
Has the little baby ever done anything touching?

author:Gegewitch parenting

Introduction: Only after becoming a mother will we find that small babies will actually bring us a lot of happiness and touching moments, and these are more like small surprises brought to our parenting life. In that instant, many of the mothers' bad emotions will be cured by such a baby who does not understand anything, and they will cherish and love their children more and more.

So, has your little baby ever done anything touching? Here, Xiaobian will share with you how our children moved my old mother when they were young.

Has the little baby ever done anything touching?

We always feel that the baby does not understand anything, but in fact, the baby's emotional perception of its mother is very obvious.

When we play with the child, everyone is very happy, and the baby will giggle along with it, but if the mother suddenly cools down, the baby will immediately react quietly. When he sees that his mother is unhappy, he will take the initiative to make a smiley face and make small actions to try to attract his mother and make his mother laugh again.

Has the little baby ever done anything touching?

So, don't think that babies don't know anything, they are more able to perceive the mother's emotional changes than others, and only when the mother is happy again, the baby can continue to be happy. Similarly, when you are depressed because of other things, you will also find that your baby suddenly becomes well-behaved and sensible, and even silently accompanies you.

There was a period of time before there was something going on at home, the husband also returned to his hometown, because the children were still too young to go back together, at that time, only Xiaobian was left alone at home with the children, and before that, there were husbands and mothers-in-law to help. Suddenly a person with a baby, it is inevitable that there will be some anxiety and surprise, and many things cannot be handled well in time.

Has the little baby ever done anything touching?

But later found that his baby in the father and grandmother are not at home for a few days, become very well-behaved and sensible, usually laborious feeding is also quickly drunk, the mother will not cry when she leaves a little, and it is much easier to sleep at night than usual. At that time, it was really a direct call for "our children have finally grown up", but when Dad and Grandma came back, everything went back to the way it was.

Maybe the baby also sensed the mother's dilemma at that time, so he also learned to understand things and try to cause less trouble to the mother. In the next few things, the baby will become particularly well-behaved and convenient when there is no one at home, and this is the most touching place, because they know the changes in the surrounding environment, and they know how to make themselves mature accordingly.

Has the little baby ever done anything touching?

Therefore, the baby may be more well-behaved and sensible than we think, and they will also know that they have done something wrong, and even want to make up for it and apologize.

Once when we were playing with the baby, the corners of the mouth were suddenly hit by the toy in the baby's hand and bleeding, and at that time, because the pain was a little excited, the baby should have been frightened. It wasn't until he had healed his wounds that the baby ran quietly to me, he couldn't speak yet, but as a mother he understood his guilt.

Has the little baby ever done anything touching?

The tender little hand wanted to touch the corner of my injured mouth, touched it gently, and observed my mother's expression again, until we reassured him that it was okay, and my mother was not in pain, and he laughed again. And when playing with the toy in the back, he also became much gentler, and never threw the toy at people again, perhaps he understood that doing so could prevent his mother from being hurt!

Therefore, small babies are such a being, you think they don't understand anything, but they will let you know in many moments that they actually know how to perceive and distinguish their mother's emotions. What is even more touching is that babies are easy to forget things, no matter how you treat them, they always love you as one, and after scolding and beating, they still want a hug from you.

Has the little baby ever done anything touching?

Important note: In the process of parenting, the most touching thing for mothers is that they have learned to distinguish between their mother's emotional changes, hope that their mothers can be happy, and know how to become quiet and well-behaved when their mothers are difficult, and they will feel guilty because of their mistakes. More importantly, no matter how the mother treats the baby, they love their mother consistently.

Today's topic: What interesting things happened between you and your baby when you interacted? Welcome to leave a message to discuss.

Has the little baby ever done anything touching?