
Crescent Moon (modern poetry)

author:Zhao Qunxing

Crescent moon

Crescent Moon (modern poetry)

A crescent moon in the twilight of autumn

Like the tears of the night sky

An 8-year-old girl

The body was brutally burned to death by his biological mother

The eyes of fear were closed forever

How many times

She cried out in exhaustion


Wait until the pain is over


Help your mom with housework

Help your brother take a bath and get dressed



She wailed helplessly

Can't summon grandma thousands of miles away

The bright moon in the sky

Beckoned to her

She went forever

Go to a paradise without a mother beating

Go to a paradise without the dross of patriarchal traditional culture

No more

Holding on to the scars and skinny as wood

Tiny body

Laundry cooking brush dishes to care for the younger brother

Broken right arm and thigh bone

Trouble with community workers and security guards

Repeatedly went to the house to dissuade

Holding the bowl

Crouch on the steps in front of the door

And with tears

Instinctively ate

November 1, 2012

Dapeng New Area, Shenzhen, China

Her home of gracious bungalows

In the fire of sin

Her ghostly soul

Frozen at the age of 8

Crescent Moon (modern poetry)

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Woman brutally burns the body after torturing her 8-year-old daughter to death (photo)

Crescent Moon (modern poetry)

December 20, 2012, 4:26pm

Yangcheng Evening News - Jinyang Network

Crescent Moon (modern poetry)

The woman abused her 8-year-old daughter to death

Yangcheng Evening News According to the Jingbao news, 8-year-old Xinxin (pseudonym) left her grandmother's house in Henan to come to the arms of her mother in Shenzhen, but since then began a nightmare-like life - on the afternoon of November 1, when she slowly closed her eyes full of fear in Shenzhen's Dapeng New District and died, she may still be thinking: forgive her mother's rudeness, wait for the pain to pass, and then help her mother do housework, help her brother bathe and dress.

However, she died so reluctantly, but in exchange for a trace of repentance from her mother. This manic middle-aged woman was thinking about how to burn her daughter's body to cover up her crime. Yesterday, this reporter interviewed this heinous case at the Dapeng New District Public Security Bureau. When the police officer who introduced the case mentioned Xinxin, he couldn't help but burst into tears.

In addition to trying to cover up the facts of the crime, a fire also burned down the home. In the face of police interrogation, Ah Ying began to deny the crime of abusing her own daughter to death.


In the early hours of the morning, the girl's body was found in a fire

At 2:10 a.m. on November 2 this year, the Dapeng New District Public Security Bureau received a warning from the 110 platform, saying that a fire had broken out in a residential room in Dapeng Mountain Villa, Dapeng Street. After receiving the police, the Dapeng police immediately assigned the police of the Dapeng police station to the scene. The fire in the small bungalow was quickly extinguished, but to everyone's surprise, a charred girl's body was found on the bed in the overheated house!

After preliminary investigation, the police believe that this fire accident occurred a bit strangely, the cause of death of the girl Xinxin (8 years old, Longhui County, Hunan Province) there are many doubts, the technical department through the scene traces, physical evidence of the laboratory analysis and autopsy, the preliminary inference that the case was the victim Xinxin after the death of the person was set on fire and burned.

In the face of police interrogation, Ah Ying began to deny the crime of abusing her own daughter to death.


The girl's mother is on serious suspicion

After investigation, the police found that Xinxin had just come to Shenzhen from her grandmother's house in Henan to live with her parents at the beginning of this year. From the mouth of the neighbors, the police handling the case learned that Xinxin's mother, Ah Ying (female, 33 years old, from Linying County, Henan Province, unemployed) only pampered her 4-year-old son, usually ignored Xinxin, gave Xinxin leftovers to eat, let Xinxin get up in the middle of the night to wash sheets and clothes, and scolded Xinxin.

