
A commercial fully automatic coffee machine in a hotel, convenience store, or office? Take a look at this one

author:Currymi coffee machine

Every time there are new employees in the store, learning to make coffee is a difficult process. Semi-automatic coffee machines are not easy to use, the stability of flavor is difficult to maintain, and the different types of drinks needed by customers also make employees busy. For the demand for about 100 cups of coffee per day, such as hotels, convenience stores, cafeterias, offices, etc., how to choose the right commercial automatic coffee machine?

A commercial fully automatic coffee machine in a hotel, convenience store, or office? Take a look at this one

(Galame Commercial Automatic Coffee Machine)

For thousands of enterprise offices, Meiyijia convenience stores, Dicos, Salia and other well-known chain brands to provide domestic coffee machines with fully automatic coffee machines, a K95 commercial fully automatic coffee machine specially designed for the self-service industry. Compared with other models of Calaimei, it has the characteristics of commercialization and no self-help, and can efficiently make a cup of high-quality freshly ground coffee with a single click, so that everyone can become a coffee master.

This Gallome commercial fully automatic coffee machine occupies a much smaller footprint than a cabinet commercial coffee machine, but its functionality is not at all inferior to that of the cabinet machine. Gallome K95 has a self-inlet device, as well as a commercial 1Kg soybean tank and a commercial waste residue box, making the daily use and maintenance of the coffee machine more worry-free. Secondly, it adopts a dual-core production system composed of two heating modules + two water pumps. Each cup of coffee produced produces faster and more stability. At the same time, the K95 commercial automatic coffee machine is equipped with a high-definition touch screen, a color intuitive display interface to make the operation more clear and clear, 22 kinds of drinks, to meet the user's one-stop needs.

A commercial fully automatic coffee machine in a hotel, convenience store, or office? Take a look at this one

(Kalome K95 commercial fully automatic coffee machine)

This Currymi commercial fully automatic coffee machine can be configured with the refrigerator to use fresh milk one key to make delicate and dense milk foam, and long-lasting stability, one key to make latte, cappuccino coffee one key out of the cup, the coffee machine automatically made milk foam is no problem to pull flowers. Whether it is the choice of coffee type, and the stability of the taste can meet the needs of users, simple operation is suitable for the small white who has not used the coffee machine at all.

Catering to the needs of modern people's lives, it is equipped with a contactless scanning code payment system, which can realize a fully automatic unmanned use mode, greatly saving manpower, reducing costs for you, and meeting the needs of users who need to use fully automatic coffee machines for operators. Not only can it make it easy for O&M personnel to operate, but it can also realize self-service payment functions, and realize unmanned self-help in the true sense.

A commercial fully automatic coffee machine in a hotel, convenience store, or office? Take a look at this one

(Galame Commercial Automatic Coffee Machine × Meiyijia Convenience Store)

Domestic living standards continue to improve, the recognition and love of coffee culture also grows, coupled with the huge demographic dividend, stimulate the domestic coffee market consumption, coffee has become a necessity in life, convenience stores, milk tea shops are constantly launching novel freshly ground coffee products, Gallome as the leader of the domestic coffee machine brand, become a partner of a number of chain brands, the future commercial automatic coffee machine automation, intelligence and other comprehensive performance will continue to optimize, better present to everyone a cup of high-quality freshly ground coffee.