
Ring the alarm bell again! Yichun recent electric vehicle fires frequent, fire safety should not be ignored!

author:Yichun fire protection

Electric vehicles are good companions in our daily lives

But don't forget

Security checks are done frequently

Proper use of charging devices

Prevent the occurrence of fire accidents

Fire cases

February 10 Yuanzhou District

Ring the alarm bell again! Yichun recent electric vehicle fires frequent, fire safety should not be ignored!
Ring the alarm bell again! Yichun recent electric vehicle fires frequent, fire safety should not be ignored!

An electric vehicle parked in the basement of a small district in Yichun City suddenly spontaneously combusted, and after the community property staff found out, they immediately used a fire extinguisher to extinguish the open fire, but due to the re-ignition of the electric vehicle, the staff continued to control the fire for the second time.

January 31 Manzai County

Not only their own electric vehicles are on fire, but also shared electric vehicles that can be seen everywhere on the roadside.

Ring the alarm bell again! Yichun recent electric vehicle fires frequent, fire safety should not be ignored!
Ring the alarm bell again! Yichun recent electric vehicle fires frequent, fire safety should not be ignored!

A shared electric car parked on the side of the road near Longhu Park in Wanzai County spontaneously combusted, and fire rescue personnel quickly extinguished the fire after arriving at the scene.

January 31 Mingyue Mountain Hot Spring Scenic Area

Parked electric vehicles will spontaneously combust, and electric vehicles in motion will also spontaneously combust.

Ring the alarm bell again! Yichun recent electric vehicle fires frequent, fire safety should not be ignored!
Ring the alarm bell again! Yichun recent electric vehicle fires frequent, fire safety should not be ignored!

When the masses drove electric vehicles through Liufang Village in Wentang Town, the electric vehicles in motion suddenly spontaneously combusted, and after the fire rescue personnel came to the scene to extinguish the fire, the electric vehicles have been burned into empty shells, fortunately, the driver abandoned the car in time to flee, without causing casualties.

January 20 Fengxin County

Ring the alarm bell again! Yichun recent electric vehicle fires frequent, fire safety should not be ignored!
Ring the alarm bell again! Yichun recent electric vehicle fires frequent, fire safety should not be ignored!
Downstairs in Fengchuan Township, Fengxin County, a charging electric car suddenly caught fire, igniting another electric car parked on the side.
Ring the alarm bell again! Yichun recent electric vehicle fires frequent, fire safety should not be ignored!

The fire also burned the security door of the residential building to black, fortunately the crowd found it in time, and the firefighters quickly extinguished the open flame after arriving at the scene.

Also because of electric cars

A fire accident in Shanghai a week ago

The price is extremely heavy

Ring the alarm bell again! Yichun recent electric vehicle fires frequent, fire safety should not be ignored!

On February 8, a resident in Shanghai's Putuo District put a lithium-ion battery for an electric bicycle in his bedroom, and the battery failure caused a fire, causing three deaths.

A fire in an electric car is very scary

What exactly is the reason for that

Caused a fire in an electric car

Reason one

Ring the alarm bell again! Yichun recent electric vehicle fires frequent, fire safety should not be ignored!

The cause of electric vehicle fire is usually the local overheating of electric vehicle electrical devices and contact connectors, and the heating is too fast and it is easy to cause fire. Therefore, in daily life, we should strengthen the inspection of electric vehicle wires, circuits, etc., to prevent poor contact caused by contact points ignition, heating, to avoid the aging of the line, wear and tear caused by short circuit, string of power accidents.

Reason two

Ring the alarm bell again! Yichun recent electric vehicle fires frequent, fire safety should not be ignored!

Poor quality chargers are prone to breakdown and other faults to cause fires, some charger lines due to frequent winding, pulling, aging and other reasons caused by the insulation layer damage caused by short circuit, and some charger plugs and socket board poor contact is also easy to cause fire. In addition, user modifications and improper maintenance can also cause electric vehicle line failures and fires.

# Instructions for the safe use of electric vehicles #

Ring the alarm bell again! Yichun recent electric vehicle fires frequent, fire safety should not be ignored!
According to the size of the battery capacity, the general electric vehicle can be fully charged within 8-10 hours. Charging is best done during the day and is supervised.
Ring the alarm bell again! Yichun recent electric vehicle fires frequent, fire safety should not be ignored!
The parking of electric vehicles can easily cause blockages in fire passages, and if a fire occurs, it is very unfavorable to evacuate the crowd. It is strictly forbidden to park or charge electric vehicles in public areas such as shared walkways, stairwells, and security exits in the building. It is strictly forbidden for electric vehicles to go upstairs and enter the house.
Ring the alarm bell again! Yichun recent electric vehicle fires frequent, fire safety should not be ignored!
When charging electric vehicles, it is necessary to carefully check whether flammable and explosive materials are piled up nearby, so as to prevent electric vehicles from igniting nearby items when they catch fire, causing a larger fire.
Ring the alarm bell again! Yichun recent electric vehicle fires frequent, fire safety should not be ignored!
If an electric vehicle is equipped with lighting, audio or batteries, it is easy to overload the line and cause a fire.
Ring the alarm bell again! Yichun recent electric vehicle fires frequent, fire safety should not be ignored!
In daily life, we should strengthen the inspection of electric vehicle wires, circuits, etc., to prevent poor contact caused by contact points ignition, heating, to avoid the aging of the line, wear and tear caused by short circuit, string power accidents.

Editor of this issue: Chen Yuxin

This issue of review: Chen Guangrui