
There is always a poetic heart to write the sun and the moon (Wen Geng Handong)

author:China National Wind Network
There is always a poetic heart to write the sun and the moon (Wen Geng Handong)

1. Who is Mr. Fong Fooller?

Mr. Fang Fule also published a collection of poems, "The Poetry collection of Yu Feng Gelu", which is a collection of near-body poems. This should be Mr. Mister's fourth book, which has previously published "Yu Feng Zhai Poetry Manuscript" (2009), "Listening to Lotus Zhai Yincao" (2011), "Tianyun Yi Shi Cun" (2012), all of which are collections of near-body poems, all of which are the leading works of Huaibei in various periods, and the leaders in the creation of near-body poetry. The new book was written from 2013 to the present. A collection of 701 poems and 108 poems. It represents the latest and highest artistic achievement of Mr. Wang on the creation of near-body poetry, and is also the highest artistic achievement of the current Huaibei poetry circle related to the creation of near-body poetry. Therefore, the publication of the Collected Poems of Yu Feng GeLu is a fortunate thing for the cultural circles of Huaibei.

There is always a poetic heart to write the sun and the moon (Wen Geng Handong)

Knowing Mr. Fang begins with a poem. In 2012, I had the privilege of reading Mr. You Tianmu Lake's Sentence, whose neck link said: Qingshan bought as a flat painting, and the lake water came to cook snow buds on credit. I was amazed at the beauty of the verses and lamented the elegance of the poet. Although the verses are idyllic and calm, I read the poet's pattern is broad. After inquiring, I knew that the poet served in the trade union of a mine of Huaibei Mining Group, wrote more than 4,000 poems in his spare time, and served as the moderator of several poetry websites, each poem was broadcast, immediately spread, its fans reached more than 300,000 people, and more than 200,000 poetry reviews. China is the land of poetry, from the book of poetry to the ancient style of Han and Wei, and the poetry of the Tang Dynasty, every poet has left a gorgeous poem, which is the voice of the poets and the knot. The publication of Mr. Jin's Collected Poems of Yu Feng Gelu is a continuation and expansion of the Huaibei poetry vein since the Qing Dynasty.

Savoring the Collected Poems of the Foolish Grammar is like talking to a wise man. In front of his eyes, there seems to be a gentle old man, thinning his hair, flowing neatly backwards, wearing flower glasses, typing without hurrying, showing the poet's respect for poetry, showing the poetic heart of a classical cultural scholar, and the poet reads thousands of volumes, and writes like a god. Mr. Gu is not a guru in the creation of near-body poetry, showing his watchfulness and infatuation with traditional Chinese culture, ensuring the purity and high-end of poetry creation, so as to stand on the peak of Huaibei's near-body poetry creation.

There is always a poetic heart to write the sun and the moon (Wen Geng Handong)

II. What are the characteristics of the creation of the Collected Poems of The Foolish Grammar?

1, in the content: near fireworks, grounded gas.

Most of the poems in the collection are written about the things around the eyes, which are wonderful when they are handy, and have many resonances with the reader and find their own shadows in them: such as: Raccoon women pounding clothes to frighten wild birds, idle men leaning on their staffs to tease Sun Wa. Its sentences are natural and smooth, with few strokes, depicting the smell of fireworks and steaming villages in the world. Its emotions are frank and straight, so the language is not obscure; its feelings are scattered to Bo, so the language is unrestrained; and such as: the old man is confident that he can still drink, and he can drink alone in the poor eaves, and he is the most emotional (seven laws and leisure reading feelings) Mr. Slow cooking life, natural and casual, so hold the present, everything is at ease. In fact, fireworks is a breath of life, it exists really and simply, and there is a very thick human touch under the temperature, which is Mr. Mister's aesthetic orientation to the subject matter of creation.

