlian went to the high-tech zone to investigate and asked to do so!

At the symposium, Wednesday Lian listened carefully to the exchange speeches and fully affirmed the work of the management committee in project construction, platform development, business environment and other aspects.

【Headline】To help enterprises press the "fast forward button" and run out of "acceleration", the secretary of Sanlian went to the high-tech zone to investigate and asked to do so!

She stressed that industry is the hard support for the economic development of the county, in the face of the new situation and new tasks, the management committee of the high-tech zone should strive for the leading position, pay close attention to the construction of key projects and investment promotion, and strive to promote the county economic development to be stable and far-reaching;

It is necessary to do a good job in the construction of the cadre team, focus on the improvement of cadre quality, encourage cadres to take the initiative to take responsibility, and strive to train a group of brave and innovative, diligent and pragmatic main forces on the main battlefield of economic construction, so as to provide talent support for promoting the high-quality development of county high-tech zones;

It is necessary to adhere to the implementation of the "No. 1 Reform Project" to optimize the business environment, amplify the "Nanny +" brand effect of "choosing De'an, that is, peace of mind", and help enterprises solve problems with feelings and responsibilities;

It is necessary to stimulate the vitality of the development of the park, strengthen the conservation and intensive utilization of land in the park, give play to the linkage mechanism to revitalize idle enterprises, and improve the efficiency of government services and intelligent management level of the park with solid measures, effective systems and pragmatic teams, so as to form a strong momentum for economic growth.

County leaders Zhou Jie, Luo Ying, Cai Jinlin and responsible comrades of relevant units (townships) participated in the investigation or introduced the situation at the project site.