
Magical slimming soup, apple red dates so matched, lost 8 pounds a week, too unexpected

author:Uncle's Notes

Apple is the most common fruit in our ordinary life, its taste and taste is very good, the taste is crisp, the taste is sweet, and it is loved by many friends. Apples in our usual time is generally used to eat raw, few friends use it to make some food, today to use apples with dates to share with you a particularly good soup for friends who want to lose weight, such a soup is apple red dates fat reduction soup, it tastes slightly sweet, scraping oil and fat reduction, very delicious, let's take a look at its specific cooking steps.

【Apple red date fat reduction soup】

【Cooking Ingredients】Apple, red dates, flour, salt, goji berries, dried hawthorn

【Cooking steps】

Magical slimming soup, apple red dates so matched, lost 8 pounds a week, too unexpected

1, the following to take everyone to cook together the food is apple red date fat reduction soup, so that the fat reduction soup is very delicious, the taste is slightly sweet, can play a good role in scraping oil and fat reduction effect, let's prepare a little apple red date fat reduction soup needs to use cooking ingredients, first prepare an apple, 3 to 5 red dates, a spoonful of flour, a spoonful of salt, the right amount of goji berries, goji berries can be slightly more, and then prepare the right amount of dried hawthorn, hawthorn dried it is best not too much, because too much to drink is more sour.

Magical slimming soup, apple red dates so matched, lost 8 pounds a week, too unexpected

2, let's first take out the prepared dates, put them in water, add an appropriate amount of flour, and wash the dates with flour. Why wash the dates with flour? Because the flour can remove impurities from the surface and folds of the dates, the dates can be cleaned very clean, we will clean the dates and then fish them out and put them on the plate for later, and then we will process the apples we have prepared. Place the prepared apples in a large bowl and add the right amount of water to it first.

Magical slimming soup, apple red dates so matched, lost 8 pounds a week, too unexpected

3, after adding the right amount of water to the apple bowl, we will clean the apple, and then add the appropriate amount of salt, and use the salt to scrub the surface of the apple. This operation can effectively remove the wax on the surface of the apple, and it is also recommended that you use salt to clean the apple when you eat the apple, so that it is more hygienic and healthier to eat.

Magical slimming soup, apple red dates so matched, lost 8 pounds a week, too unexpected

4, after the apple is cleaned, we first use a knife to cut the apple into thin slices, cut the thin slices and put it into the dish, and then take out the prepared dates, use scissors to cut off the flesh of the dates, remove the red date core, and put it on the plate.

Magical slimming soup, apple red dates so matched, lost 8 pounds a week, too unexpected

5, and then add the appropriate amount of goji berries and dried hawthorn to this plate, which is the one we prepared earlier. Goji berries and dried hawthorn are best cleaned before eating, and flour should also be added when cleaning, and the best detergent for flour cleaning dried fruits is because it can fully absorb dirty things.

Magical slimming soup, apple red dates so matched, lost 8 pounds a week, too unexpected

6: Next take out a casserole, first pour the right amount of water into the casserole, put the apple slices we have cut into the pot, then add the dates, goji berries and hawthorn dried, stir them, then cover the pot and bring the water in the pot to a boil on high heat, then cook for 5 minutes on low heat, after 5 minutes you can turn off the heat. After turning off the heat, we put the soup out, a very delicious apple red date fat reduction soup is ready, very delicious, do you like it?


1, apple slices as thin as possible, so that the nutrients inside it can be fully released.

2: When we cook the soup, we should boil it on high heat, and then simmer it for 5 minutes on low heat.

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