
There is an indescribable pain called "lover"

author:Calm fox
There is an indescribable pain called "lover"


Love needs to meet the right person at the right time.

Meeting too early, or too late, is a desolation.

Meeting the right person at the wrong time is a heartbreak; meeting the wrong person at the right time is a helplessness.

Therefore, some love, see each other but can not love each other; some love, love each other but can not meet each other. Love to the end, but in ignorance, with a lifetime to forget each other.

Sauvignon Blanc memories, Sauvignon Blanc infinity.

Yes, love, will always provoke reverie, if you can choose, is it better not to see it? If you can do it all over again, are you still willing to fall in love?

If you regret it in the moment, can you go back to the beginning?

But it's too late.

There are always some "pity ifs", which is sad; there are always some unspeakable past, and they will keep asking questions in their hearts. The lost heart, in the dark night, like a twinkling star, the more it blinks and rejoices, the more it makes people fall into lovesickness, and it is difficult to relieve.

Spring flowers and autumn moon, summer rain and winter snow, have lost their romance, only because of the loneliness of the heart, will always infiltrate the once amorous heart, only sad spring and autumn, infinite desolation, only look at the moon sadness, lonely and seductive.

Only because, in this world, there is an indescribable pain, called the lover.

There is an indescribable pain called "lover"


A long road of life, a man, but longing to have a gentle and considerate lover around him, he works hard and runs to give her a better life;

Life is a long road, a woman, but longing to have a good person around her for a lifetime, hand in hand with her, resting under the roof, the earth for a long time.

However, people, often the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

Knowing each other, not pitying each other, in the world of emotions, there are always stories of regret and miss.

Therefore, in this life, there is a chance to meet, to be with each other in the next life, you are not the wind, I am not sand, on their respective tracks, holding hands with the most suitable person in the present.

Li Zongsheng once sang in a song: Crossing the peak, only to find that no one was waiting...

There is always a song, listening to it, the tears flow down unconsciously, only because the people hidden in the heart are pulled out by the song.

Love, always since it can not be mixed with each other, it can only be forced to "forget each other in the rivers and lakes."

Bind the heart, between heaven and earth, let loose the skeleton, comfort the wind and dust with wine, and let the acacia become a disaster.

There is an indescribable pain called "lover"


Countless movies, always the one with a tragic ending, are the most disturbing.

Only because, the prelude of parting, like drinking wine to heartbreak, hazy, throwing love like a streamer to Basho, from then on the end of the world, love is far away, love is endless.

Once two people, before the flower under the moon, you and me, every frame, is the beauty of the world. But now, there are only two kinds of lovesickness, two things don't worry.

Just like bao dai's love, a little bit of careful temptation, a little bit of effort to get close to each other, but in the end, it is still Lao Yan who flies apart, one drifts away with the wind, and one is a lonely widow.

Into the heart, with love, lovesickness is white; after parting, reminiscing about each other, several times the soul dreams and Juntong.

The red letter to the wall, the fly head small kai, word by word, wrote the pain of love.

On that rainy night, Baoyu braved the rain to visit, the laughter of the "fisherman and the fisherman", the glass lamp in his hand... She gave her heart out, and he received her throbbing heart, but he could not escape the torture of reality, the test of life.

The Buddha's saying has clouds: from love comes fear, from love to worry, if you are separated from the lover, there is no worry and no fear.

Yes, all love entanglements are because of encounters.

When Dai Yu was dying, she burned the silk of the inscription poem clean. People whose hearts are unpredictable, and those who have deep feelings know it.

There is an indescribable pain called "lover"


Zhang Ailing wrote the story of red roses and white roses.

The negative person got the red rose, but he wanted the white rose to add luster to his life, but "the red one has forever become the cinnabar mole in his heart."

It is true that what is not obtained is always in turmoil, and the favored are fearless. It can be seen that in life, the wrong encounter is just an accident.

If you love someone but are unfortunate enough to be abandoned, don't be sad.

For example, Jiaorui in "Red Roses and White Roses" turns away, asking him to envy her freedom, so that when he meets her in the future, he will "envy even her wrinkles."

The love of hindsight may be like a treasure for the negative person, but for the person who has been left, it is only like grass.

Since the beautiful vow is just a lie, why bother to continue to love, remember, remember, and make yourself sad.

There is an indescribable pain called "lover"


The vast sea of people, the encounters between people, are themselves full of Buddha-nature.

Just because too much love, it is so coincidental, not one step earlier, not one step later, so just met.

Although it was not earth-shattering, it thundered in the hearts of the two people.

Driven by fate, a story of love, but no chance. Fate, really wonderful, makes people meet, and makes people miss.

"Returning the pearl to tears, hating not meeting and not marrying."

From then on, she knew he was good, he knew she was good, and so, just fine.

Zhang Ailing once said:

In the world, there is no feeling that is not full of holes.

Yes, short love is a surprise, and a long loss is a tribulation.

Therefore, if in the end that person still can't become a pillow person, he may as well stop fighting against fate, and if he can't forget it, he will put it in his heart.

The most poignant thing in this world is just a regret.

And, the most beautiful love, often, is a regret.

There is an indescribable pain called "lover"


In that hurried year, there was a line: At that time, we always thought that life was only to meet, but we did not expect that there were regrets, and there was still too late.

Red dust is like a dream, how many people, "willing to have a heart, the white head is not separated", but in the end, it is only "holding hands and looking at each other with tears, and there is no word to choke".

You think you have found the person who "looked for her in a thousand hundred degrees in your dreams", but why "see each other and fight for each other, how ruthless it is to have feelings".

It's just a miss, but it's just "once loved".

In this life, there is always some love, you can't wait, you can't hope, and finally you can only persuade yourself to let go slowly; there are always some people, you see or don't see, he is there, with you in his heart.

Therefore, whether it is the end of the song, or the moon sighs, since that love is already a mistake, then don't put out the fire with moths again, don't lock yourself too tightly.

No matter what the future holds, people who have experienced this kind of deep love are happy.

Because of your love, dependence, not loneliness.

Whether that person still thinks about you or not, whether he remembers your past or not, he will always be in your memories, smiling, and gentle with your life.

There is an indescribable pain called "lover"

Author, Frank Fox

Figure, network

May you find in my words the ordinary years, a strong affection! Thanks for your attention!