
How long does it take for dogs to mate, and why can't they be forcibly separated?

author:Gluttonous grainless dog food

Dogs are in heat in spring and autumn, both of which are mated. So how long does it take for a dog to mate once? Why can't they be forcibly separated? Let's take a look at it today!

How long does it take for dogs to mate, and why can't they be forcibly separated?


Dog mating time

Many people may be curious about how long the dog will mate, in fact, the dog mating will be about 10-30 minutes at a time, and the time of different dogs is definitely different.

If you want to breed the dog, it is best to be in the second time the dog is in heat, because this is when the dog's body matures, and the breeding will not damage the health of the dog.

However, for the sake of dog life, it is not recommended to breed the dog endlessly, after all, production will damage the life of the dog.

How long does it take for dogs to mate, and why can't they be forcibly separated?


Separation cannot be forced

When dogs reproduce, whether the dogs are voluntary or not, the pet owner should not forcibly separate them.

Because the dog is in a "locked" state at this time, if the pet owner forcibly separates the dog, it will cause the dog's genital injuries, and even the dog will die.

However, when dogs are frightened and beaten, they will take the initiative to separate, but such consequences are also unbearable.

So don't owe it!

How long does it take for dogs to mate, and why can't they be forcibly separated?


Take care of a female dog during estrus

First of all, do a good job of cleaning and hygiene for the female dog, because the female dog will have a menstrual period during estrus, so it is necessary to clean frequently to prevent infection.

Secondly, it is necessary to reduce the number of times to go out, after all, the female dog in estrus is easy to attract male dogs, thus causing a struggle between male dogs.

How long does it take for dogs to mate, and why can't they be forcibly separated?

In addition, you have to accompany the dog more, the female dog will be depressed because she can't find a partner, so the pet owner can play some games with the female dog, divert her attention, and it is best to take some snacks as a reward.

Finally, we should pay attention to the diet of the female dog, because its appetite is not good at this time, and it also needs more nutrition, so try to choose dog food that is nutritious and has a high meat content.

How long does it take for dogs to mate, and why can't they be forcibly separated?

Conclusion: What other secrets do you know about dog mating?

How long does it take for dogs to mate, and why can't they be forcibly separated?