
Which "riot operations" of the "Today's Headlines" platform --- speechless

author:Xiao Qi' big official

Recently Xiaoqi was stunned by a riot operation of today's headline platform, an article published on February 14 about Valentine's Day, on Valentine's Day, after being reminded by fans, I think it is possible to create an article about Valentine's Day stories for knowledge popularization, Xiaoqi after many efforts, finally found a legendary version of February 14 Valentine's Day in Christian legends, later carried out their own version of the creation, and released on the platform, did not receive any prompts from the platform for a period of time after the release, Explain that the creation of this version of the story violates the original rules of the platform, until February 17, after Xiaoqi put it on the top and carried out related promotions, when the reading volume increased, suddenly, received a notice from the platform, reason: plagiarism and washing! 20 credits were deducted, and after seeing this notice, I went crazy! There is such a riot operation! Let me provide all kinds of proof, and the reply of the platform is "rules" please see, based on "actually a version released by a creator, and then a variety of please see the "rules" I can't figure out, according to the public literary resources to create, is everyone's right, how to judge that I plagiarized and washed the manuscript?

Taking a step back, if I count plagiarism in this way, then the basis provided by the platform should also be considered plagiarism!

I don't understand, what are the rules of the platform, the reason for judging, and the criteria for judging? What about the fairness that is advocated?

Face this operation of the platform! Have you ever encountered any headliners? When you encounter it, how do you deal with it? Do you swallow your anger or fight back? Comments are welcome

Which "riot operations" of the "Today's Headlines" platform --- speechless

Literary basis

Which "riot operations" of the "Today's Headlines" platform --- speechless

Author version

Which "riot operations" of the "Today's Headlines" platform --- speechless

Complaint feedback

Which "riot operations" of the "Today's Headlines" platform --- speechless

Platform reply

Which "riot operations" of the "Today's Headlines" platform --- speechless

Platform Basis