
Huilongguan, Lize and Yizhuang have been new! What is the highlight of the 2022 batch of soil auctions?

author:Old Xu chat room


Who took the land?

Compared with last year, this year's batch of soil auctions is much calmer, and there is almost no smell of gunpowder.

First, take a look at the overall situation of the transaction (click to see the larger chart).

Huilongguan, Lize and Yizhuang have been new! What is the highlight of the 2022 batch of soil auctions?

After last year's soil auction, the details of the predictions in "Beijing Property Market, And Expectations and Horrors" were cashed in one by one, which is really a good spirit.

Aggressive housing enterprises in the first half of the year, in the second half of the year collectively lie flat.

Lying down came to 2022, and had to be woken up and get up to accept a new round of land acquisition tasks.

Huilongguan, Lize and Yizhuang have been new! What is the highlight of the 2022 batch of soil auctions?

A few keywords have been summarized for this year's batch of soil auctions:

No roll, no rise, the central enterprises to sell, existing houses, fight for quality.

Not too rolled!

Of the 18 pieces of residential land listed, 8 pieces of reserve price transactions, 1 piece of online quotation transaction, 1 piece of withdrawal.

Huilongguan, Lize and Yizhuang have been new! What is the highlight of the 2022 batch of soil auctions?

There are still 8 plots of land that were auctioned early this morning, and everyone did not have to work overtime.

Greentown is too fierce! Took 3 pieces of land, Liu Niangfu, Cui Gezhuang, Yizhuang Taihu.

China Resources is not bad! Took the ancient city and the Jijia Temple.

Gemdale + Poly took the Wang Fourth Battalion.

C&D won the Life Science Park.

Zhonghai took yizhuang old palace.

Obviously, without Haidian and the sun palace, the enthusiasm of housing enterprises has also dropped by half.

Everyone calmly divided the land.

In contrast, there are still 4 residential plots that are relatively sought-after, such as the Life Science Park in Changping, the Cui Gezhuang in Chaoyang, wang Siying, and the Taihu Lake in Yizhuang.

That is to say, in the eyes of the developer, these 4 pieces of land are either easy to sell or make money.

Is it really easy to sell? At least in a batch of online signatures last year, this conclusion was reached.

Therefore, grabbing these plots is safer for developers.

In places where it can be sold in the darkest hours, the safety cushion is thick enough.

State-owned enterprises shot!

In the batch of soil auctions in 2022, the central enterprises are still the biggest winners.

China Resources, China Shipping, China Construction, Poly, Urban Construction... Greentown should also count.

In private enterprises, Xuhui, Gemdale and Xingchuang actively hoard land, and it is difficult for other housing companies to see them.

For example, last year's large-scale Sunac, the excellence of the limelight....

In the era of black iron, those who still have capital to take land are rich people.

Huilongguan, Lize and Yizhuang have been new! What is the highlight of the 2022 batch of soil auctions?

Interject a golden and jade good word,

Buy their house now, at least it won't end badly.


What about the price?

No price increase?!

Last year's batch of Cui Gezhuang, the sales guidance price was 88,000 / flat.

1 year later, the fourth plot of Cui Gezhuang was auctioned, and the guiding price was still 88,000 yuan / flat.

The same is true for plots such as Wang Siying, Life Science Park, and Ancient City.

The point is that the most important thing is to bid for the sales area of existing houses.

Today's cui gezhuang has 41,000 square meters of existing house sales area, and the guidance price is still 88,000 / flat.

That is to say, the house price in the next 3 years has also been anchored, or the average price is 88,000, even if the house price can be sold according to the floating up after 3 years, the increase will not exceed 10%.

What do you mean?

That is, the overall price is 88,000 / flat, if the price is really sold at the floating price after 3 years, then it must be sold at a cheap price now.

That was no small blow to the two big brothers who were selling Cui Gezhuang at 88,000 / flat, sent away Jianfa and ushered in the green city. Of course, this paragraph is just my guess.

The goal of no increase in house prices has been achieved, and it will not rise even after 3 years.

But don't be happy too soon, if the future house price rises well, then the new market with the house price upside down is not something that ordinary people can easily buy. Refer to 10,000 Oaks House.

Will the quality be good?

The collateral response of the lack of relentless grabbing is that the cost is not so high.

Remember last year's batch, basically all the plots were at the top of the highest price, the developer killed the red eye, as long as the land, the cost does not count.

Therefore, last year, most developers were searching for paint facades, industrial hardcover is the most common product collocation.

After all, when you get land, you spend too much money, you have to find it back from somewhere else.

And the batch in 2022, obviously the developer is much calmer, basically the profit can also be seen.

So can we expect that the quality of the product can be improved?


A batch of the most worth seeing plots

The developer has already voted for us, and the plots participating in the soil auction will be more popular today.

Like what

The Jijia Temple that China Resources has won is considered to be a Lize area, and it is not far from the Wanquan Temple plot that was first opened by the previous construction engineering + can be regarded as a sequel to the Kunlun Domain.

Huilongguan, Lize and Yizhuang have been new! What is the highlight of the 2022 batch of soil auctions?

Then China Resources also took the ancient city, this plot is on the edge of Tianxi, not far from the New Disk of Zhonghai Yunting, the same is the guidance price of 74,800 / flat, who is more under more pressure?

Greentown won the fourth piece of homestead in Cui Gezhuang, and is looking forward to half of the off-plan house and half of the existing house of Greentown, with what side rate to challenge the 3 brothers who entered the field early?

Greentown also won the Yizhuang Taihu Lake, this plate is over, buy it!

Huilongguan, Lize and Yizhuang have been new! What is the highlight of the 2022 batch of soil auctions?

There is also Liu Niang Mansion, a proper mansion, basically a flat-floor + villa, and the rich people in the west can remember it.

Huilongguan, Lize and Yizhuang have been new! What is the highlight of the 2022 batch of soil auctions?

Gemdale + Poly won the wang four camp, Poly jinshang sold so well, this time again is also stable, is not sure whether it will challenge the small apartment, I am more looking forward to the fifth ring of the house, I hope to wake up to achieve.

Huilongguan, Lize and Yizhuang have been new! What is the highlight of the 2022 batch of soil auctions?

C&D took the Life Science Park, that is, Huilongguan, which and Greentown robbed for half a day, and finally C&D got it, and C&D's products have been good, especially the good-looking gate.

Huilongguan, Lize and Yizhuang have been new! What is the highlight of the 2022 batch of soil auctions?

Zhonghai won the Yizhuang Old Palace, priced at 73,000 / flat, improve it, after all, there is a famous Dexian Mansion on the side.

Huilongguan, Lize and Yizhuang have been new! What is the highlight of the 2022 batch of soil auctions?

Finally, thanks to leju's little partner for the picture, YYDS!