The so-called grounding gas, one refers to the subject matter, mostly depicting the events or life phenomena of social life, rather than referring to the quality of the work, and it cannot be equated with the people of The Lower Riba. The second refers to the form of expression of the work, the language is simple, not pretentious, not obscure and difficult to understand. Most of the "Collected Poems of FoolishNess" such as "Autumn Mountain Scene", "Winter Morning Crossing Liuyuan Village", "Vegetable Planting Song", "Dawn Baiding Mountain Village Wind", "Hometown Neighborhood" and other articles, condense the fireworks of the world at the end of the pen, write the joys and sorrows of the world, this kind of beautiful life and the blend of scenes, expressing the dynamic investment in individual life and overall life, which is the publicity of life and life, and the literature without life is not real literature. This is the commanding height of the creation of the Collected Poems of The Foolish Grammad.

2, in the form: strict law, momentum.

China is the country of poetry, and chinese people reading poetry is bound to be Tang and Song Dynasties, and the poetry of Tang and Song is bound to be regular, and the verses are bound to be flat. Ping Shu is the most important grammatical element of near-body poetry. Alternate sentences, upper and lower sentences opposite, up and down to sticky. Mr. Yu's "Collection of Poems of FoolishNess" can be used as a textbook, please read "Old Street Fun" A century-old commercial store is a neighbor, and the stone slab long street is connected to Gujin. The old lane door bends nine ways, the short bridge stream 1, perfect, manifested in: the three words after the jaw connection are one and two, while the three words after the neck link are two and one sentences. Moreover, the jaw and neck joint of the confrontation are overall neat and flawless. The poet's sigh is dripping out to the end, like a horse taking reins, and The rest of the hiss is still ringing!

Some people will say whether the 'careful search' and 'idle number' of the neck joint are suspected of being in harmony. I would like to answer clearly that this is not a good match. Mao Zedong in "Seven Laws and The Long March": The Five Ridges are full of gentle waves, and the Umeng is majestic and walks the mud pills. Among them, Wuling and Wumeng were somewhat in harmony, but why did Mr. Zang Kejia, who was at the symposium held for the publication of Mao Zedong's poetry at that time, raise objections? Because they know that the talk of the palm, the three flat tails, and the three tails is that the literati who did not write poetry in the Ming and Qing dynasties were looking for the stubble of the Tang and Song poets to show their own superiority, which was actually a clear talk, and the carving insects were also small skills. "Sentence Reading Poetry" comes from Li Qingzhao's "Theory of Words" in the Song Dynasty, which is a criticism of Su Dongpo's words. Su Shi often wrote prose discussion into poetry, which was called "taking literature as poetry", and often wrote this characteristic of his poetry into words, also known as "poetry as words". Did Li Qingzhao's critique affect Su Shi's place in Chinese literary history? Besides, there is basically no such phenomenon in the Collected Poems of The Foolish Grammar, so how should we evaluate Mr. Li's near-body poems? I thought it could be said that in Huaibei, the handsome person of the near-body poetry is only Fang Fule alone!

3, in the language: strict knocking, magic white. Poetry is the alchemy of language, and because the near-body poetry has the requirement of a flat, it has a certain sense of rhythm and rhythm, which is often referred to as the sense of music. The ancient music of Gongshang Kakusei Yu, it is distributed in the rhyme, rhythm and duality of poetry, but it is not easy to get, which requires the poet to contain a strong alchemy kung fu, and this kung fu comes from learning, which can be accumulated and enriched, but talent and understanding are innate. In the Tang Dynasty, Li Bai's "Seven Absolutes, Early Hair White Emperor City", "Five Absolutes, Quiet Night Thoughts" and Li Shangyin's "Seven Laws and Difficulty in Seeing Each Other" all have a strong sense of picture and music, as if they are a set of beating notes, giving readers an endless sense of beauty.

