
Hong Kong is experiencing an unprecedented outbreak after the holiday, allowing it to spread, which could cause a runaway situation like Japan and South Korea, and the WHO spokesman said that the transmission rate of Omicron has increased3

author:Deng Rushan

Hong Kong is experiencing an unprecedented outbreak after the holiday, allowing it to spread, potentially causing a runaway situation like japan and South Korea, and a WHO spokesman said the spread rate of Omi Kerong has increased by more than 30 percent. Carrie Lam, chief executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, revealed that medical teams from Guangdong and other places have been working in Hong Kong, and the "Guangzhou Press Release" confirms the news that the Guangdong medical team has rushed to help Hong Kong. Don't expect Britain, the United States, and Australia to "care about human rights." The people of the motherland are the ones who "send charcoal in the snow"!

#Guangzhou Headline# #香港新增4285例确诊 Set a new single-day high #

Hong Kong is experiencing an unprecedented outbreak after the holiday, allowing it to spread, which could cause a runaway situation like Japan and South Korea, and the WHO spokesman said that the transmission rate of Omicron has increased3
Hong Kong is experiencing an unprecedented outbreak after the holiday, allowing it to spread, which could cause a runaway situation like Japan and South Korea, and the WHO spokesman said that the transmission rate of Omicron has increased3
Hong Kong is experiencing an unprecedented outbreak after the holiday, allowing it to spread, which could cause a runaway situation like Japan and South Korea, and the WHO spokesman said that the transmission rate of Omicron has increased3