
Hanzhong Seiki was listed on the list of the top 100 manufacturing enterprises in Shanghai in 2021

author:Tuohua Circle

Shanghai Enterprise Confederation and others released the 2021 Shanghai Top 100 Manufacturing Enterprises. The list is based on 2020 revenue data as the entry criteria. According to the data, the total revenue of the top 100 manufacturing companies in 2020 reached 3.09 trillion yuan, an increase of 1.15%. Among them, there are 8 companies with more than 100 billion yuan and 18 companies with 10 billion yuan to 100 billion yuan.

SAIC Motor, which has the highest revenue, reached 742.13 billion yuan, ranking second and third in China Baowu and Yihai Kerry, with revenue of 673.74 billion yuan and 194.92 billion yuan respectively. The revenue of 8 enterprises with operating income of more than 100 billion yuan totaled 2.39 trillion yuan, showing that the operating income of the top 100 manufacturing enterprises is highly concentrated in super-large-scale enterprises, of which Hanzhong Seiki ranked 75th!

Unit: 10,000 yuan

Hanzhong Seiki was listed on the list of the top 100 manufacturing enterprises in Shanghai in 2021
Hanzhong Seiki was listed on the list of the top 100 manufacturing enterprises in Shanghai in 2021
Hanzhong Seiki was listed on the list of the top 100 manufacturing enterprises in Shanghai in 2021