We can find this feeling and enjoyment in Mr. Fang's "Collected Poems of Foolish Grace": the poet chanted in the "Seven Laws of Spring": Apricot blossoms bring rain to call plough spring, and mud swallows diligently comb willows. Plum falls on the afterscent of non-butterfly dreams, and the poets are highly interested in moving songs. The poet opened his arms and hailed the arrival of spring. The word "belt" and the word "call" here, especially the word "comb", are amazing! This is the language of emotion, but also the language of symbolism. In the "Seven Laws of Late Autumn Sending Happiness", he also chanted: Several trees of golden planes compete for shadows, and half of the court Guizi is just chanting autumn. Han Xuan cut through it and went up to the small building for the sake of sending Zheng Hong. A good sentence of "competing for shadows" makes people think of Zhang Sanying; "Qia Yinqiu", who is yinqiu? Three changes also! Integrating the poetic poetry of the ancients into their own works without leaving a trace is a kind of salt dissolved in water! The poet uses Jin Wu, Guizi, Han Sting, and Zheng Hong to express autumn, which is the language of imagery and the language of allusions. The poet was still unfinished, and sang in "South Lake Happy": Half Lake smoke and rain come to harvest, and the willow bank frequently hears birds chirping. Ten miles of light sails ploughing snow waves, a thousand heavy flowers and colors around the continent. Verses like this do not look very hard, but in fact they are like inlays, and the sentences are smooth and appropriate. Its sentences have no astringency, no cold words, but they contain extremely strong word refining skills. Because of the vulgarity and whiteness of poetry, it is the highest realm of language. As for the vulgarity and whiteness of the language, all the poets are the two Li (i.e., Li Yu and Li Qingzhao) in the distant ancestors, and they are close to Naran,and all those who learn its fine hips are all Fangjia. Bai Pu of the Jin Dynasty is like this, Zhang Yuniang of the Ming Dynasty is like this, Xiaoluan mother and daughter of the late Ming Dynasty are like this, and the Zhejiang Ci School of the Qing Dynasty is even more so.

There is always a poetic heart to write the sun and the moon (Wen Geng Handong)

Three. What can readers see in the Collected Poems of the Foolish Grammar?

1. The pattern is broad and the atmosphere is heavy. People's mind is regarded as a pattern, which is the scope of people's cognition of things. Zeng Guofan has such a famous saying: "Those who seek great things first emphasize the pattern", in fact, poetry is the same. The poet describes everything in the world. When it happens, it flourishes with birth. The poet of the ages should push Mao Zedong. A song "Qinyuan Spring Snow": thousands of miles of ice, thousands of miles of snow. Homophony "Changsha": All kinds of frost days compete for freedom. Yi Yi XiaoLing "Picking Mulberries and Chongyang": The Vast River And the Sky And The Frost. Of all the things in the world, the number of things is greater than the word "ten thousand", and its weight is no greater than the word "mountain". In the 1996 edition of Mao Zedong's Collected Poems, 67 poems were recorded, of which the word "wan" appeared 33 times and the word "mountain" appeared 61 times. Great feelings, very people can not catch also. Mr. Fang is a small person who does not dare to look up at Tianyan, but as a poet, he can learn to walk also. Therefore, there is such a verse in the "Collection of Poems of The Foolish Full of Laws", and the poet in the "Lyrical Nostalgia of the New Year" sings: A thousand old things become flowing water, and half a volume of Tang poems is used as food. In "Zhenghui Sannong", the poet also sang: Farming without taxation and benefiting families, there are thousands of waves of wealth. In "Huaixin Night Moon", the poet also sang: a leaf flat boat a pot of wine, a hundred rhymes and a hundred years of love. The so-called thick poems should be thick, and the so-called thick ones are thick and thick, that is, the momentum. If there is no pattern in the chest, it is difficult to become a big momentum. Because mr. encountered the problem, because the topic reached the feeling, because of the feelings of the sentence, read his poems, taste the meaning, can not but say that the gentleman is broad-minded and far-sighted.

There is always a poetic heart to write the sun and the moon (Wen Geng Handong)

Of course, the atmosphere of poetry does not refer to the thousands of mountains and rivers in the poem, but to the mind of the poet. The style of Mao Zedong's poetry is bold, and the knot of "Qinyuan Chun Changsha" is: Zeng Remember No, hit the water in the middle of the stream, and the waves suppress the flying boat. The ending of "Qinyuan Spring and Snow": the past, the number of popular characters, but also look at the present dynasty. There is no "ten thousand" word but how heroic! When we read the ending film of Su Shi's "Nian Nu Jiao Chibi Huaigu": The old country is wandering, amorous should laugh at me, early birth Huafa. Life is like a dream, a statue is still in the moon. Is this still extravagant? First of all, I would like to state that the author has no intention of comparing anyone to anyone, but only in terms of poetry.