"We have confirmed this situation from the Dapeng community staff and the property security guards, who have repeatedly come to their homes to dissuade Ah Ying from doing Ah Ying's work, but they are unrepentant and still abusive." Hu Yong, head of the criminal police brigade of the Dapeng New District Public Security Bureau, told reporters that Xinxin was beaten by his mother Ah Ying many times before his death, and Xinxin's right arm and thigh bone had been broken.

"That night, many of our police and neighbors were at the scene, and everyone anxiously waited for the fire brigade to clean up the scene, but Ah Ying, who was hiding on the side, was very calm, so he leaned against the wall next to him and looked at his house coldly." Peng Jin, a police officer of the dapeng police station of the special case team, and the reporter talked about the scene at the time of the crime, which is still fresh in his memory.

The forensic autopsy found that Shin Shin's respiratory tract was free of soot, and her eyes were not painfully closed when smoked, so her eyelashes were all burned out, and her upright posture proved that she had not struggled painfully with the fire.

After inspecting the scene, the fire department confirmed that the ignition point on Xinxin's bed was a flowing fire, which did not meet the characteristics of accidental combustion, that is to say, it was artificial arson.

Based on evidence from the forensic and fire departments, the police preliminarily concluded that the child was artificially set on fire after the child died.

Ah Ying, the mother who always abused Xinxin, was immediately included in the focus of the police investigation.


The body was brutally burned after choking on her daughter

On the afternoon of November 16, the special case team summoned Ah Ying according to law, and in the face of the evidence, Ah Ying denied everything.

"When we discussed the case, everyone thought that Ah Ying was the most suspicious, but her attitude was so cold, could it be because she was a stepmother and had no blood relationship, so she seemed so indifferent?" Recalling the interrogation that night, Hu Yong, a veteran criminal police officer with more than ten years of police experience, admitted that after he learned the truth, it was difficult to calm down for a long time. "Zou Hua, a special police officer, took Xinxin's DNA sample and went to the technical department of the municipal criminal police detachment to compare, the person did not come back, the phone called first——— that end, Xiao Zou's voice was slightly crying, he only said a word 'it is biological', he could not say it anymore, and hung up the phone."

On the morning of November 18, Xinxin's father, Ah Jun (pseudonym, 32 years old, from Longhui County, Hunan Province), who had been silent, sighed under the repeated persuasion of the police, and said a sentence "It was my connivance that killed Xinxin", completely abandoned the psychological defense line and was willing to cooperate with the police investigation.

In the face of the ironclad evidence, Ah Ying bowed his head and admitted to the crime of torturing Xinxin to death and then burning the body to extinguish the evidence.


The evil mother in the eyes of the neighbors is very filial

Yesterday, the reporter revisited the scene.

"The girl is really pitiful, usually only see her mother scolding her, beating her, the children around her have not played with her, only to come here less than a year and then die, really pitiful." 」

When an aunt who has lived in Dapeng Villa for many years recalled Xinxin's mother, Ah Ying, she simply described it as "a northerner, very strong-looking, very talkative, and loves to beat children". "We didn't find a single photo of Xinxin at the scene, every night the children slept here alone, Ah Ying and his son slept in another room, in the middle of the night Xinxin had to get up to wash clothes, do housework, and during the day they had to take care of their brother, wash dishes, mop the floor and so on." The accompanying police shook their heads and sighed.

Several neighbors told reporters that Ah Ying's abuse of children is very famous in the neighborhood, the children have been seriously injured several times, lying on the bed and can not come to the ground, the village chief and property security guards have gone to dissuade and warn, but Ah Ying superficially promised to be the same behind the scenes. "Their family's patriarchal thinking is very strong, the 4-year-old son is a baby, the daughter is used by the people at the moment, even the daughter is not allowed to eat, can only hold the bowl and crouch on the steps at the door to eat by himself, and eat too much, eat slowly, a little unhappy is a violent beating."

