
Have you witnessed the charm of these traditional cultures in China for 5,000 years? Let's take a look

author:Costume Hanfu culture Chinese costume fellow robes

In fact, traditional culture has always been imperceptibly infiltrated around us, but we have inherited very little, so today we will continue the first five traditional cultures and continue to understand it in depth!

Have you witnessed the charm of these traditional cultures in China for 5,000 years? Let's take a look

【The first--Hanfu】

This is what many of us wear on the street now, and the history of Hanfu has always appeared from the period of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, which is the traditional national costume of the Han chinese in China, and now we also call it Huafu.

Have you witnessed the charm of these traditional cultures in China for 5,000 years? Let's take a look

In fact, Hanfu has been popular in the world since the Yanhuang era, but the basic form of Hanfu has been standardized since the Shang Zhou Dynasty, and the emergence of silk and other fabrics in the future, Hanfu has also been perfected and popularized. Although each dynasty had its own style, the characteristics of Hanfu itself will not change, but more reflect the cultural factors of the dynasty at that time.

Have you witnessed the charm of these traditional cultures in China for 5,000 years? Let's take a look

Hanfu is also the most emblematic of a gentle and elegant and inner show of our Han people, and the emotions expressed in each Hanfu are also different. And today's Hanfu, there are also improved factors in it, so that more people understand the charm of our Hanfu!

Have you witnessed the charm of these traditional cultures in China for 5,000 years? Let's take a look

Of course, when we wear traditional costumes, we should also know more about the cultural story behind it ~ we can't just love its superficial gorgeousness, more emotional factors should be the emotions and cultural confidence conveyed by Hanfu!

Have you witnessed the charm of these traditional cultures in China for 5,000 years? Let's take a look

【The second--Peking Opera】

Some people will question why only Peking Opera is the essence of the country and the rest is not? In fact, there is no such tricky way to say that only Peking Opera is: First of all, Peking Opera is the first of the five major Chinese operas (that is, it is the meaning of the opera boss!). The tone is mainly based on Xipi and Erhuang, and more is to use huqin and gong and drum as accompaniment. (For example, we sound more lively, it is Peking Opera, singing makes people more comfortable ~)

Have you witnessed the charm of these traditional cultures in China for 5,000 years? Let's take a look

Let's take a look at the history of Peking Opera, from ancient times to the present, there have been more than two hundred years of history, in the Qianlong period, there are three Qing, Sixi, Chuntai, and Chun in the south of the performance of the four major emblem classes into Beijing, they also accepted from Hubei Han tune artists, so the performance at that time, accepted the Kunqu opera, Qin Cavity and other overtures and advantages, combined into Peking Opera.

Have you witnessed the charm of these traditional cultures in China for 5,000 years? Let's take a look

Therefore, Peking Opera is based on Hui opera and Han dynasty, combined with the advantages of other operas, and gradually evolved into a rapid development in the Qing Dynasty court at that time, and soon spread out. So that in the later Republic of China period, the unprecedented prosperity of Peking Opera was achieved. Starting from Beijing, gradually Peking Opera went to the world.

Have you witnessed the charm of these traditional cultures in China for 5,000 years? Let's take a look

On the program of the Spring Festival Gala, we can see the prosperity of opera. The storyline of Peking Opera also attracts many people, he will not use a lot of intense and tense plots to attract the audience, singing will not be too exciting, in the continuous evolution of more to promote a stable style. (Maybe that's why it's the first of the operas!) A more powerful way of singing ~)

Have you witnessed the charm of these traditional cultures in China for 5,000 years? Let's take a look

【The Third--Traditional Chinese Medicine】

I don't know when the robes are small, prefer Chinese medicine or Western medicine, snails when they were young, drinking chinese medicine, really a bowl of Chinese medicine can open a painful memory, and more and more bitter. But I don't know if I have found that after drinking, we are slowly conditioning our bodies, maybe you have a cold at the same time, the body and mind will be very comfortable, this is the charm of Chinese medicine!

