
Can the Guizhou Time Tunnel set back the clock? Take stock of shocking time-lapse events

author:Strange talk

 This tunnel, known as the "Time Tunnel", is the Guanjing South Tunnel located in the Honghuagang District of Zunyi City. It is understood that the tunnel is more than 400 meters long and has been built for several years, but the earliest time it was found to be "going backwards by one hour" when it passed, was the first half of last year. According to a number of witnesses, they use the mobile phone of an operator, and the number is also subordinate to the operator. "When you enter the tunnel, let's say it's 9 a.m., and when you leave the tunnel, it becomes 8:01. Is it really that magical? Take a look!

Can the Guizhou Time Tunnel set back the clock? Take stock of shocking time-lapse events

Can the Guizhou Time Tunnel set back the clock?

  Witnesses say that after leaving the tunnel for about a kilometer, the time on the phone automatically returns to normal. "Time regression" also only occurs on the operator's mobile phone and number, while the other operator's mobile phone does not appear abnormal.

  In response to this phenomenon, there are many speculations in the local market. Some people believe that this is affected by the magnetic field, after a specific mobile phone and number segment, there is a brief timing dysfunction; Some people also believe that it may be caused by the short-term shielding of the signal; Some people also analyzed that it may be that different operators, mobile phones, and number segments are timed in different ways, and the tunnel environment affects the normal timing. However, more people joked that "this is a 'time and space tunnel' in Zunyi, which is very fun."

Journalist Experience: 80% Chance of Appearing

  In order to verify the accuracy of the accounts of these witnesses, from November 2012 to the present, reporters and friends have repeatedly carried the operator's mobile phone and repeatedly returned to and from the test. The results showed that 8 times out of 10, the phone time display regressed, and after driving for a certain distance, the phone time display returned to normal, so the chance was about 80%. Among them, the reporter's most recent test was at noon on May 11.

Can the Guizhou Time Tunnel set back the clock? Take stock of shocking time-lapse events

  Yesterday, the reporter gave these feedback to the operator. Technicians from the telecom operator then went to the tunnel for testing. However, the technician then reported that he had traveled back and forth in the tunnel several times, but he did not see the wrong time display of the mobile phone, and there was no abnormality in the detection. "But I'll keep testing." He said.

Guizhou Time Tunnel Time Tunnel really exists!

  In ancient times, there was a saying that had to be incarnated into immortality: "One day in the cave, the world has been a thousand years." This sentence may be considered nonsense, but the miracle of the world tells us unmistakably that in the world we live in, the flow of time has happened incredibly.

Can the Guizhou Time Tunnel set back the clock? Take stock of shocking time-lapse events

The most reasonable explanation of Guizhou time tunnel:

  As we all know, it is impossible to turn back the clock. Perhaps the time tunnel is because the signal in the tunnel is not good, so the time cannot be calibrated with the Internet, so there is a deviation. As soon as you get out of that tunnel, time will return to normal. This is also the most reasonable explanation for the Guizhou Time Tunnel at present. Of course, there are still a lot of irons to keep a lot of opinions!

  There are many opinions and different reasons, but all the speculations lack convincing evidence, perhaps, the mystery of the "time tunnel" in Zunyi, Guizhou can not be solved in a short time, but there is nothing difficult in the world to be afraid of people with hearts, as long as there are still people who are still paying attention to this matter, with the development of science and technology, perhaps in the near future, this mystery will be solved.

There is a tunnel in the downtown area of Zunyi, Guizhou, where people who use a telecommunications operator's mobile phone will "go back an hour" when they cross the tunnel. It is said that this phenomenon has been going on for nearly a year, and the reporter experienced that 8 out of 10 times was like this, and the other two times showed normal.

  This tunnel, known as the "Time Tunnel", is the Guanjing South Tunnel located in the Honghuagang District of Zunyi City. It is understood that the tunnel is more than 400 meters long and has been built for several years, but the earliest time it was found to be "going backwards by one hour" when it passed, was the first half of last year.