2. True feelings and artistic conception. The most beautiful thing in the world is true feelings, and true feelings are the pursuit of people's lives. Poetry is heart-wrenching, infused with emotion, and poetry without emotion is pale. "Poetry Classic, Shao Feng, Drumming" chapter: Death and life Qikuo, and Zicheng said. Holding the hand of the son, growing old with the son. How many lovers, how many couples, how many boys and girls have been touched by the promise of two thousand four hundred years ago! This is the most beautiful memory and the most elegant emotion of the Chinese nation. Poetry is born of scenery and blends scenes, which is the context in which poetry creates true feelings, because painting real scenes and lyrical feelings is the first meaning of poetry. Mr. Chaji Village sang in "Chaji Village Evening Song": The wind comes and the flowers dance, and the clouds go to the moon as a lamp. Wash your ears and listen to the rhymes, and incense near the ancient vines. This is the poet in the beautiful mountain village, beautiful night, in the beautiful scenery, with a group of beautiful people drinking wine and admiring the moon, burning incense drums and pianos, it is really a beautiful love really flower good full moon! In the face of the half-stream flowing water, a thousand trees and flowers, the poet seems to be unfinished, and in "Untitled", he sang again: The vine window diligently tests ink, and the pine fire cooks tea carefully. The moonlight sounded, and the wind came to the bamboo shadow obliquely. The scene in the poem is the small courtyard, but where is the love? Let the reader taste it, and it will be clear that he is the owner of the small courtyard, and the good mood of the owner is love. In the face of the beautiful scenery, mr. reveled in it, boiled a cup of wine, helped drunk and admired the chrysanthemums, and recited a thousand poems. In "Moon and Night Aria", the gentleman chanted again: the breeze pities Julu, and the lamp reads the autumn pond. Put the crab a thousand glasses of wine, swing a hundred verses. When we look back and read continuously, does the image of a cheerful man, the image of a Confucian who is elegant and full of learning, and the image of a poet with great pride stand up in front of the audience? By what stands, is the true feelings of the scenery in the poem. If you read it, you know that this is the mood! The artistic conception is the beauty that thousands of poets pursue through the iron bricks. Or let's read the "Book of Poetry" again: I used to be in the past, Yang Liuyi. Now I come to think, rain and snow. The song sung by a nostalgic veteran on the snowy mountain road may make you understand better.

There is always a poetic heart to write the sun and the moon (Wen Geng Handong)

3. Reading thousands of volumes is inseparable from poetry

As far as the near-body poetry is concerned, whether the poems are divided into the Tang Dynasty or the Ming and Qing dynasties, there is no poem that is profound and profound, which is determined by the accumulation and knowledge of the author. Accumulation and knowledge are formed by the day after tomorrow, and reading is the only way. Waiting for loneliness and reading carefully is the best and most basic quality of a poet. Mr. Fong Fowler is a reader. In "Yuan Dong Zaxing", Mr. Li chanted: Who knows my old carving insects, learn to read morning and dusk to understand internal skills. This is a portrayal of an old bookworm. Mr. hanging horn weaving pu, sound vibration north of Huaishui; chiseled wall sac fireflies, Qinghui in the east of Xiangfeng. But the gentleman is still not exhausted, he wants to read the mountains and rivers in the middle of nature, so in the "Idle Reading Sense of Reading", there is the meaning of "reading in the boundless landscape book". In "Reading on a Rainy Night", there is also a state of "holding the volume and reading at night in the rain". In the "Collected Poems of The Foolish Full of Laws", there are more than a dozen groups of poems written by the ancients, about 300 poems, from which the trajectory of the poet's reading can be found. These poems are particularly thick, mainly supported by allusions, but these canonical poems are not separated and exciting.