Have you witnessed the charm of these traditional cultures in China for 5,000 years? Let's take a look

There are also many healing processes in the current TV series, and it is very difficult to watch. As long as the doctors put needles in the acupuncture points, or just put the pulse, they will say the symptoms and the need for a few medicines. While admiring their skills, I also sighed at the efforts behind them. (How long does it take to memorize the appearance and effect of these herbs?) )

Have you witnessed the charm of these traditional cultures in China for 5,000 years? Let's take a look

The history of Chinese medicine can be traced back to "Shennong tastes hundred herbs". It is now more than 7,000 years old, and the theoretical basis of Chinese medicine, starting from the "Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic" of that year, has continued the spirit of Shennong and the wisdom of Chinese medicine. Relying on herbs, it has saved the lives of many ordinary people.

Have you witnessed the charm of these traditional cultures in China for 5,000 years? Let's take a look

Now we rely more on injections, Western medicine to help faster treatment, but there are still people who adhere to our traditional culture, this year's epidemic, but also rely on the combination of our traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine to be good ~ although we have not systematically understood Chinese medicine, but snail still hope that we do not forget this culture, the ability and interest of the robe, must be passed down!

Have you witnessed the charm of these traditional cultures in China for 5,000 years? Let's take a look

【The Fourth--Chinese Martial Arts】

Is it often seen in foreign videos that there is a study of "Chinese kongfu", this traditional sport, also has a long history, from the Shang Zhou period, also has its figure.

Have you witnessed the charm of these traditional cultures in China for 5,000 years? Let's take a look

It is not created and invented by a great man, but more of a certain mass foundation, in the long-term social practice of Chinese agricultural names, it has accumulated a certain foundation, and it is constantly improved and enriched, and it is a valuable cultural heritage.

Have you witnessed the charm of these traditional cultures in China for 5,000 years? Let's take a look

We see a lot of "big heroes" who have practiced Qigong and so on, which is a state of achieving mental qi and oneness. I have achieved the hand-eye body walking method, not only can I defend myself, but also do a certain exercise. So more people say that the sport of martial arts is a combination of medicine and aesthetics, but there is no lack of unique national style.

Have you witnessed the charm of these traditional cultures in China for 5,000 years? Let's take a look

【The Fifth--Calligraphy】

Calligraphy is also a course in many cram schools now, and many robes must have learned this (even the New Year's Blessing Characters, couplets may have been written by themselves!). )

Have you witnessed the charm of these traditional cultures in China for 5,000 years? Let's take a look

In fact, calligraphy has a history of 5,000 years from today, and since Cangjie invented and created characters, the pace of Chinese characters has not stopped. (Therefore, Cangjie also has a name called - the ancestor of the text!) Chinese characters have also left a lot of culture, so in the long river of history, the merits are also very remarkable.

Have you witnessed the charm of these traditional cultures in China for 5,000 years? Let's take a look

Calligraphy is gradually formed on the basis of Chinese characters. Beginning with pictorial notes, it evolved into writing, and with the advent of brushes, calligraphy was formed.

Have you witnessed the charm of these traditional cultures in China for 5,000 years? Let's take a look

From the oracle bone era has evolved into a large family of calligraphy, the Zhou Dynasty appeared jinwen, the Qin Dynasty appeared seal book, the Han Dynasty appeared Lishu, and later in the Tang Dynasty, there appeared in kaishu, xingshu, cursive and so on. Chinese calligraphy is also gradually moving towards maturity and prosperity, and we must also understand the four treasures of the study room - pen, ink, paper, and stone.

Have you witnessed the charm of these traditional cultures in China for 5,000 years? Let's take a look

In the end, we also have to inherit a lot of traditional handicrafts, such as paper kites, velvet flowers and other skills, which are also our good traditional culture, and there are many instrumental music - flute, guzheng, guqin. In fact, the phrase "Chinese culture is broad and profound" is really not wrong, many cultures are worth learning and developing, and the comment area says that you have a skill to be proud of?