  According to a number of witnesses, they use the mobile phone of an operator, and the number is also subordinate to the operator. "When you enter the tunnel, let's say it's 9 a.m., and when you leave the tunnel, it becomes 8:01 a.m." One witness said he worked nearby and went through tunnels every day, which happened almost every day, but not every time.

Can the Guizhou Time Tunnel set back the clock? Take stock of shocking time-lapse events

Other explanations about the Guizhou Space-Time Tunnel

  The space-time tunnel is a passage from one time and one place to another time and another place, which is a supernatural phenomenon that the current European and American scientific communities are keen to explore. In their eyes, it seems that only a moment has passed, but in our three-dimensional space, it has passed a long time, or even a few years.

  Whether there is really a space-time tunnel in the world, about this unsolved mystery has always been the concern of scientists, researchers in various countries are trying to find this space-time tunnel, there are many rumors about where the space-time tunnel is, some people say that at the top of the Himalayas, some people say that it is in the deep trench of the Pacific Ocean, but the most likely is a sea in the eastern Mediterranean.

  The time and space tunnel is located in the Ionian Sea in the eastern Mediterranean, where legend has it that there is a huge bottomless pit under the sea, which is filled with a large amount of seawater, and according to statistics, the amount of sea water missing here every day is as much as 30,000 tons, a phenomenon that many scientists cannot explain.

  It is said that there is a time and space tunnel in this bottomless pit under the sea, and those seawaters are attracted by this bottomless pit and then cross to other spaces, in order to find out this phenomenon, the United States once sent a scientific expedition team to investigate, they did an experiment, with some long-term unchanging dark pigments dissolved in the seawater, and then observed how these pigments sink with the seawater, and then they also observed the nearby sea, and the rivers did not find any trace of these pigments.

Can the Guizhou Time Tunnel set back the clock? Take stock of shocking time-lapse events

  These objects, which were originally hoped for by scientists, did not help solve the secrets of the bottomless pit in the end, whether there really was a space-time tunnel in this hole, or where did the seawater that was sucked into it go, so far scientists have not solved the unsolved mystery of this undersea space-time tunnel.

Guizhou Time Tunnel is a rumor?

  In fact, this "time and space tunnel" in Guizhou is not real, nor is it a time and space tunnel in the sense, because they just change the time on the mobile phone, if you really cross, the time changes to an hour ago, then you cross it again, the Internet circulates that there is a tunnel in the downtown area of Zunyi, and people who use the mobile phone of the telecom operator, after passing through the tunnel, the mobile phone time display will be "regressed by one hour". This phenomenon has allegedly continued for almost a year. Such "explosive" news has attracted the attention of many local and foreign citizens, "time tunnel" can really "cross"? many people have gone to the scene to test in person, and finally everyone is disappointed to find that the "time tunnel" is purely imaginary.

Discovery of the "Gate of Time" over Antarctica

  On January 27, 1995, American physicists discovered that a swirling gray-white smoke appeared over Antarctica. Initially, they thought these were just ordinary sandstorms. But these gray-white smokes did not change shape over time, nor did they move.

  The researchers launched an weather balloon equipped with instruments that measured wind speed and temperature and atmospheric humidity. However, as soon as it was launched, the balloon rose rapidly and quickly disappeared. After a while, the researchers used the rope tied to the balloon to recover the balloon.

  However, they were shocked by the fact that the timer of the balloon showed the time of the January 27 test, 1965. However, each time it indicates that the time has gone back 30 years, and the timer shows the time in the past.

  The top-secret report comes from NATO

  It is not unusual, even doubtful, to say that the above-mentioned retrogression of time has only happened by chance. Curiously, physicist Professor Massey also showed the world a top-secret report from NATO, and the facts described in the report are equally bizarre:

  In 1982, during a flight training flight from Northern Europe, a NATO pilot saw hundreds of dinosaurs in his field of vision, and the plane came to the prehistoric African continent.