However, such an evil mother who is disliked by the neighbors is very loving to her husband and very filial to her elders. "Her own account is that she and Xinxin have not been deeply affectionate, the child was born in her hometown in Henan by her grandmother, and now that she has come to Shenzhen, she feels that it is a burden, and it is not painful to see it."

Crescent Moon (modern poetry)

【Classic Interaction】

77th and Stauff also felt very impressed

Purple Book:

2012-12-20 20:02

Sigh, sigh, the feudal idea of son preference is still deeply poisoned. Yi was only 8 years old, but he became a permanent crescent child.

Phoenix: Yi is only 8 years old, but he has become a permanent crescent child. [Like]

Liu Yanfen:

2012-12-20 20:04

Poor child, in a past life she owed her mother a debt???

Phoenix: 【Coffee】【Coffee】Thank you for coming

Stau also:

2012-12-20 20:05

You write a drop of poetry well,,, this child paper early reincarnation to go to other people's homes is good...

Fire Phoenix: 【Coffee】

100°C Ice :

2012-12-20 20:31

In this way, people should be stabbed with a thousand knives

Fire Phoenix: Thank you for visiting the review point【Coffee】

Lin Yufan:

2012-12-20 21:51

What a terrible woman, who was raised by her parents with her heart, do you know how to enjoy the love of your parents, but you can't share a little love with your daughter?

Phoenix in The Fire: A Self-Brewed Tragedy!

He Fang:

2012-12-20 22:55

Tiger poison still eats children? There is such a cruel and inhuman mother

Fire Phoenix Reply He Fang: Yes

Xin Xiaoling:

2012-12-21 6:41

Pathetic mother, poor child.

Willow flute sound:

2012-12-21 8:50

So cruel, how is the mother so-called, she is not worthy of being a mother, she is also a woman why should she be so poisonous to her daughter. Such a mother should go down to eighteen levels of hell. Anger [Anger]

Fire Phoenix: Then let her go down to eighteen levels of hell

Li Yanqiu:

2012-12-21 13:28

It makes people chill and their hearts block. No matter how undeserved, things still happened, helpless, speechless... Pray for the little girl, she may smile in heaven...

Fire Phoenix: Thank you for coming to the review

Red-crowned crane:

2012-12-21 14:15

Not believing it will be true

Fire Phoenix: See Yangcheng Evening News for details

I am satisfied:

2012-12-21 14:51


Fire Phoenix: Thank you for coming

Jiang Xue:

2012-12-23 11:47

Alas, the moon has no sunshine and only yin deficiency, why? Even if you prefer sons to daughters, you will not be so cruel!

Fire Phoenix: Pathetic

Jiang Xue: It's terrible to live around such a person!

Flying Flowers Month by Month:

2012-12-23 12:20

Poor kid

Fire Phoenix: Pathetic Family


2012-12-23 12:46

She was already a beast, calling her a man was not worthy at all, and now he should scrape her with a knife. There is also the girl's father, the beast is not as good, such a person will not spare them in heaven, accept the punishment.

Fire Phoenix: Brought to justice

Rain: If he can die twice, let him die twice.

Mountain Lily:

2012-12-23 14:35

She was also a woman, and she still preferred sons to daughters, how could her mother not kill her like this in the first place.

Fire Phoenix: Posterity is often more sinful than its predecessors.

Wang Linmei:

2012-12-23 17:33

She was a human being, not even a beast. swear

Phoenix in The Fire: For detailed reports, see Yangcheng Evening News or Jinyang Net


2012-12-23 19:30

I saw it on hot topics the night before. Cruel mother!

Fire Phoenix: Yes

Small peppers:

2012-12-23 20:20

Not all parents deserve the title of "parent", or are born without raising, or raising but not good, and cannot be compared with animals.

White Clouds:

2012-12-23 23:25

There is such a mother, and the mother is carved to death!!!

Fire Phoenix: Death has more than enough to lose

Little Shore:

2012-12-24 0:30

Man is inferior to beast, for whatever reason

Fire Phoenix: Why