
Ominous? There is a danger of an avalanche in the cracking of the snow surface of a snowy mountain in Hokkaido, Japan, what is the reason?

author:So close so far F4
According to Japan's Asahi TV reported on the 15th, Hokkaido Sapporo City's well-known snow mountain "MOIRE" Mountain, there was a strange phenomenon - a huge rift. According to reports, on the 11th of this month, a crack in the snow on the snow mountain was suddenly found, the crack was initially 90 meters long and 2 meters wide, and then the crack gradually expanded, and on the afternoon of the 13th, it increased to 150 meters long and 10 meters wide. On the 14th, the rift continued to expand. The report also said that "MOIRE" mountain is a well-known ski resort, and the area around the snow mountain has been blocked, and a placard "There is a danger of an avalanche, no entry" has been placed at the fence. As shown in the figure below, netizens jokingly called it "laughing and opening".
Ominous? There is a danger of an avalanche in the cracking of the snow surface of a snowy mountain in Hokkaido, Japan, what is the reason?

Japan is a country with many disasters and difficulties, precisely because Of Japan is in an awkward position, located in the Pacific Ring volcanic seismic belt, with frequent earthquakes and volcanic activities. On average, there are about four earthquakes per day, and 1/5 of the world's earthquakes occur in Japan, so it is called "earthquake country". There are about 270 large and small volcanoes in Japan, of which about 80 are active volcanoes, and 1/10 of the world's volcanoes are located in Japan, so Japan is also known as the "land of volcanoes".

Ominous? There is a danger of an avalanche in the cracking of the snow surface of a snowy mountain in Hokkaido, Japan, what is the reason?

Japan is located at the junction of the North American Plate, the Pacific Plate and the Philippine Sea Plate and the Eurasian Plate, due to the movement of the Earth's crust, the Pacific Plate subducted downwards, lifting the Eurasian Plate to form the Japanese archipelago, which is also the reason for Japan's many volcanoes and earthquakes.

Ominous? There is a danger of an avalanche in the cracking of the snow surface of a snowy mountain in Hokkaido, Japan, what is the reason?

For a well-known snow mountain in Sapporo City, Hokkaido, Japan, moere snow mountain recently occurred a rare "mouth crack", the snow surface of the snow mountain cracked, and the crack is constantly expanding. In response to this strange phenomenon, Koichi Nishimura, president of the Japan Ice and Snow Society, speculated that a large amount of snow may have been pressed on the lawn that is easy to slide, causing it to slip. ▲ (

Ominous? There is a danger of an avalanche in the cracking of the snow surface of a snowy mountain in Hokkaido, Japan, what is the reason?

We can't deny the experts' claims, but the author personally believes that the "laughing opening" of moere snow mountains may be related to the geographical location of Japan, or it may be related to the warming of temperature.

Because there are an average of four earthquakes a day in Japan, and the earthquake in Hokkaido, Japan, is avoided, the transverse wave of the earthquake causes the MOERE snow mountain, cracks appear, and as gravity increases, the cracks become larger and larger.

。 On the mainland is "spring hit six or nine heads", and on February 4, 2022, the mainland has entered the spring of theoretical concessions. At present, it is already the seven-nine time period, and there is a saying in the mainland that "the seven or nine rivers are open, and the eight or nine swallows are coming", that is, the temperature is getting higher and higher, and the melting of ice and snow is normal.

Earthquakes and temperature factors cause cracks in snow and ice in the usual things. Coupled with what experts say, due to weight, a large amount of snow is pressed on the lawn that is easy to slide, resulting in a slippage phenomenon and a "crack". Because in the winter of 2021, the "La Niña phenomenon" appeared, affected by the Arctic cold current, the United States, Canada and other places in the northern hemisphere suffered many blizzards. There was also heavy snowfall in this area of Hokkaido, Hokkaido, and record-breaking snowfall in Sapporo, Hokkaido, and as of the 6th local time, the local daily snowfall had reached 60 centimeters, breaking the highest record since 1999. Therefore, japan must not be afraid of cracks in the snowy mountains, because as the cracks continue to increase, avalanches may occur, posing a "threat" to the buildings and tourists under the MOERE snowy mountains, which is definitely not alarmist, as for causing volcanoes, earthquakes, tsunamis and other disasters is a bit exaggerated.

Ominous? There is a danger of an avalanche in the cracking of the snow surface of a snowy mountain in Hokkaido, Japan, what is the reason?

Conclusion: For Japan, the past 2021 has actually been a lot of disasters, and entering 2022 coincided with the violent tsunami caused by the Tonga volcano, coupled with the imminent eruption concerns caused by the nearly 6-fold increase in the crater of Mt. Fuji, it can be said that it is already embattled. And there have been predictions that a magnitude 9.3 earthquake may occur in Japan in July 2022, and 2022 is not very good for Japan. At present, it has encountered such a strange snow mountain "opening its mouth to laugh", and it has to be said that it is also a manifestation of misfortune and ominous omens. Of course, as melon-eating masses, we can only wait and see.

Ominous? There is a danger of an avalanche in the cracking of the snow surface of a snowy mountain in Hokkaido, Japan, what is the reason?
Original work, thanks for reading.