  A NATO pilot "stumbled" into the German battlefield during World War II while on the fly. Both the Allied and German fighter pilots saw him, and he saw them too, and after only 1 minute he was back to reality.

  A liquid crystal seen through time and space

  In 1837, when the famous American mystery novel writer and poet Edgar Allan Poe was not yet famous, a mysterious stranger visited him. The stranger took a piece of paper from his pocket and gave it to Edgar Allan Poe, "And add the text of the mysterious liquid on this piece of paper to the novel, and not a word is allowed to be changed." Edgar Allan Poe took the paper, and though he thought the man's request was too strange, he followed his orders.

  In 1838, his novel Arthur. Gurdon. Published in New York, Pym's Adventures is about an unusual adventure on an island near Antarctica. During the expedition, the protagonist encounters a mysterious liquid. The protagonist of the book says:

  "It's hard for me to describe in words what kind of liquid this is, it's not transparent, but at the same time it doesn't have a fixed color, it's like a rainbow that conjures up all kinds of lights." We put some water into the glass, and after a while we noticed that it automatically split into many small pieces, each with its own shape, as if by a powerful force separating them individually. We cut those chunks with a knife, but soon they'll merge again. ”

  Scientists must have thought that this passage is a very precise description of liquid crystals. But the problem is, liquid crystals weren't discovered until a century ago! Moreover, liquid crystals cannot be seen in the natural state of normal temperature and pressure, so it is absolutely impossible for Edgar Allan Poe to have seen them, so how did he write that vivid text? Could it be that some mysterious guest returns from the future and tells him how to write a novel?

  Perhaps, the answer to all this time-space suspense is only left to future scientists to explain.

  A map of Antarctica three centuries in advance

  Charles of Keene College in New Hampshire, July 1960. Professor Hapgood was given a map on an antelope skin that turned out to be a map of Antarctica.

 The sheepskin map was reportedly written by Piri Reis, an official of the Ottoman Turkish Empire in the early 16th century, a brilliant navigator, and the author of many books on navigation, but he later fell out of favor with his master and was beheaded in 1554 or the following year.

  The maps drawn by Piri Reis in 1513 were not discovered until 1929 in the National Library in Constantinople.

Can the Guizhou Time Tunnel set back the clock? Take stock of shocking time-lapse events

  Professor Hapgood found that Piri Reis's map showed the unsealed coast of Maud land in Antarctica. Its coastline is very accurate, and the results measured by the joint British and Swedish expeditions in 1949 are basically the same as those measured by the seismic measurement method!

  Professor Hapgood believes that about 4,000 years ago, the entire earth had been thoroughly explored and mapped by a mysterious civilization with high technology and still undiscovered. He further deduced: "The earliest maps were clearly drawn by a people of unknown origin, and then passed down to future generations through the greatest seafaring peoples of antiquity, the Minos and Phoenicians who had traversed the world's oceans for more than 1,000 years. ”

  SeaWind reappeared in place eight years after its disappearance

  A British yacht named Sea Breeze suddenly disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle in August 1981, and the six people on board suddenly disappeared.

  Unexpectedly, after 8 years, the ship miraculously appeared on the surface of the sea in the same place, and the 6 people on board were safe and sound. All 6 said that they were unconscious at the time, unaware of the 8 years that had passed, and thought that only a moment had passed. Investigators repeatedly told them it had been 8 years before they finally grudgingly accepted the fact.

  As for what they did that day? They couldn't say it because they only felt that after a while, they didn't seem to be doing anything. Australian UFO expert Hartman, who was involved in the investigation, was thrilled that this was the first time a person who had disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle had reappeared, and only missing ships had reappeared.

  This strange thing, although there is a time difference, is an excellent example for studying the problem of time difference between the worlds of class I and the world of type II. It is also good material for the study of the "time tunnel". This is an equally important case in many UFO cases, where the loss of time or the phenomenon of aging is equally important, which has attracted great attention from the scientists concerned.

