
WeChat has new features again? Netizen: This features incense

author:Charm Changji
WeChat has new features again? Netizen: This features incense

Source: City Express

According to netizen feedback, the iOS version of WeChat has appeared in the "settings" - "general" - "photos, videos, files and calls" function has appeared in the "chat picture search" function, has been pushed to most users.

When turned on, you can search for images in the chat through the image message.

Users can search by entering image descriptions or text from diagrams in the search box.

This time also added "QR code", "screenshot", "people", "food", "plants" and other category search buttons, before that, the chat picture search function only allows users to enter text content and image descriptions in the search box to search.

WeChat has new features again? Netizen: This features incense

Many netizens said, "This function is fragrant~"

WeChat has new features again? Netizen: This features incense

Fish but not redundant: searching for pictures is also too smart, how I found out.

Fathead fish love grapefruit: this function is quite good.

Carbs: That's really convenient.

Orange Dip Pie: Photo albums are long available.

Some netizens also complained, "There are still bugs!" ”

Carrying Liu someone to school: it seems useful, but it feels a little useless.

Cool: Android wait?

What do you think of this new feature of WeChat?

What other new features do you want WeChat to launch?