Separation and non-separation is a state that occurs when the poet uses the canon. It is Wang Guowei's statement in "Human Words", which is explained in the most popular way, and what can understand the classic in the poem is "no separation". Looking at the allusions in the poem is very puzzling is the "partition". Wang Guowei also knows: Tao Xie's poems are not separated, Yannian (author's note: Yan Yanzhi, the word Yannian, the southern Dynasty Song Dynasty literary leading figure, famous poet. It is equally famous as Xie Lingyun and is called "Yan Xie". The poems of Dongpo are not separated, and the valley (the author's note: the valley is Huang Tingjian, a famous writer of the Northern Song Dynasty and the ancestor of the Founding Mountain of the Jiangxi Poetry School. ) is slightly separated. Two sentences, such as "spring grass in the pond" and "empty beams fall into the swallow mud", are only wonderful. Mr. Yu's "Collection of Poetry of Foolish Grace" records more than 800 poems in close body, and there are many dictionaries but they are not separated. It shows that the poet's selection of canons is extremely strict and has a very high degree of canonization. This is a height of near-body poetry creation, and the height of the poetry world is created by people, and Mr. Huaibei is the person who stands tallest in the Huaibei poetry altar.

At the same time, the author also has a feeling: Song Monk Huihong's "Cold Fasting Night Talk" Yun: Bai Lotte composes every poem, so that an old woman can understand it, asking, is it solved? Concubine, solution, then record it. If you don't understand, you will change it again. Therefore, the poems of the late Tang Dynasty are close to contempt. Therefore, if we talk about poetic style, Mr. Bai Juyi's style is closely traced. But poetry does not have to be solved by the old woman, because the audience is not necessarily an old woman. But it can't be confused, because the author's work is for the reader. Therefore, in the poetry dictionary "Separation and Non-Separation", the author still tends to be indistinguishable. Although poetry is not enough, the colloquial language is still the golden code of the poet.

There is always a poetic heart to write the sun and the moon (Wen Geng Handong)

It goes without saying that I have my own approach to the use of near-body poetry. A few years ago, the author wrote "Yong Dong Jiu" in a connection: Qingzhou engaged in drunken western boundaries, Hirano Governor Post Mian Yutang. Someone asked me online. What does It mean to engage in Aoshu, Hirano Governor: good sake also, 孬酒也. There is a public case in the history of literature, which is related to the separation of poetry and the separation. Song Wu Wenying, "Qi Tianle and Feng Shenju Dengyu Mausoleum": Cui Ping wet empty beams, flying late at night. It is considered by readers to be an "obscure" case. But if the reader knows its allusions, it is reiki that is in the middle of it, or it is a whimsical splendor. If the reader does not know its classics, it will be separated! Regarding Wu Wenying's literary entanglement of "Cui Ping wet empty beam, flying late at night", the author has written an article to interpret the book "Into The Gentle Covenant" published in 2007 to defend Wu Wenying.

At this moment, the author is holding his book in his hand, and there is a long stream of water, and there are red carp leaping waves. Looking at the peak of the mountain, a hundred birds flew over. Thinking about the beauty of Zi Zhang's lectures and the spread of Guangde's poetry, he was both intoxicated and infatuated. Therefore, the publication of the Collected Poems of Yu Feng Ge Lu is the afterglow of xianghuai's thousand-year-old literary context, and it is also a peak in the creation of contemporary Huaibei poetry circles.

is the preamble.

Lord Lan Chuanzhai wrote in the mid-spring of the year of Nongyin in the sun of Xiangshan

There is always a poetic heart to write the sun and the moon (Wen Geng Handong)

Mr. Geng Handong

【About the Author】Geng Handong: Self-styled Lanchuan Zhai Lord, he successively served in the Propaganda Department of the Huaibei Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Huaibei Daily Newspaper. Literary critic, poet, scholar of huaibei local history and culture, former chairman of Huaibei Poetry Society, vice president of Anhui Poetry Association, director of Huaibei Poetry Society Academic Steering Committee.

There is always a poetic heart to write the sun and the moon (Wen Geng Handong)

Fang Fule Profile: Fang Fule, pen name: Yu Feng, Bei: Listen to the Lord of Lotus, poet, photographer. Member of Chinese Poetry Society, Member of China Yuelian Society, Director of Anhui Poetry Association, Deputy Director of Huaibei Office, Director of Taibailou Poetry Society of Anhui Province, Member of Anhui Poetry Society, Member of Hong Kong Poetry Society, Chief Academic Director of Huaibei Poetry Society, Member of Huaibei Writers Association, Member of Anhui Photographers Association, Director of Huaibei Photographers Association. His works have appeared in various newspapers and periodicals in China, and he has written three volumes of poetry collections.

Editor-in-Charge: Ruoshui