  The balloon that has been missing for thirty-six years reappears

  In the Caribbean in 1954, drivers Charlie Logan and Dale Norton piloted balloons and fifty other contestants for the balloon crossing competition. The weather was clear and the view was clear. Suddenly, in front of everyone, the balloon suddenly disappeared inexplicably.

Can the Guizhou Time Tunnel set back the clock? Take stock of shocking time-lapse events

  In 1990, after disappearing for many years, the balloon suddenly appeared on the surface of the land of Cuba and North America. Its appearance has greatly strained cuba and the United States government, especially Cuba, which mistakenly believes that the United States has sent secret weapons to attack.

  Major Zhenmi Ederdo, the pilot of the Cuban plane, said: "One minute ago there was nothing in the sky, and a minute later there was an extra balloon there."

  At that time, the Cuban military found the balloon on the radar, thinking it was a secret weapon of the United States, and once sent a plane to shoot it down, and finally the balloon was forced to land at sea by a Cuban plane, and the two pilots were rescued by a cruiser and sent to a secret naval base in Cuba for trial.

  Chicago investigator Carl Gore has verified Logan and Norton's claims that they had mysteriously disappeared on their way to a balloon game in 1954. Gore thinks the balloon has entered a time tunnel, saying, "It may be just a moment for them, but 36 years have passed on Earth." Therefore, it can be said that this is a magical tunnel slower than the time of the earth.

The mystery of the sudden aging of ninety-three crew members

  There was such a strange thing in the Devil's Triangle of Bermuda, where a former Soviet submarine sailed underwater in Bermuda waters a minute ago, but when it surfaced a minute later, it was in the Indian Ocean. During the voyage across almost half the world, all ninety-three crew members of the submarine had suddenly aged five to twenty years.

  Immediately after the incident, the soviet military and the scientific community began to investigate the submarine and all personnel and made three reports.

  Among them, researcher Dr. Ales Masulov, said: "The submarine entered the acceleration pipeline of a time tunnel.

  Although little is known about it, there is no more plausible explanation than that. ”

  "As for the crossing, it also stopped suddenly, and then everything returned to normal, but we felt something was wrong, so we ordered the submarine to surface." "The whole thing happened so fast that we didn't even have time to think about it, and our pilots showed that our position was east of central Africa, which was 10,000 kilometers away from where we had just been.

Can the Guizhou Time Tunnel set back the clock? Take stock of shocking time-lapse events

  The submarine immediately made radio contact with the headquarters of the former Soviet Navy, and the results of the contact confirmed that the location of their submarine was indeed in the Indian Ocean and not in Bermuda, and after the submarine returned to the submarine base in the Black Sea, the crew was immediately sent by plane to a laboratory in Moscow for examination by experts, and it was found that they were visibly aged, with typical features such as wrinkles, gray hair, muscle loss of elasticity and vision loss.

  This is indeed a tragedy in terms of aging, but scientifically it is a welcome new discovery. What these crews went through tells us that there may be a tunnel of time faster than Earth time.

  Gear from 80 BC

  Some Greek divers moored in 1900 to escape the storm on the small island of Antikishira in northwestern Crete, where divers accidentally found the wreckage of an ancient Greek ship.

  Divers unearthed a large number of works of art and marble statues, including a copper plate equipped with many intricate gears and scales, and the text on the copper plate shows that it was made in 80 BC.

  Experts at first thought it was a astrolabe used by ancient astronomers, but × photos of it later showed that it was more complex than people thought, because it contained many complex gear systems inside, and such a complex transmission was not invented until 1575 years later!

Can the Guizhou Time Tunnel set back the clock? Take stock of shocking time-lapse events

  It is unclear why gear tools appeared bizarrely more than two thousand years later in BC.

  The car travels 6,000 kilometers

  Another strange thing happened on June 1, 1968, when two cars were driving on the highway on the outskirts of Buenos Aires, the Argentine capital of South America.

  One was carrying the lawyer Beatles and the other was carrying their friends, the Gordons, whose destination was the city of Mebb, 150 kilometres away.

