
What exactly are they thinking when their owners stroke their dogs' heads?

author:The Wang Xingren family

Sometimes some of the owner's behavior will give the dog different associations, such as touching the dog's head, and their ideas are different in different states. What exactly are they thinking when their owners stroke their dogs' heads?

What exactly are they thinking when their owners stroke their dogs' heads?

1, "The host finally has time to play with me"

Dogs are lively and noisy by nature, thinking about playing all the time, and if they are too bored at home, they will want their owners to interact with them. They will walk around you, trying to get your attention, if you touch its head at this time, in the dog's heart is that the owner is willing to play with me, they will be very happy, the tail will also be wagging cheerfully, and will smile.

What exactly are they thinking when their owners stroke their dogs' heads?

2, "the master massage technique is really comfortable"

The dog's brain is also a lot of nerves, very sensitive, when you gently stroke the dog's head, it will think you want to massage it, if you feel comfortable, the dog will squint to enjoy, the expression is also very happy. This shows that your massage technique is good and makes the dog feel comfortable.

What exactly are they thinking when their owners stroke their dogs' heads?

3. "Did I do something wrong again?" ”

If you reach over and touch the dog's head, it will scare the dog, and they think you want to hit it. Especially after the dog makes a mistake and is a little weak-minded, it will be a little scared to see the owner's body movements.

What exactly are they thinking when their owners stroke their dogs' heads?

4, "The host definitely liked me"

If you always touch the dog's head twice when you have nothing to do, in its mind, it means "the owner likes it and can't leave me". So they will also be tempted to rub your hand in response to your liking.

What exactly are they thinking when their owners stroke their dogs' heads?

5, "The master wants to help me tickle?" ”

If you touch the dog's head, it is a scratch, the feeling of the dog is that the owner is helping me tickle, if a certain part of the dog's body also feels itchy, and I can't scratch it, it will turn more and let the owner help it scratch.

What exactly are they thinking when their owners stroke their dogs' heads?

6, "The host is praising me"

When training dogs, if dogs do certain instructions and complete a certain task, they all hope to get encouragement from their owners. The reward can be a petting (patting its back, or touching its head), and if there is a snack reward, the dog is happier.

What exactly are they thinking when their owners stroke their dogs' heads?

Dogs should pay attention to the nutrition of dogs, and they should be fed healthy and nutritious food. For dogs, the best food is dog food, convenient and nutritionally balanced.

What exactly are they thinking when their owners stroke their dogs' heads?

Conclusion: Do you usually spend more time interacting with your dog?

What exactly are they thinking when their owners stroke their dogs' heads?