
The Second People's Hospital of Shaanxi Province held the 2021 annual summary and commendation and the 2022 annual key work deployment meeting

author:Shaanxi Elderly Health Release

On February 17, 2022, the Second People's Hospital of Shaanxi Province (Shaanxi Provincial Geriatric Hospital) held the 2021 annual summary and commendation and 2022 annual key work deployment meeting, the main task is to commend and motivate the advanced, summarize the work in 2021, and arrange and deploy the work in 2022.

The Second People's Hospital of Shaanxi Province held the 2021 annual summary and commendation and the 2022 annual key work deployment meeting

Members of the hospital's leadership team and award-winning representatives attended the meeting at the main venue, and other cadres and workers watched the live broadcast online through DingTalk. Dean Yu Yong presided over the meeting.

The clinical medical technology departments of the whole hospital are problem-oriented and report on the work plans for 2022 and the problems that need to be solved by the hospital one by one. The leaders of the competent courts emphasized the work in charge.

At the meeting, the advanced collectives and individuals who won the 2021 year were commended.

The Second People's Hospital of Shaanxi Province held the 2021 annual summary and commendation and the 2022 annual key work deployment meeting
The Second People's Hospital of Shaanxi Province held the 2021 annual summary and commendation and the 2022 annual key work deployment meeting
The Second People's Hospital of Shaanxi Province held the 2021 annual summary and commendation and the 2022 annual key work deployment meeting
The Second People's Hospital of Shaanxi Province held the 2021 annual summary and commendation and the 2022 annual key work deployment meeting
The Second People's Hospital of Shaanxi Province held the 2021 annual summary and commendation and the 2022 annual key work deployment meeting
The Second People's Hospital of Shaanxi Province held the 2021 annual summary and commendation and the 2022 annual key work deployment meeting
The Second People's Hospital of Shaanxi Province held the 2021 annual summary and commendation and the 2022 annual key work deployment meeting
The Second People's Hospital of Shaanxi Province held the 2021 annual summary and commendation and the 2022 annual key work deployment meeting
The Second People's Hospital of Shaanxi Province held the 2021 annual summary and commendation and the 2022 annual key work deployment meeting
The Second People's Hospital of Shaanxi Province held the 2021 annual summary and commendation and the 2022 annual key work deployment meeting
The Second People's Hospital of Shaanxi Province held the 2021 annual summary and commendation and the 2022 annual key work deployment meeting

President Yu Yong made a work report entitled "Consolidating Achievements and Creating Better Achievements and Striving to Build a First-Class Geriatric Hospital in Northwest China.". It reviewed the completion of key work in 2021, analyzed the current development situation, arranged and deployed key work in 2022, and conveyed the spirit of the provincial health work conference on February 15. President Yu pointed out that in 2022, the hospital will focus on completing 10 major tasks. First, strictly abide by the public welfare of public hospitals, continue to adhere to the general strategy of "external prevention of import, internal prevention of rebound" and the general policy of "dynamic zeroing", and resolutely build a solid defense line for epidemic prevention and control. The second is to make the head specialty bigger and stronger, dig deep into the potential of intermediate departments, and ensure business growth. The third is to benchmark the performance appraisal indicators of tertiary hospitals and the high-quality development indicators of public hospitals to improve the efficiency of management and operation. The fourth is to strengthen the strategy of rejuvenating talents, increase the introduction of talents, and accelerate the construction of talent echelons. The fifth is to adhere to the leading position of the medical and nursing alliance, unite the strength of all parties in medical and nursing care, and lead the development of the development of medical and nursing care in our province. The sixth is to accelerate the construction of hospital informatization and provide strong support for the development of hospitals. The seventh is to further strengthen foreign exchanges and cooperation and strive for greater career development. The eighth is to root the red gene, strengthen the party building of public hospitals, lead by party building, and promote the construction of hospitals to a new level in an all-round way. The ninth is to further improve the construction of the security system and improve the ability of logistics support services. The tenth is to actively expand business and start outreach projects in a timely manner.

The Second People's Hospital of Shaanxi Province held the 2021 annual summary and commendation and the 2022 annual key work deployment meeting

Bai Xinkuan, secretary of the party committee, made a speech. He pointed out that 2021 is an important year of landmark significance in the history of the party and the country, and it is also a very extraordinary year in the process of hospital development and construction. In the past year, all departments of the hospital have coordinated the prevention and control of the epidemic and the routine work of the hospital, sought truth and pragmatism, and really grasped the work, and made new progress and new results in the development of various businesses. 2022 is the year of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and it is also an important year to enter the new journey of comprehensively building a modern socialist country and marching towards the second centenary goal, and it is of great significance to do a good job in this year's work. Secretary Bai made three demands. First, it is necessary to inherit the party's red gene and firmly grasp the political direction of the development of public hospitals. Second, it is necessary to focus on the overall situation of career development and earnestly grasp all key tasks throughout the year. The third is to effectively strengthen party building and lead the high-quality development of public hospitals. The whole hospital cohesively and solidly worked to greet the victory of the 20th National Congress of the Party with excellent results.

The Second People's Hospital of Shaanxi Province held the 2021 annual summary and commendation and the 2022 annual key work deployment meeting

Correspondent: Li Yabin