  The Gordons led the way, and soon the car reached the outskirts of Mebb in the twilight, and when they looked back, the Beatles' car was gone, and they thought that the lawyer's car had broken down, and when they entered the city, they called the villages and towns along the way separately, and sent someone to search along the highway.

  Two days later, nothing was found, and the Gordons had to call the police. On the same day, Gordon received a long-distance phone call from Mexico, and the speaker was Mr. Biter himself. It turned out that they had encountered an incredible miracle:

 The mystery of the sudden aging of ninety-three crew members

Can the Guizhou Time Tunnel set back the clock? Take stock of shocking time-lapse events

When the Beatles' car passed through the city of Shesgom, the front of the car was suddenly covered with white fog, and soon the body was surrounded by white fog. Bit looked at his watch, and it was 12:10 a.m., when the couple suddenly passed out. I don't know how long it took for them to wake up, the sky was already bright, and the car was still driving on the highway.

  Strangely enough, the scenery on the road and the clothing of pedestrians are different from Agenyan, and when you stop and ask, it is really surprising: it turns out that they are already in Mexico City!

  Agenyen is at least 6,000 kilometers from Mexico, so how did they drive from Agenyan to Mexico? Mr. Lawyer himself could not say a clue.

  The Beaters hurriedly called the Agenyen consulate in Mexico to ask for help, and both of their hands stopped at 12:10 a.m., when in fact it was June 3. Strange things like this have been discovered many times in the world, so they have attracted the attention of many scientists.

Can the Guizhou Time Tunnel set back the clock? Take stock of shocking time-lapse events

  Scientists believe that between the earth and some mysterious world, there is an elusive passage, also known as a "time tunnel", and the two sides of the passage are two different levels of the world. People who study this phenomenon call the mysterious world hidden on the other side of the passage "four degrees of space."

  Pacemaker 2500 years ago

  A 2,500-year-old mummy was unearthed on the outskirts of Lusoy, and I was surprised to hear a voice inside. Doctors at a hospital in Cairo dissected the mummy and discovered that the one that could make the sound was a pacemaker made of black crystal, which shocked the world. But doubts also arise, because we only produce white crystals on the earth, and we have never found black crystals containing radioactivity!

  How did the ancient Egyptians 2500 years ago understand that the radioactivity of the black crystal can drive the heart to beat 80 times a minute? Since there is no production of sola crystal on the earth, will this black crystal come from an alien planet?

Since the "science" of "ape-human evolution" does not allow aliens, this "pacemaker" becomes a "hoax"! Since no mummies have ever been found in the pyramids, this mummy with a dark crystal has become a scam taken for granted. I wonder who is lying to whom?

Can the Guizhou Time Tunnel set back the clock? Take stock of shocking time-lapse events

  Since then, the black crystal pacemaker has disappeared from modern society. No one dares to mention it again, and in order to maintain the "science" of monkey transformation, I don't know how many facts and historical facts have been sacrificed.

  Can I turn back the clock?

  In fact, human intelligence is not enough to stop the flight of time; Theoretically, it is not impossible to go back in time and go back to the past. According to Einstein's theory, time and space can change at the speed of light. So, if an object is flying at the speed of light of 300,000 km/s, space can be shortened and time can be slowed down.

  A physicist at California State University calculated that it would take humans 200,000 years to reach Andromeda from Earth, compared to 20 years on a spaceship at the speed of light.

  So, will this wonderful thing really happen? The answer is yes. Because scientists have discovered mysterious particles in the universe that are faster than the speed of light.

  Scientists have found that when the spacecraft passes through the gravitational field, the pull of the gravitational field is converted into thrust, and the spacecraft can fly at the speed of light or even faster than the speed of light during that time.

  NASA experts have created the "space-time field resonance theory," which is based on the "unified field theory" of Einstein and the German physicist Heisenberg. The gist of it is to instantaneously cross interstellar space with the help of the elasticity of electromagnetic, gravitational, light-speed, and co-evolution of space-time. At that point, going back in time will no longer be a mystery to be solved.

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